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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. I can't believe you guys are still arguing about this ,19 pages !
  2. You certainly put in more time doing the right thing then other posts I have read before. It seems like you have the spot narrowed down ,hoping you still get him.
  3. That kitty should make some decent sized owl pellets.
  4. I keep tuning in waiting for an update on the deer recovery. I'm pulling for ya,I'm sure all of us are.
  5. Don't forget the toilet paper to mark the blood trail.
  6. I'm not even sure what LJC stance is on any of this after reading through all this ,am I the only one?
  7. My dad just pulled a tick off his neck last night .
  8. Raining lightly in friendship,no movement here yet.
  9. I waited in my stand last night for my dad to get there on his way down the hill, it was probably 15ish minutes after legal light,some kind of monster came high stepping it past my stand about 40 yards away ,I could see the outline but in the woods was too dark ,it's body was huge ,i saw something on its head but really couldn't make it out.
  10. My wife just texted me ,Archer is practicing to sit in trees like daddy.
  11. Been out in friendship for the last hour ,saw a fresh scrape and a new rub on the way in,the wind isn't too bad here ,decent gust once In awhile.
  12. Maybe if the orange army hit the deer with the first shot instead of outlining the deer with lead they wouldn't even know what to be skittish about.
  13. How is Franklinville a no gun zone? I'm in the same boat as you,I absolutely hate crossbows ,I hate the way they look I hate that they take zero skill to shoot good ,you need to just let it ,go clearly the majority likes these things and that's what should matter in this state/country.
  14. The first 6 or 7 years i hunted , i didn't even know what gun season was . My dad and i only used bow from start to finish.
  15. One in each cheek ,that way you don't get to switch sides if it gets too hot .
  16. I'm not a big fan of the Thordsen , i never feel comfortable with it but rules are rules.
  17. Grow ,that pumpkin picture brings a whole meaning to baiting deer , you even gave them a place to sit .
  18. I wonder how many mature bucks have responded to a grunt call ,only to find them selves looking up at a hunter , i would imagine it would only take once to make a buck skittish of a grunt tube.
  19. Rupert gets tons of ears scratchins, him and Archer are really taking a liking to each other .
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