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Everything posted by Lawdwaz

  1. Lawdwaz


    I thought things were pretty normal in Canadice yesterday. I spent all legal hours of the day14' or so off the ground in my climber. I can honestly say there wasn't a single (or volley) of shots that got me excited due to their proximity to my location. I'm hunting a small tract (30 acres) with nobody else on it and most of the surrounding land isn't hunted hard at all. This morning I hunted Naples for a couple hours and heard 2 shots for sure, that's IT! Rifles (bolt, lever, single shot etc.) will definitely slow guys down as far as volleys. After a year or so of guys figuring things out they'll buy up a ship load of Remington 760's 7600's and 740's 742's 7400's etc.
  2. Details?? I'm too tired to search.........................grin. Congrats!!
  3. That I can understand, thanks for your service.
  4. I got ya. Understood...................... Like I said, space is a BIG issue for me.
  5. Lawdwaz

    Elite Bow?

    I have my eyes & hands on a 2012 Answer. I have it set at 54# and it is shooting sweet. I dialed it in a few days ago indoors then went outdoors the next day. Shooting off an elevated stand it shot smooth and fast enough with my logs (Easton ACC 360). I carried it tonight and will carry it in the AM tomorrow. I borrowed it from a friend and depending on circumstances, may be buying it. It has a CBE xmas tree (!!) sight, HHA rest and Elite quiver. And a HUMONGOUS peep sight that I like!! Can't wait for next year already!!
  6. It wasn't too bad tonight. Tomorrow sounds pretty good, IMO.
  7. Wow. A funeral, maybe. Wedding, NFW. Have a nice time.......................................................
  8. Lawdwaz


    Oh, the one next to the omoprizole, enalipril and blue cheese dressing? It's all mine except the dressing!! Good eyes..........grin
  9. The electronic powder measures I've seen are pretty big units for a small cluttered bench like mine! I have and use two old time (25 years old!) measures, an RCBS and a Redding BR 30. As far as inputting all your load info. into the electronic machines, I'd say you REALLY have to pay attention to your inputs and load changes each & every time. I'd probably then be checking the numbers on a balance beam scale anyway!!
  10. She's a howlin' alright! (again.........)
  11. He has what I'd call common sense.
  12. The absolute worst thing of all is the sun. I'll take clouds any day over sun in the woods. It makes seeing deer much more difficult. The temps don't thrill me either but I can deal with that.
  13. Egg salad, hot chocolate, pea soup and some little snackers of some sort. If I'm not successful, I'll stay up in my climber from around 6:15am until about 5:00pm. No cigars this year. First time in probably 35 years. (I hope I can still kill a buck!!) Only two things get me down to the ground on opening day, a dead buck or mother nature.........................
  14. Wadded up newspaper will help the moisture wick away.
  15. Hey, TODAY is my daughters birthday! Sweet 16........................................!!!!!! She has her permit as of 3:00 today. Caution..................
  16. You early birds got a jump on this one! Happy Birthday Irish Redneck.........................& another hardy congrats on the baby!
  17. I just bought a book on making sausage. After reading it it sounds like a real pain in the azz. Maybe the author is just being cautious but man does it seem like a time eater...........Canning sounds like it might be up my alley? I'll check out the unit CHC is using. Any other suggestions to canners?
  18. Lawdwaz

    Elite Bow?

    Who's shooting one and what model? Thoughts? Thanks!
  19. I'm with you on this one. I don't know how in the hell I'd even carry one with all the clothes, pack and gun I have most of the time. I sure as beans wouldn't want a handgun yanking my drawers down (even with my suspenders!) and certainly wouldn't want to mess with it when Ma Nature knocked...........................grin. Shoulder holster; along with my safety harness and binoculars? That ain't happening. I can see if I guy is going for a walk around the woods or going for a quick sit someplace but it seems like it'd be a PIA, IMO. Ammo cost for a finishing shot? Please.......................
  20. How do you carry that gun, shoulder holster?
  21. Hoping for Birthday Bucks for all!!
  22. It's just a little comment between friends. Got any? Oh yea, no Cosco up here yet.
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