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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. Some of my most detailed strongest memories are of my failures. Not only during hunting, but also during life. I think that's how we grow and learn.
  2. It's not black and white if i remember. We've had multiple page threads on it. I always found it interesting watching some of the hunting shows out west where they dont even chamber the round till they're in shooting position. I generally understand not having one in the pipe, but always like having the mag loaded regardless.
  3. holy jesus mary and joseph. You sure that's not on 4 seasons farm somewhere? lol
  4. "inevitable" is a tough word. I suppose if you only took shots within 15 yards or so and never pushed it even a little you may never lose one. But even then, there are so many variables. I've been hunting almost 20 years. I've missed a handful of times with both gun and bow and lost 3 or 4 with gun. It's a terrible deal and one we all work hard to prevent. But it does happen. I think most of us would say that if you did everything you could do to find the deer, then that's about as much as you can do. There's a story I posted last mz season where I tracked and put down a small doe that the neighbor wounded the night before. I retraced the whole scene in the snow and saw he gave up after about 30 yards and when the woods got thick. He never came back the next morning either. That's the kind of thing that makes me mad. You owe it to yourself and that animal to put in your best effort. And even then, it doesn't always work out.
  5. does anyone have any idea what's going here? Is there a filter I need to turn on to decode this?
  6. I think around 12:00 is a better example of real worldish conditions and a result in a high chops/spine hit. But we've all said our peace. lets get back on track or start a new thread.
  7. agreed. But then we get into the "after sunset" with a loaded gun debate
  8. So lower vitals to above spine is what 6 to 10 inches? so lets say he ducked 6 inches at the sound of your release? Assuming you're not shooting a recurve... 300 fps at 35 yards. Your arrow traveled 105', meaning his reflexes allowed him to drop 6 or so inches in 0.3 seconds. I've missed a few deer in my day too. It happens.
  9. Asking a retired trooper and reading the regulations are very different. I know which I'd trust. You don't even need your center fire rifle with you during the regular season. While hunting you can open carry whatever you want. It's your right to hunt with that pistol. NY of course, unlike some states still requires you to have a permit and to have that handgun registered to your permit regardless if you're cc or hunting with it. Some counties are even tough to get a cc and all you get is target and hunting. I don't cc during bow or gun. I've never felt threatened on my dad's land, but I understand those that might hunt public land have a good reason. This is one of those areas kind of like having 10 rounds in my mag instead of 7 and if I need all 10 to defend myself or family, I'll deal with those consequences later, knowing I'm alive. I doubt many wardens would pat down a bowhunter looking for a concealed handgun... unless of course you use it to kill an injured deer. Which many would also argue is illegal, but ethical.
  10. A lot of people also spend more time indoors or in a car. We're packed tighter in offices and schools and not everybody does a good job with their hygiene and changing filters/cleaning in their homes. As a result, even the healthy and outdoorsy types get exposed more now than ever before.
  11. that sucks. I've never experienced it, and it always seems to happen so fast that I sometimes question it. I know science has proved it does indeed happen, but please don't take this the wrong way, I think your shot was high anyhow if it was a complete miss. Maybe a blessing that you didn't hit the non-vital area below the spine?
  12. she's a mature breeder for sure. 3.5 and up easily. I would put her closer to 150 and lighter by the time rifle opens up. Does can be deceiving in size.
  13. That’s a poke. Do you have a 30 yard pin or possibly aim high with a 20? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Sat on a stink bug so not a good start. Lots of fresh scrapes including this dandy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. that would have been one hell of a story/video. thanks for sharing.
  16. yeah I'd say the same. any deer, buck or doe is a feat and trophy with the stick and string.
  17. we hunt out of big mikes. not sure if they're big mike or big mike xl. I believe we have an ameristep too. I'm 6/1, but we sit in them all. Practice obviously, but sitting and shooting isn't too bad if you're bow is at the right poundage.
  18. even under an evergreen the heavy snow will probably fall and cave them in. Usually an easy fix but a pain, especially in the dark. I have a single man chair blind that I used on public land. Easy to pack in and pack out but has it's disadvantages too. I would recommend you brush a blind in good and early though. You're getting close to the rut now and you should make the move quick if you're going to.
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