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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Lawdwaz

  1. Test I see now........ And.................WHERE DID MY SPELL CHECK GO AGAIN?????
  2. Good spot Tim.............Happy Birthday G-man, have a good day!
  3. Ya can't kill 'em from the office........................... Take the day off; you'd rather kill one with the xbow than the gun, right?
  4. Lawdwaz


    Nooooo it wasn't directed at you or anybody, just something to chew on.
  5. That bear just wanted to go to bed with a full belly...............................
  6. Lawdwaz


    Not really relevant to this but Pennsylvania is 30 min BEFORE and 30 min AFTER sunrise/sunset. Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it............................................. Oh and they can't hunt Sunday...............................
  7. That doesn't count Red. By the trailer park? Man I'd like to hunt that!
  8. Opps.....congrats on the doe!
  9. I've never had that happen but I've had numerous (three) bucks show up while gutting a doe that was hot. I shot her with the bow and those three bucks just kept coming, the biggest was last and he was a beauty. If I didn't have bloody hands I'd have had a great picture.
  10. Great job........the ONLY bummer is you're done in PA as far as buck go. Oh well, it's plenty worth it!
  11. It sounds like you put 110% effort into the recovery attempt. Good for you and take some lessons from it and go forward.
  12. It could be a gut shot if you heard that noise?? I've never heard a any such sound from a lung hit and only shot at one deer over 35 yards. It was a big bodied thing and there is no way I heard that lung hit that piled him up in about 75 yards or so. Gut shots or bone hits are the only ones that i've ever heard a sound from. Could be guts/liver etc?? Maybe it was a high hit? Luck to you..............
  13. I had four hunts (am/pm counts for two) this week and saw one doe and six bucks in an area that is LOADED with deer. Too be honest, the one doe could very possibly have been a buck as I couldn't get a great look at it. It acted like it was a doe being chased by a buck but I'm not 110% sure. I think they are just getting run ragged by all the bucks............the fawns are scared out of their minds!
  14. What time did you shoot him? When you say "good shot" what did it look like? IE; quartering on or away, head on, going away or broadside? What was the reaction at the shot? How long after the shot did you wait? How far was the shot? How far did you track him before you lost the trail? The coming rains aren't going to work in your favor but hopefully he'll be recovered in the morning.
  15. Wrong my friend.......he's an A1 buck.
  16. You mean a one horn spike buck? Hopefully tomorrow will be the day..........
  17. HAHA!!!!!! I love it.................thats the best laugh I've had all day! Give her a fist bump for me.
  18. Lots of options from home made to store bought. I have a few different types and have one I'd let you borrow. I can snap a picture of them later on.............I just checked, they are a three piece bungee corded two legged design, made of aluminum. If you'd like to give them a try, I can drop them in the mail Monday.
  19. One of a thousand reasons to hunt from a treestand is the fact that for the most part you are shooting into the ground. Hey.....my spel chckr ain't working again? What gives?
  20. I still haven't seen crap from my Lazy Boy.............................................Listening to Willie's Roadhouse. Roger Miller "King Of The Road" playing now. Oh wait.................here comes a nice doe. No pics forthcoming on this one...............................................................
  21. This looks (from my FAMILY ROOM!) to be a perfect morning. I hunted Tuesday PM-Friday AM and had to come back yesterday afternoon. The weather (once again, from the FAMILY ROOM) seems calm and a nice temp with overcast clouds, perfect conditions. I hope to back at it in a day or so looking for a doe before gun opens. Good luck and if you're reading this in the woods: PUT THE DAMN PHONE DOWN AND PAY ATTENTION!!!!!! (Then post pics of your hunt!!)
  22. Lawdwaz

    SNOW IN 5H!!

    We had at least 3" up high in Canadice today when I left around noon time to come home. WET NASTY stuff!!
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