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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. We built one a while back ,we just went across the pit with a 4x4 frame and built off that . We had an extension off the side to hang a shower bag and the water from that drained into the pit.
  2. It looks really good ,I'm a big fan of cous cous.
  3. Do you guys ever look at the food pictures and try to guess who posted it before looking at their name? If you see chicken fingers, it's a good guess it's mine !
  4. This is exactly why we make all our does take a pregnancy test before we shoot them ,some of them even let us do a sonogram.
  5. I would love to ,it seems like something always comes up every year.
  6. The 5 horse for the win . Hopefully my boy Ryan Dungey (also #5) can win the Vegas supercross tonight and win the title!
  7. I usually do , I actually just found a win and a Trifecta winner from Churchill Downs from last year's race . Stupid thing is expired though.
  8. Cheeseburger from Grovers on transit . I would have taken a picture but the wife and i had to eat in shifts , they didnt have high chairs so we had to take turns holding archer while the other one ate .
  9. The 90 acres that I hunt in cuba , the owner has said he would consider hunting if he had a tower that was heated with a little stove so he could cook breakfast up there and just relax . I didn't seem like he was joking either.
  10. Its all anyone can afford in a single visit .
  11. Morning ? It's usually around an hour, 2 tops.
  12. Chicken and a small pile of asparagus
  13. Ahhh yes ,the New York Times ,quality news right there.
  14. I'd like to give props and share a story that just may give some people a different outlook on people these days . My wife showed up at the doctors office yesterday ,she had archer with her . As she got out of the car and was getting the stroller out ,the rain just erupted into a down pour on here midway through getting him from the car to the stroller ,here umbrella flipped inside out ,the kid immediately went into a fit (must have scared him) . Some guy gets out of his car in this down pour and helps my wife with her bags and runs with her til she gets inside . Obviously he was soak and wet now , just to help out a total stranger. Props to that guy ,I'm sure he is in the minority of people who would do something like that .
  15. Where? My countdown clock says 152 days?
  16. I read somewhere that the new coach was the driving force behind the move .
  17. We're going to give one of these a try today after swim claes.
  18. If someone is between North Tonawanda and the meet up ,hit me up if you would like a ride . I'm not much of a drinker and will be sober.
  19. I've been told that tofu is just a flavor sponge , it will taste like what ever you cook it with .
  20. You'll be happy to know that Ford didn't take any money during the bail out.
  21. I'll honk back when I see you at the gas station.
  22. My brother in law is still waiting for them to call him back on the frame swap , he said a guy he works with had his done already.
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