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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. changed a timing cord on a QAD for the first time. it was extremely easy I found compared to some reports of it being a PITA. took me about 5 minutes. I used Gibbs Super D-loop material for the cord seemed to be the perfect size and fed through the holes very well as it's stiffer with a bit of memory.
  2. not common but we've also heard of that. I've never seen one in person. https://www.qdma.com/articles/weird-whitetail-buck-had-a-mane
  3. Most don't think about it until something like this shows up.... https://www.qdma.com/articles/deer-with-upper-canines local buck around here.
  4. I've had Bowtech, Diamond, Bear, Hoyt, PSE, and Elite bows. I've shot and tuned Mathews bows a bit but never owned one. I can't get past their new Halon with such crazy large looking cams. Not all speed bows are created equal but I agree. Most are better suited practicing judging yardage and/or carrying a range finder with a slower and probably relatively more forgiving bow in hand.
  5. I know a shop owner who hunts with one. it's a nice shooting bow. only reason I didn't go with it was because I was looking for something a little longer (more comfortable anchor) for 3D. definitely would be a sweet bow for hunting. stabile enough but more than manageable out of a blind or a stand. for hunting I'd rather have an easy stealthy draw than raw speed most times. I don't really stick to a brand. whatever I like that shoots the best for me. came close to sticking with one brand because I almost was a shooting staff member. shop was really too far from me though that wanting me to represent them and was going to contact the manufacturer. brand loyalty is what it is but the "fan boy", every other brand sucks, new bow at retail every year mentality just makes me shake my head.
  6. what was it about? not seeing anything dated today. maybe I looked in wrong spot.
  7. it'll be interesting to see how resale value is with the E35 now that Elite has come out with the Victory 37. same speed as the E35 but 37" Axle length. definitely will be a favorite for things like 3D and maybe even some western bowhunters. i just got the Victory and haven't even set it up yet! i thinking i'll just roll with it slightly longer and slightly slower.
  8. my cousin bought a bow from a big box store. they set it up without him apparently touching it. set his draw length and eyeballed tuned the rest. then brought it to me to get it dialed in. before i looked at it he came to full draw said it was a piece of crap and felt weird. I turn around and his cam was all messed up rotation wise. string wasn't in any track and barely on the post. thought I was going to get a string whip to the face. we got it down and through it in the press right away. the big box store "bow tech" had draw stop off by more than a few positions and cam was way out of time. it was as if a string or cable came off post and they just through it back on without checking anything. I got it shooting perfect but could've been a problem in a hurry. same bow my cousin ended up draw firing twice. lol... poor thing was doomed from the beginning.
  9. as long as a doe is in heat or going to be bucks will keep their testosterone levels up and not shed. probably enough late cycling doe or fawns up to weight. it's been pretty mild winter in general so far.
  10. i've witnessed or been next to someone that's shot without an arrow or came to full draw without one with the intent to let it rip. it's happened over a dozen times by probably that many people.
  11. a couple shops around here have Techno Hunt where you shoot at a video screen. Just fun. Won't make you better except shooting trad. I have a club next door to my house that has a winter league for vegas spots (20 yards indoors). you can get 30 yards out of the range. if I want to brave the cold I've got a good 70 yards worth of targets in 10 yard increments set but can go much further. i'd like to sell my Hoyt target bow as I just bought a new Elite target bow. only need one. It'll be setup for 3D but i'll fine tune it with indoor spots before I take it out to stretch distance.
  12. just curious, because my immediate family has a farm of similar size. do your neighbors take any doe? bucks in the area seem to get shot or shot at some how. in my experience even with that kind of habitat and acreage it's work to get 3:1 doe to buck ratio. surprising just how many doe you need to take or how many bucks you need to pass to get that. our doe to buck ratio has been a good 5:1. past few years we've taken more doe and passed more bucks so it's probably better but probably not even 3:1 yet from what I've seen. before only a couple doe would get taken each season if that. with the amount of deer sights everyone is comfortable with i don't think we could get better. otherwise to do so we'd really hammer the doe and sightings would go down. doesn't hunt as big as it is either with larger hay fields.
  13. some put a lot of emphasis on lingual crest being flat, blunt, round, sharp, etc. on each molar. I've seen it vary quite a bit so far with a lot of them being broken at some point instead of just worn. you can still see the infundibulum between lingual and buccal portions of teeth on fourth tooth back so i would've said it's less than 6 yrs old despite weight. with what i see, I would call it 5.5 yrs old. could be 4 though i suppose. thinking about weight it's a little more than 4.5 and 5.5 yr old bucks taken around here but your soil is a bit better out there in general despite we're ag ground around here. regardless it doesn't change anything about it being a deer anyone would want to take without hesitation. had a 196 lb'er shot on neighboring property and not that far away another probably 4.5 yr old that weighed 186. only other way to contemplate how old is don't throw away the incisors if you do trim up the jawbone and instead send them in. pretty accurately done by lab with deer up here that don't get supplemental feed year round. i don't off many farms that leave crops standing year round to feed deer all the way through the winter. i think you did good though. I'd hang the jaw bone under the mount and call it an awesome season.
  14. i used to. i just wish they would've given DMPs for there in advance versus just the first and one at a time. never saw any huge bucks but know they're around. those bucks tend to whole up in sections of woods that aren't huntable. plenty of doe around and probably in their safe haven. don't need to travel much.
  15. the 3 duck ponds are 2.5' at their deepest. banks separating them just tall enough so waterfowl can't see any others in any of the other ponds. so many duck boxes per pond. etc. I know of some that have an outlet for vernal pools off a main pond. stone wall leech separating the two. vernal pond so shallow that every so often you drag it in spots like a farmer lays out strip crop fields to have growth start over. our game fish pond was pretty much one but then we decided it'd be a good spot for a bigger and deeper pond. bottom composition I think is important depending on what you want out of a vernal pond I've been told. a lot to building ponds and a lot of it is beyond my knowledge.
  16. as each year goes by I think more and more about using lighted nocks. they really do help you find arrows.
  17. this is what i've found with our bass pond. we've got half dozen bass that have stayed right around 5-7lbs. then some midsized bass. if we don't take any out and they don't get any bigger.
  18. we've got five for different purposes on the farm. 4 were just made. we've got a lot of clay and then one is fed well enough with an outlet. one serves as a buffer for spring sourced water to an old farmstead. three clustered together are engineered waterfowl ponds in an open swamp. last one is a game fish pond that replaced an old pond that filled in too much to support anything more than bugs and frogs. now it's 10+' deep with 3' tall rock structure exactly where I know it is offset from center. all very different.
  19. if you just hunt and practice at modest distances out to say 50 yards then you don't really need the straightest arrow. just makes sure both nock and insert ends are square as possible. I shot the Goldtip Expeditions for a long time and practiced further than I mentioned. Easton makes a lot of great arrows too.
  20. I know this thread kind of died but I figured I'd bring this up again. i'm going to be dealing with jawbones from the co-op i'll keep an eye out for those early born and late taken yearlings that might have a two cusped 1st molar, meaning the three cusped molar was just replaced.
  21. knowing what they came up with are you going to post photos to let us see what the jaw bone looks like? congrats again. it was a heck of a buck.
  22. I don't think it's meant to be a finger pointing competition. i'm pretty sure none of the political leaders mentioned are ok with death. you stop keeping count after they left office?
  23. I've thought about seeing it. anyone check accuracy or how much Hollywood may have twisted things? it looks like a good movie. I'm just not really that up to date on the issue. I just know people dropped the ball to send in help. a US consulate/embassy shouldn't ever feel unsafe. at any point if security could be compromised then any one should have full US military support at their aid and be plenty capable to stand their ground. I mean these places are put their to help the host country out by supporting US Americans traveling and interacting with these other countries. it's there in peace. when crap hits the fan a US citizen abroad should have no hesitation these are safe havens.
  24. hard to say what the best buck would be. I don't know as if I care though. I just know it'll be larger than all of them I've got on the wall now, because I'm see one maybe every other year. a friend has a non-typical just over 200" and that I could definitely see being the his biggest he'll ever get. if you go at it long and hard enough, generally you end up shoot what you've seen. in my situation I've got a lot of buck of a lifetimes to help fill so that will hopefully keep me going. haha... half a dozen think they've had there's this year but they'll see or have seen bigger so there's a good chance they're peaked out yet. I don't think I fit the original post criteria though because I've got multiple goals that are equally important vs just bigger antlers every year. I screwed one up already. didn't pull the whole jaw and send teeth out to get an age on a doe I took that was probably around 12.5 yrs old.
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