I wanted to tell this story and I'll tell it in detail because I know some members appreciate a story. For those that don't, you wouldn't read it anyhow. I tell this story because I hope it helps others, I may get a bashing and I deserve it. But I'm thick skinned enough that if at least 1 other member takes something away from it, then it was worth me sharing. Simply put, it happened and not posting it doesn't make it not true.
Yesterday was my second day in the woods this season. My first was 5/2 and I lasted only a few hours after being rained out. I decided to take a vacation day and got up early and headed to the spot where they had been roosting and where I had some action in the rain. I was only able to hunt 2 days of the early MS season before we moved so I'm really just getting into the season. It was a beautiful day, but the birds weren't very vocal. I was setup and waiting by 5:30 and ended up sitting till around 8:30. There were a few close gobbles but nobody was playing ball. At this point I was just happy not to be at work and enjoying the warm morning and figured I'd stroll over to the fields from the hardwoods to see if anyone was out and about. On the 1/2 mile walk I would stop and cluck a little with my mouth call. Saw a bunch of deer and was really just enjoying being in the woods and walking. As I neared the field edge I got a double gobble response from the pines. I had a choice. Do I pop a squat and call them in the woods or do I work towards the field? I decided on the latter clucking every so often and occasionally getting a response from what I could tell sounded like 2 jakes.
I made it to the edge and sat down in the corner of a rock pile fence that separated 2 fields. I'm in the corner facing south with the hedge row at my back and to my left. Quickly set the fanny pack on the ground, left the decoys in the bag on my back and quickly setup my MAD x-blind. I proceeded to make short mouth calls. The gobbles rang out and I backed off. I had not had time to range the field and I didn't have time to get a decoy out. About 5 minutes into the impromptu sit the 2 vocal jakes enter the field from my left where the woods and rock pile fence are. I'm shooting 3.5" hevi-13 loads ($5 a shell), a pure gold choke ($80) out of an 835 with Bushnell TRS-25 red dot. I'm as ghilie suited out as one could be from head to toe and everything is camo. I later discover they're at 60 yards. I wait, heart pumping, gun level on the x-blind and safety off. Patient I tell myself. They're too far. They start to slowly work toward me. Man I wish I had my hen decoy out at 20 yards I think. Do I call? Call is in my moth, wouldn't require movement... nah. They work closer to what I discover later is 50 yards. I'm patterned in to 40 but I know my setup is capable of 50. I like to think I would not have taken the shot if I knew it was 50.
The closest jake makes a move to re-enter the woods. I believe I'm at 35 or 40 yards and place the red dot on his neck and squeeze. You forget the force of those 3.5's haha, but the adrenaline is rushing. He tips over. Hell yes I think. He quickly gets up and enters the woods. My heart sinks, but I jump out of the blind, decoys on my back and pump in another shell. I hurdle the blind and take off into the freshly tilled field like some sort of WWII soldier storming an enemy bunker. I cut into the woods and see the bird is about 20 yards into the pines and it looks hurt but is moving. I start after him hoping he's hurt enough for me to catch him and deliver a head stomp. I hurdle pines and brush like I'm filming the movie The Last of the Mohicans. I lose him. shit. I scan and see movement. I pursuit. I lose him again. By now we're about 100 yards from the shot and into the pines and thick stuff. nothing. I scan. nothing. I start moving. Do I move quietly or do I make a racket? I call. Nothing. Why would he answer dummy? I start frantically circling the area I last saw him. Is he dead? Is he alive? There's no blood, there's no white belly to look for. Shit. I circle a few more times and spend about 30 minutes. I find a trace feather and mark the spot. I go back to get the rest of my stuff and survey the shot. I range it to be 50. dammit Brandon. I'm sick. There are feathers. Not a ton, but enough, I have pictures if it's worth me sharing. I grab my gear and follow the pursuit. There are more feathers. There is no blood. I think I may have winged him. Is that a thing? I spend another hour hoping I jump him, but nothing. I try crow and owl calls. Nothing. Finding a body would be nearly impossible. I head out dismayed and sick. I would have taken a complete miss and blamed my gun or my nerves over this. I've spent 1/2 a day tracking wounded deer. This just isn't the same thing. I feel hopeless.
I'm happy to take thoughts and suggestions. I would also like to know if there is anything I should have done for a better recovery. I am a turkey hunting novice but my advice is this. Be patient. If the shot doesn't present itself, don't pull the trigger because it's your "best shot". Wait for the right one. I'm going to check my pattern tonight to be sure, because the shot placement was true I believe, but the bird is dead or injured and that sucks.