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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Lawdwaz

  1. I should make You Tube clips too. These from last fall: Here in the pump station...... Exit...... And one more......
  2. Hang 'Em High!! Nice pics growie.......I'll try and get some up later.
  3. You CAN'T guess on these deer..........you must use a scale. Like 2012_taco said, a cheap scale isn't good. My uncle had a Cabela's brand scale that was consistently 5-10 pounds higher than our other older scale. We hung a guy from a strap and checked both........(not gutted)
  4. Hey Zem.......While looking for another picture I found this one. This is one of my sister's other cats and absolutely the 2nd greatest cat ever built. (2nd to Mr. Max of course.....) His name is Muffin and is as cool as it gets. Indoors or out; he rules the roost! Friendly as can be and comes when called.............. He even looks like Mr Max, a little.
  5. Seems to me that the average dressed weight of bucks in WNY (according to my success) are increasing. I've killed a few over 160lbs and two over 200lbs in the past 8 years or so. It makes dragging and butchering more work..... 204lbs last fall...... 217lbs in 2009..... 182lbs in 2012......
  6. Damn, I'm out of likes for the day. I owe you one!
  7. Strange deal but it sounds like he went the best way......peaceful in his sleep. Hopefully no suffering. I buried one a month or so ago for my sister/BIL. There's (one of four or five) died while they were on vacation. Not easy digging in the parched earth! RIP Mr. Max...............
  8. Holy cow, I need to work on things. Maybe someday I'll be able to kill one at 40 yards.........
  9. If this post pertained to the southern zone I could add something.
  10. TF.......I've hit a few that bounced off! Rt 19 in Belfast, Rt 33 in Lancaster (right by Fox Valley) and Canadice Hill Rd are where the ones I remember happened. ALL ran away, PDQ..........I can't say how they fared in the long run but they weren't DRT, as such, I can't count them.
  11. Moog......... I have about 10 "likes" left for today, PM where you'd like 'em!
  12. That SOB has given me shiit regarding everything from tube socks (ribbed for pleasure of course) and freaking wallpaper.............he'll have an answer PDQ as he's probably monitoring things from the subway............
  13. Is there much waterfowl shooting on the two lakes? I've killed some ducks down on Canadice but that was back in the late 80's-early 90's. It was actually very difficult shooting because they came in with the east facing hill (west side of lake) as a back drop and would get lost in the changing foliage. Never saw them against the sky.........it was tough! I know a few guys that hunt the creek at the north end of Hemlock and it shouldn't effect them.
  14. Around here deer hunting? If so, in pockets 95% of time. Opening day of gun season I have a pack loaded with goodies to spend the entire day in the saddle.
  15. Yesterdays rain MIGHT have brought the lake a coon's hair?
  16. Yes sir........The 2nd day of gun season 1999 IIRC. I had had a lousy archery season with my recurve bow; I had been on the traditional kick since 1987 and wounded and lost one deer too many that year. I was so disgusted with myself for the lack of practice I finished out the bow season and hunted gun the following Monday and Tuesday morning, headed back to civilization. I got home and showered up, then headed right over to see Roy. I don't recall if he had one in stock or if he had to order it but it wasn't long that I had those Easton ACC shafts smokin'. You should have seen the look on Roy's face when I walked in; you'd have thought he seen a ghost! He said "what are YOU doing in here, it's gun season". He knew I hunted with a stick bow but understood my plight. He's a good egg........... Sorry for the derail TF...........
  17. That's really nice grampy, hopefully your season is filled with wonderful memories for you and the boy. BTW, that is one BIG boy for 12 years old!
  18. I don't know if I can put it all to paper.........4-5 different traditional bows (one longbow, the rest recurve) 4 different compound bows (Darton SL50, Darton Maverick, Bowtech Guardian and Elite Answer) Shotguns....Two Ithaca Pump guns; 37 & 87 and a Remington 870. Muzzleloaders....T/C Hawken flintlock 50 cal., Knight Disc, T/C Encore 50 cal, NULA 209 Smokeless 50 cal. Handgun......Remington XP100R .260 Remington Rifles.....Savage 110 .308 ( I think I killed one with this gun but could be mistaken), Remington 760 .308, Remington 700 .270, Remington 700 KS .280, ULA/NULA .300WSM, 7mm-08 and 243, Sako 375 H&H. I think that's it..........granted, I just got home and am very tired. One thing I'm sure of though is the fact I've killed with recurve, longbow and compound. Centerfire rifle, centerfire pistol, shotgun, smokeless ML, Flintlock ML and inline ML.
  19. Here's another couple shots: Looking North again..... From the normal height of the lake, the car would be submerged in full fill mode.
  20. At least the south end is, LOL. My wife and I slipped out of town yesterday morning for a quick overnight in Wellsboro PA to celebrate our upcoming wedding anniversary. We've done it numerous times over the 25+ years of marriage as we both love the town. On the way down we detoured over to Canadice to see a friend and swap out trail cam cards. After that we headed down to the boat launch in Canadice to wolf down a sammie & a beer. (she had Snapple..... Canadice is really low to but there boat launch is still usable. We headed south and then west to Rt 15a but did another quick detour to the boat launch at the south end of Hemlock as my wife had never seen that end of the lake. Damn was I surprised how low it was! You couldn't launch anything as the mud and shallow water stretched for hundreds of yards in all directions. I don't know officially how low it is but I'd guess 6+ feet? Genesee Beer is going to have to borrow from Lake Ontario. Looking North........ Looking South.....
  21. Does Mr. Wells make this shot 10/10 times? Let's say by some incredibly bizarre chances Mr. Wells shanks this shot, (heck golfers/quarterbacks/goalies/basketball stars etc do, right?) do you think that video would be posted on You Tube? Think Ol Tim has EVER blown one of these shots and wounded/lost his game? Nahhh................. Maybe Tim took that shot because one of the guides was packing an '06 and being wide ass open country (not easy for darn sure) a follow up shot with a 165gr slug would end the hunt fairly quick? Bet THAT wouldn't make You Tube........... OK got run, have at it fellas.
  22. Not that I agree with the first shot at a running animal but there's a big difference in instinctive archery and the more modern pin shooting archer. A pinshooter wouldn't have a prayer on either shot......... Like Jim Kelly hitting Andre Reed streaking down the sidelines..........Gimme 6!!
  23. Ha, now that I read it in that context.......LOL.
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