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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. year ago I had issues with my right shoulder. I shoot right handed. . basically I was in a car accident that tweaked it a bit. healed fine I thought. then while my wife was in a long labor I put weight on it wrong, slept a little on it wrong in crappy chair I got, or something else. after that I couldn't lift my arm and babied it a bit. after much of the pain went away I lost ton of strength and range of motion. couldn't even wiggle the string on a 50# bow. finally saw primary doc and then went to a PT doc. still not sure if something tore or pulled or what. did exactly what PT said now I'm fine. could pull over 70# easily. between those experiences and shooting I've learned you have to stretch the muscles after and sometimes during exercise. that includes shooting bow often. also keeping muscles toned for the job is key. if it's been a long off season turn the bow down and build up to full weight before the season. season is long too so shoot when you can during the season. just because you can get the bow back doesn't mean you're conditioned to do so and aren't doing damage that will catch up to ya. cold long still sits on stand doesn't allow much warming up. when you have to stretch legs though and move a little move your arms too. pull with same muscles using other arm for resistance, then release resistance and stretch. do this a handful of times to warm muscles and get a deep stretch. stretching cold muscles can do more harm than good.
  2. i had a kid turn left and right in front of me as i had a green light going straight through an intersection. he had a chevy blazer suv with heavy front grill bars and skid plate. it totaled my little cavalier. nobody stopped who noticed or was in a position to notice who happened to be there. to place fault. his parents showed up and coached him on what to say. the mother even consoled him and then tried placing all the blame on me. she wasn't even there. i didn't get confrontational or anything because i was still in shock and couldn't believe i wasn't dead. it actually messed up almost all my bow season. hurt my shoulder and couldn't draw any bow back. i understand them coming to their son's rescue. however, the lies and not respecting the fact their son almost killed me doesn't sit well. not that I'd recognize them now but if i came across them we'd all have a talk to put it lightly. another time i was headed down a back road doing the speed limit of 55. i had someone pull out in front of me at the last second from a side road. took up the whole lane and then some. like a deer in the head lights they froze and sat there. i skidded and swerved hard to miss them. skidding out of control somehow i regained control and drifted to a stop just before the ditch on the other side. out come of that one was much better as we both drove away without issue. scary crap happens out on the roads. just being a good driver doesn't mean crap. that's why i don't have a motorcycle despite wanting one forever. glad things turned out ok for you guys.
  3. if i was to knock everything down to one thing aside from obvious clothing, weapon, and license it'd be a wind checker puff bottle that was in my previous post. when the thermals are working and the wind lays down or in hilly country here in eastern NY they're just invaluable.
  4. i don't really spend that much on scent sprays, body & hair wash, and laundry detergent. get them on sale usually. im with WNYBuckHunter in that I'm aware of more honest expectations. i can reduce my scent enough to make a deer hang around a handful of seconds or more longer downwind. sometimes it's enough to allow me to get a shot off on that deer or a deer upwind in front of me. it's like catching a whiff of something in the breeze and stopping to think where it came from or what it is, versus somebody opening up a neglected gym bag in your face. reactions and actions from the smell are very much different.
  5. 70 is fine but I don't think I could point a bow from a treestand and draw straight back on a buck. depending on the draw of the cams 80 could be rough. even if you can draw it does mean you're conditioned to. shoulders would be shot after a year if you weren't. 70lbs, heavy arrow, and the right head will get you penetration pretty far out there.
  6. there's some NWTF, Ducks Unlimited, and other organization branches but I've assumed you know about or picked up a lot of those.
  7. west Albany rod and gun club galway fish and game club forbes rifle and pistol club Hudson River Branch of QDMA Capital Region of NY Branch of QDMA guan ho ha fish and game club then for the Adirondack Foothills Pistol League we shoot against a Glenville club
  8. Mathews Safari bow has a peak weight of 85lbs and weighs itself just under 5 lbs. Got to be built like a brick sh** house to hunt with that thing regularly.
  9. I think it's important to remember that the stages of the rut haven't really kicked in yet. despite conditions are great for deer movement I'm still going to hunt carefully and not in my best spots. there's absolutely a chance to get a good buck but I don't want to burn out my best spots so soon.
  10. I figured out just like any other deer they do start going down hill with their weight. seeings probably somewhere between 6.5 - 8.5 or something. oldest doe I shot had a huge frame like that. she had a dry udder. also had a huge frame compared to rest of the doe hanging, but only weighed just over 95 lbs. looked like a dairy cow.
  11. while there is a difference it's pretty subtle. many can't cook venison worth a damn and don't store it in the freezer well enough to warrant worrying about taste of a mature buck compared to one that's not. while I agree those are not my words. multiple well known wild game chefs I've met at outdoor shows and other places have said it.
  12. they're exactly the same as the one that came with my open shot. you didn't get one?? I could see 1 or 2 more being useful but don't feel as if I need more than the one.
  13. that's Cameron Hanes. he's an except to the rule. he practices everyday out to 160 or so yards. he shoots over 80 lbs of draw weight with very heavy arrows. he still usually takes animals much closer. he's not sponsored by Hoyt, SpotHogg, and Underarmour's "poster boy" just for the heck of it. crazy in shape for a relatively older guy.
  14. i carry a bunch of small stuff but things i won't go without are a small Lansky pocket knife, small flashlight, windchecker puff bottle, and rangefinder. beyond that the obvious weapon to kill the deer and my license. those are the bare necessities. rangefinder doubles as binos being 6x.
  15. these should be pretty nice when done. definitely got some work into them or one.
  16. i use a small Summit Open shot climber. no front rail. i have a rope connecting top to bottom as a safety tether. bungy with accessory hooks for feet on bottom portion to climb. then i've got a cinching nylon strap. use strap to hold both sections tight for packing. use it fastened to bow and to bottom platform to hoist bow up with me. once to the top I tighten up tree strap attached to my harness. hull bow up, set it on seat, and then take the cinch strap around the tree and top section of the stand. I also have it around quiver so it's detached and cinched to the side of the tree. system seems to work very well. getting angles of platform and top section right from start ​to finish just takes practice. it usually starts at a good 45 degrees though.
  17. sounds like you're good. was out of the country when the party in here was going on. 125gr heads are a tad much for your setup with respect to arrow spine. I like Easton tuning charts. they don't leave much to assume. good luck this season. i'm in the capital region otherwise i'd help you with bow stuff.
  18. no bad but there's lots of stiff competition out there.
  19. a lot of people seem to screw up the "roman nose". it really doesn't have much to do with the nose but the side profile of the head. wider the angle between the top and bottom of the face (more the side profile looks like a triangle) the more it's a roman nose. some screw it up because they see a young heavy buck with just a short skull. "turd poker" is a bit hillarious​ another characteristic of 5.5+ is it'll look like the neck carries crazy mass right up to the head, as if you could shove the bucks head down into the neck with plenty of room.
  20. fully expect you and your entourage to shoot all three and send the teeth in to know how we all did. we're waiting too so sooner would be better.
  21. that's not the definition of trajectory. it's defined as the entire path of travel, not just the initial direction it's pointed. in this ****ed hypothetic situation of someone productively shooting a bow so out of tune it's chucking arrows with nock end dragging low through the air. you're not actually seeing lift. the arrow shaft is forced to change the direction it's pointed by misalignment of the initial force pushing on it. the surface area of the blades with fixed heads might add to turning the shaft more momentarily once it's already cooked. the nock end of the shaft is then forced back into alignment with the heads trajectory. it's position is changed but it's still falling. when it hits the target it just appears like it isn't because a portion of the length of the arrow that changed position is significant compared to the arrows "drop" or vertical change along its trajectory. lift requires an airfoil or solid surface that constantly changes the flow of air. the reactive force of air then counteracts that weight of the object. you don't have this surface that's constantly positioned to act as an airfoil to create lift. ...I'm done.
  22. it is wrong to be ashamed that I realize I should've posted those links? I'm a horrible branch volunteer. somedays my cheapness gets the best of me I swear.
  23. I've got a Nikon Riflehunter 1000 since it first came out. it has the red backlight. drowns out the field of view a little but it still works just fine in low light. it's automatic so I don't choose to use it or not. I've used it in rain, fog, and everything else with no issue.
  24. I'd still go back if the wind is right. more than the one doe comes through there I'm sure. don't be surprised if she walks in with eyeballs glued to the stand though. just stay still and wait it out for her to look away or get behind a big tree that's closer to her than you.
  25. anyways.... with the vane thing I don't know if it's been mentioned but a hair dryer will straighten them out completely if not a whole lot. if you've got a whisker biscuit with two colored whiskers make sure none of your vanes are passing through the colored whiskers on the bottom center of the rest. they're stiffer and will where out your vanes much quicker.
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