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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. pretty sure they already tried to kill that president in south america using a drone a while back
  2. i think one is expensive and maned. Typically not a helicopter or hot air balloon hovering over my sunbathing wife. The other is cheap, unmanned and a little creepy as the result. You have no idea the intentions of an unmanned flying contraptions. Does it bring weed or does it bring a pipe bomb? Is it spying on my 11 year old daughter and her friends in the pool or is it taking pics of my neighbors house for the realtor. you get that at least right?
  3. oh yeah man I know the ground shrinkage feeling all too well. But with just a week left I wouldn't have hesitated either. Any buck kill with a bow is a trophy, especially if you've been putting in your time. That feeling is exactly how I felt after a much smaller 4 I took last year. Couldn't have been happier and didn't give a flying flock what anyone else thought. Such a great feeling to make a good clean kill and punch that archery tag.
  4. Heck of a 4 point, wow! I'd have taken him too and then cursed his dad for his genetics haha.
  5. I know. I wasn't really recommending it. It's definitely technically trespassing. With an asterisk though.
  6. man... at least he has some spread and height. Just a messed up rack genetically or injury perhaps. The buck that was hit just looks like it never grew like it should.
  7. i have a pool. Pretty good privacy fence around it and my kids and wife use it most of the summer. My wife's not back there nude or anything, but damn if that's still not an invasion of my privacy and the expensive ass fence.
  8. just this past sunday I believe we had a west/sw wind sunday morning in 8f. Had a nice 2.5 year old 8 come in and bed down about 40 yards in front of me near the top of a raised area (I wouldn't call it a ridge) but it was certainly high ground in the area. The wind was blowing into the slope and into his face. He relaxed there for about 20 minutes, occasionally lifting his nose to scent check. If anything came from behind him, he was screwed. We have had pretty good rut action around this time and there was no doubt in my mind that he was using this spot as a good scouting area for doe. so idk... when people say play the wind, I think it's important to play it both ways. that's all.
  9. an interesting read. seems there are conflicting laws here and it's still pretty clear as mud. https://www.dorsey.com/newsresources/publications/client-alerts/2017/09/the-legality-of-downing-a-drone
  10. a lot of honeywell land in Tully that is posted and sometimes patrolled. But guys hunt the heck out of it. access is your biggest issue to this posted private, but kind of public land haha.
  11. well that's pretty shitty. What about middle eastern style rock throwing?
  12. can i also legally shoot it down though?
  13. I believe you're correct. But as culver mentioned, he still has to WANT to do the search, and I'm not sure the DEC would without a more credible tip.
  14. the rack on that buck does not do his body justice. odd.
  15. yeah i read a little ahead and I get it. I still feel some were also just willing to give the neighbor a pass because he didn't have proof. There's noway to prove it without trespassing. So I guess I see where the guy is coming from at least. to your post earlier too, I don't know if the dec just goes traipsing on peoples property on a tip with no evidence.
  16. wow. I dont understand the untagged doe. I get why guys don't tag bucks. But a doe?
  17. that is a good point. many archers have a habit of dropping their bow arm. lighted nocks don't help the cause. as far as nocks. I've had carbon express lasereyes (easiest to use, but not very bright). lumenocks (finicky and didn't care for them) and nockturnals. These I like the best for hunting. They're super bright, fairly cheap and very consistent. I don't practice with them though as you need a tool/knife tip/field point to reset them. I hear firenocks are great too but can't stomach the cost.
  18. fair enough. Not sure hconn really said anything all that bad though.
  19. I get so confused. Am I allowed to hunt how I want as long as it's legal or is there still a baseball style unwritten rules book that I must follow?
  20. as an add on to your question, sometimes bucks will do the opposite so they can post up and scent check during the rut. I know that's not what you asked, but i feel it's worth noting.
  21. sometimes this place is confusing. 80% of the time everyone is ethical and morally god like in everything they do. Yet here, you're getting bashed because your hunting is ruined by someone possibly breaking the law? How is this any different than the same people who get all riled up about shooting 10 minutes after legal light or trespassers is beyond me. good luck and I hope it works out for you.
  22. I wouldn't take advice from a guy who still shops at dicks because they're cheaper. some people have principals, and others are just looking for the easy road in life.
  23. bullets and blades do very different types of damage.
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