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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. Quickload would definitely do me in being an engineer. it'd turn it into an addiction probably where I'd never be satisfied.
  2. anyone notice how temperature stabile powders are? for example are there powders that you don't want to work up loads with during the summer to shoot them during late November when it's freezing?
  3. Had that last night at the house. Sub in the rye for Irish soda bread.
  4. Supporting a local new business. Ribs baby!
  5. be advised the crossbow bill isn't on the list but here's a link to another thread that talks about it....http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/32139-new-x-bow-bill-s7005/
  6. you just have to be careful with a pot and using lots of pressure to try to do something. if you're not careful you'll squeak. for spring turkey you can kill birds every season making clucks, purs, and yelps from a pot.
  7. Not much to post for a reply to keep this from getting buried. Really just to keep some informed with a meaningful, subject relevant political post. lol An updated list of legislation that had to due with deer hunting some might find useful. Anyway, do get your friends together to write into or see your representatives. if any of these bills mean anything to you, they are your means to make things happen. Proposed NYS Deer Related Legislation – 2016 March 17, 2016 Below is a brief, updated listing of currently proposed NYS Legislation pertaining to white-tailed deer issues. Bill S4727A Sponsor : Robach Assembly A7171A: Worner Relates to the illegal taking of deer and provides for increased penalties for illegal taking. NYS currently has some of the lowest penalties for illegally taken deer. Proposed penalties are significantly greater and more in line with other jurisdictions. Status: In Codes Committee. 3/17/16 Co-sponsors-Gallivan, Seward, Marchione Bill A7583 Sponsor: Lupardo & Englebright Senate S5135 Relates to extending the authority of DEC to manage white-tail deer and black bear hunting in NYS. This is a periodic reauthorization of deer and bear hunting in NYS. Status: On the floor calendar for vote. Bill A8471 Sponsor: Ortiz Relates to the issuance of Deer Management Permits (DMPs) to Disabled Veterans. Need to provide service related disability and own 50 acres of land. Status: In Committee. 3/17/16 Co-sponsors-Gunther, Colton, Weprin, Hooper Bill A5906 Relates to a periodic preparation of a Deer Management Plan by NYSDEC Comment: The Statewide Deer Management Plan was most recently updated in 2014 and is not due for updating until 2019. May be reintroduced again this session; previous versions have prescribed deer contraception for Long Island Status: Passed both houses last fall. Vetoed by the Governor on Nov 21, 2015. Bill S6665 Sponsor: Akshar Authorizes use of Rifles for Big Game hunting (deer and bear) in in Broome, Chenango, Tioga Counties. Status: In Committee 3/17/16 Bill S3101 Sponsor: Richie Also A1816 by Gunther Relates to landowners who permit recreational access . Amends liability of landowners who allow recreational use of their lands. Provides that landowners owe no duty to keep premises safe for entry. Status: In Committee 3/17/16 Bill A1159 Sponsor: Gunther Relates to the right to hunt, fish and trap in NYS and provides for regulation by DEC. Status: In Committee 3/17/16 No Companion Senate Bill Bill A3742A Sponsor: Gallivan Also S93A Regulates the taking of moose in the same manner of taking deer. Status: Referred to ENCON Committee 1/6/16. Bill S4666 Sponsor: Lavale Also A6777 by Thiele Extends the time period for the taking of deer in Suffolk County from December 31 to March 31. Status: Referred to ENCON Committee 1/6/16 Bill S4368 Sponsor: Bonacic Also A4358 by Palmesano Requires the Commissioner of ENCON to promote hunting, fishing and Outdoor Education in High School and Physical Education Courses. Status: Referred to ENCON Committee 1/6/16. Bill S92 Sponsor: Gallivan Also A5492 by Nojay Eliminates the requirement that hunters wear a back tag during the hunting season. Status: Referred to ENCON Committee 1/6/16. Bill S3025 Sponsor: Larkin Also A773 by Gunther Provides for Lifetime hunting licenses for Honorably Discharged Disabled Veterans. Status: Referred to ENCON Committee 1/6/16
  8. i think there's no need to fear lead as much as some posts came across to suggest. i also don't think "evidence" that it can cause health issues should be ignored either. i think most sportsmen share this same sentiment though. lead isn't going away anytime soon. I think it'll take manufacturers to volunteer and market more options with reason for their business not to take a hit. there has to be slow market growth. specific groups within the sportsmen community being required to use it or everyone in general being forced to use it isn't working or going to work. people who NEED it now pay too much for it. a manufacturer ban on lead ammo production would destroy the industry and cause good ammo to be impossible to get for various reasons. It's just something that's going to take a very long time to change. promote it's use but don't claim the sky will fall if we don't. that's where I stand not by choice but by necessity.
  9. I don't eat the varmints. however, there in is the problem of preventing other wildlife from getting to it. a deep dry hole filled in seems to be the only way and that's just not feasible every time I go shoot something. I've had shallow graves dug up at times. for wood chucks if I have reason to believe there's no other chucks in the hole i'll toss it back in and fill in the hole. otherwise, I try to at least throw it in a hedgerow or bushes at the field edge. something like a coyote will probably find it and gorge on the spot. at least birds of prey aren't finding it and spreading it over longer distances to bring some back to their nests. for turkey I already use non-lead shot. I'm getting into reloading and will most likely load non-lead ammo for big game hunting to reduce cost and help ensure performance. some uses there's just no easy way around it though, that includes exposure and not just worrying about meat contamination that you or wildlife will be susceptible to.
  10. I don't have too many calls. I use a green scotch pad for everything. used to use fine sand paper but I felt like it took too much material from the surface instead of keeping it conditioned. I mix and match all my strikers and pots to find that works for a particular bird. friction stuff I've got.... Strikers; Primos Custom Dymond wood, Sweet Cedar Calls hickory, Mountain Hollow Hickory, and Mountain Hollow Acrylic. Pots; Primos Jackpot slate, Sweet Cedar Calls Cherry pot with slate, and Mountain Hollow Double talk Xtreme (acrylic pot with slate on one side and glass on the other). Boxes; KITS calls cherry, Sweet Cedar Black walnut/sassafras they all work great but some all always in my vest. to draw birds on a chain I'll use friction but then soft stuff to draw them in I switch to a mouth diaphragm so I'm on the gun and ready. little movement and screwing around to get busted.
  11. i'll try to post up a thread with stories and pictures once things get rolling. maybe it'll get more off season less controversial traffic on the forum. definitely a fun time and looking to take some youth hunters out. very good practice to hone your shooting skills.
  12. aren't most pellets out there lead or lead alloy??? I hunt varmints and go through at least a 100 rounds per year on "kill shots" with that one gun. I shoot competition with pistols and go through another 420 rounds just for competing. (I can't even use jacketed or non-lead ammo for competition.) big game rifles I go through maybe a half to a full 20 round box a year if conserve ammo. shotgun ammo I go through I don't know but it's probably enough to be significant. any other suggestions?
  13. awesome gun. definitely relating. i always wanted an accurate varmint rifle. i happened to be in the gun shop just browsing. found a very lightly used Savage Model 12 stainless laminate varmint rifle chambered in .223 that I was drawn too. wasn't impressive caliber choice, but I had to have it for some reason. pretty accurate and use it to shoot woodchucks with. definitely my favorite gun. I've made great shots. I get just under 100 on good summers but only really hunt my parent's 350 acre farm. getting less of them in easily picked off areas and more next to roads and other places that's hard to get clean and safe shots. same situation here. most of the farm is hay fields so there's still plenty of opportunity. ​this weekend i'll probably be out with it. seeing some chucks starting to wake up to look for partners. hope you get a chance to take that out. be a shame to let it sit there with a cool barrel.
  14. I thought you said Rob's evidence was good. now it's not definitive? added with mine too? what if someone went on the MidwayUsa site averaged ALL the cost per round of lead hunting ammo and then averaged non-lead hunting ammo? Don't expect me to do this. I already have a good idea what the answer will be, and you can't afford my rates. for others like damaging guns you seemed to ignore evidence that's qualitative and not quantitative. you're treating much of it as inadmissible when in fact it wouldn't be. not quite sure what your roll is but you seem to be playing judge, jury, and prosecutor. I've got more evidence for you for the first one... my wife ate venison before, throughout, and after pregnancy. she breast fed. 2/3 of that venison has been from deer harvested with a gun and ammunition with lead. everyone in the household eats it including my daughter even before she had teeth. it makes up probably 90+% of your diet for meat. haven't gotten a single pediatric blood test back saying any blood lead levels were anything other than negligible. it should also be noted that I participate in mostly indoor pistol competitions, including clean up where lead bullets are used exclusively. while I take measures to prevent health risks and unnecessary exposure to it, I do not see its responsible use a grave concern. I find it hard to believe anyone here cannot honestly acknowledge it's probably a good thing to move more and more away from using lead ammunition. Also, an outright ban on lead and exclusive use of non-lead ammo is just not feasible or good for sportsmen in general.
  15. I meant to say in southern states not say southern tier of this state. I have though known many that hunt close to a butcher shop have their deer gutted there too. the list differs from here but is mostly the same. not too many eagles by me. I frequent a local shop and they have a guy come get the deer renderings. I do not know exactly but know they just aren't dumped somewhere. I believe they're incinerated if I was to guess but I've never felt the need to ask for further detail. I'm not referring to premium bullets... Remington Cor-lokt, Federal Fusion, etc. some bonded and some not but very affordable and commonly used bullets have an 80+% weight retention. I agree prices fluctuate wilding and 7mm-08 is a more expensive caliber across the board. I think we could agree if you go into a store or shop to buy factory loaded ammo, non-lead hunting bullet varieties will be much more expensive. approximately what I previously posted for comparable bullet weight, etc. not sure why myself. my experience and that of a couple others I know have seen more copper or other synthetic fouling. not new bore versus old bore either. barrels broken in with standard jacketed loads.
  16. Winchester Model 94 chambered in 30/30 Win with side mounted tasco 3-9x30 scope. setup hasn't changed in 40 years, as my dad used it at 16 and then my brother and I after that. I did add a hammer extension back when I was 16 and used it. hasn't changed in as long. nice gun airdale.
  17. if I were to bet money.... I'd say a vast majority of hunters use a general purpose shotgun with a field barrel and aftermarket turkey choke. that's probably more the reason many most likely have a 26" barrel. probably don't have it specifically for increase in velocity.
  18. just use a light thin oil. there's other things that will give off more scent with your bow setup like your release strap, wrist sling, etc. that most don't pay any attention to. ​...a little will go a long long way.
  19. I think manufacturers should make it more readily available. right now there's no demand but as some voluntarily switch it won't be as bad. once I get into reloading copper bullets will be my choice. until then I don't really have one.
  20. ...and one of the bow setup things I noticed is having a nock on the top. they come like this from the factory but it's assumed you'll change it. tie a soft nock underneath and then use a d-loop. this keeps slight pressure upward on the nock versus down. this keeps consistent pressure of the arrow down onto the rest, eliminating some slight inconsistency. less weight too for more speed.
  21. I don't use the shorter barrels that are out there. I think mine is 26 or 28". I use a more open and longer transition PureGold choke with hevi-shot. the barrel isn't cryo'd but I polish it before, periodically during, and after testing some patterns. Benelli barrels are a bit tighter than others. I feel like I get higher velocity and a harder hitting load, but it's a bit finicky with patterning unlike say an invector+ system.
  22. video was alright with a lot of great points. some things i saw with bow setup I have issues with, some minor form quirks, and burying the string so deeply into his face. just try to use all your muscles rather than relying on just some while drawing. also stick with lesser weight enough where you never think about your bow being too hard to draw. if you can't draw sitting down or when it's really cold you're probably shooting too much weight.
  23. i use one most of the year. i worn one out in the sense that the igniter doesn't really work well. i take it hunting woodchucks from spring through until fall. spring turkey season i use it. during archery comps and hunting chucks in the dead heat of summer. early warm days in the deer stand with a bow i use it too. it works great even for the deer with a nose. takes a little while to get heated and working well. also not as good with the more of a breeze you have. when have it sitting there have the pad up to work better. also don't try to "get the most out of" your pads. about 2 hours of use is what the box says even though it'll be still a lighter blue with repellent.
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