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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. The best parties ive been to are the one i barely remember.
  2. You can plant a half acre of poison ivy for biz to set up his ground blind in the middle.
  3. Maybe just smarter ,I wouldn't necessarily call the older generation harder.
  4. I own a few ,they are all capable of hunting with , I shoot them the week before hunting season to make sure nothing changed . They always shoot the same ,always hit the bullseye. Guns are actually boring to shoot at paper.
  5. North towns still getting pounded like a 5 dollar hoochie on dollar day.
  6. I'd rather bang it out in multiple 30 minute sessions then one long rescue dig.
  7. Am i the only one who snowblows while it's still snowing out ? I would never wait for a storm to be finished to start clearing the driveway .
  8. I sent this thread to the Omega moos, they're in 100 percent for sure.
  9. My wife and I were snorkeling in paradox lake and went under with the go pro and got a video of me catching a small bass .
  10. I looked at rescuing a hound from Mississippi, somebody decided to brand their name on the side of the dog ,big letters ,the scars were still visible ,after you get so far south you start dealing with a class of subhuman species,I feel bad for the normal people who have to live near them.
  11. Makes ya wonder what else we shouldn't be eating.
  12. Great shoot today , my first time with no nickles.
  13. Go to the beauty salon and tell them you want the stuff for stripping hair of its color ,i can't remember the name off hand but will run out to the garage and check . It's a white paste that you paint on and let sit over night ,it's really easy to keep off the antlers . The last step i do after that is to wash with oxy clean ,it help take any left over smell away. While mine are boiling i put 10 mule team borax in the water .
  14. What kind of time frame , i read somewhere that henry is gonna be putting out 500 mag
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