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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. probably not if you're taking your time.
  2. I don't agree with posting his personal info and making it that personal. Online bullying starts that way and can get a bit vicious. Some might see it all and run with it a little too far. HOWEVER....... HAHA!.... don't call him names?? really?? he basically took the first shot and called many on here an idiot and said we're ruining hunting. if cupcake didn't care for heat he wouldn't have started a fire. i'll keep it civil though.... his post was really beyond his control. he's huffed beaver castor, feces, and urine one too many times and apparently that's getting to him. maybe if we all encouraged him lay off it a little while, he could convey thoughts of wisdom that do not seem to be derived from the anal region. you know what if he's willing to accept, I'll donate at least a handful of coyote pelts with 300 win mag holes in them to help pay for his rehabilitation. come on folks lets help the guy out!
  3. be aware that while old wooden stands my have helped take deer, it doesn't mean they're in the best spot to keep from being busted. I've seen and hunted out old stand locations to find the wind sucked a majority of the time or a one and done stand. also it's ag ground. farmers like blowing out hedge rows and changing the landscape to make fields or field access better. we've got old stand locations that are dead but they used to be great when the landscape was different. best stand I know got ruined doing those kind of changes too. I'd do some homework from a far first. your bound to screw up, as we all are. your odds will be better though in my opinion.
  4. yea that second one is clearly a yearling but the first one is definitely 3.5+ I'd think and a shooter for most. ...missed the second round of pictures. still looks 3.5 to me could make a huge jump in another year but... I don't believe I could pass it! lol
  5. yea I'd say this year he's a 4.5 yr old great buck. hope you get a chance at him this fall.
  6. set on the downwind side of corn and alfalfa fields and watch from a distance. see what the deer are doing and then move in closer.
  7. 30-30 chambered Winchester model 94... dad's gun he got his first deer with and then had to track it down as he sold it. many years later I had it in my hands and took my first deer with it, a 6 pointer. probably 2.5 years old. my younger brother ended up using it to get his first deer too.
  8. agreed.... little johnny better be pounding paper plates and tin cans long before testing skills on game. otherwise, how could anyone determine he's skill proficient and fit for the woods.
  9. a kid will do what they will do. no minimum age but between having them take the hunter safety course, parent thinking they're good to go, and then maybe have them do a gun handling field day if under a certain age then I think that would solidify their competence to be hunting with a firearm. we all took a road test to get our drivers license. I really don't think we should hold back a kid ever, especially at an age with fewer distractions. I think think of a few instances where a grown adult did something stupid to jeopardize my safety and a kid under our current hunting age restriction pointed it out. one was a young adult 18+ yrs old. sitting in the back of the UTV for a ride up the hill on the farm. his gun turned out to be loaded and he was using the scope to look at deer while we were stopped. I was in the driver seat looking through binos. he had the muzzle several inches from my face just behind me. my little cousin, maybe 9, pointed it out. I turned around and started asking questions in a calm but very serious tone. I was told "it's ok, I have the safety on."
  10. Maybe he or she was a bird biologist or Hurst?? Definitely not all biologists are created equal. I've found that out.
  11. actually i lied..... shoot fewer arrows too. when you shoot a lot of arrows at one time you tired slightly and form may change. that time to walk to the target and pull arrows is resting time. best practice for a bowhunter is shooting every shot as a cold first shot.
  12. i buy blazer vanes in bulk. glue just get it as you need it. using new fresh glue helps. shake or knead it for a long while before use and follow mfg directions for use. everybody has their preference. i use a vane stripper first and then acetone at the very end for a little bit of stubborn stuff to prep the shafts. use different glue for shafts versus vanes. quick shrink fletches are nice but expensive in the long run. get the max helical EZ-fletch mini if you do. for hunting setups or targets within 60 yards helical will get the shaft spinning and help accuracy. i square and glue inserts first so i can fletch the shafts so the vanes are indexed with the head I'm using. my best advice yet.... start shooting at different spots. kids are all into this bright colored duct tape now. stuff works great for making your own dots on a target.
  13. I used to get stuff through Gander but really just Cabelas now. I've never had any problems. Cabelas makes me fully aware that I've got cabelas bucks piling up though. I start to get emails, special offers, and mini catalogs like nobodies business. haha I just keep adding to the pot though until I want to go on a shopping spree. I rolled out of there with a CVA muzzleloader and scope once without even reaching in my pockets. the cashier was laughing and the customer behind me with a few expensive things looked like he was going to light me on fire.
  14. I just checked out an energy 32 a friend had. I did feel it was hard to let down easy. in a hunting situation you need to at times, even with the crazy let-off.
  15. I've used those before. they tend to get brittle if you leave them in too long. they worked alright though. I used NAP ones. I take and stick the odd fletch were I want to index the vanes with the head and so it shrinks to the same resting spot from shaft to shaft.
  16. set it aside if you have enough to get your through the season or take it to a shop now. you can't just glue it back on the way it was, as Doc said. even with a jig that fletches one vane at a time it's hard to go back and just do one. I've got an EZ-fletch that can if the vanes were put on with it originally. if you bowhunt and shoot enough it's one of those things you eventually can put to use. I've got an arrow saw on the list now. easier and cheaper to buy my own arrows and cut them but it takes a lot of arrows to recoup the cost of a $200 arrow saw. something like the EZ-fletch is $50.
  17. I've got some of that too. that's a real PIA to get. I've got Armscor stuff right now. Not as good as the other CCI stuff I had.
  18. when I was buying some it was pretty much 6-8 cents per round for high velocity brick stuff like Winchester wildcat, rem golden bullets, and CCI chootem ammo. when I split cases with others for standard velocity more consistent target ammo it was 12 cents per round. if you have ammo now I just wouldn't buy it.
  19. in my experience some hunters can't wrap their heads around just how many doe you can take in some areas. they see a group like the one Phade's in taking 10 doe on a small 20+ acres and they get nervous. they back off doe harvest or are content. if DEC was a little more open about how many doe should be harvested like in deer per square mile people would be at ease pulling the trigger. hunters in general are more comfortable seeing too many deer than too few. ....just a contributing factor. not saying this is the sole reason.
  20. had a bad experience going up a hickory with an older climber when I first started bowhunting. went right out and bought a new one. aren't really prevalent on my properties but I subconsciously now avoid them I think.
  21. previous post still stands. just saw a much bigger deer on cam in 3 separate pictures that's 30-40" bigger than that with almost twice the points. unless you're the old lady on church rd that uses your social security check to put out a pile of feed corn for a giant buck and other deer you love to watch, don't put out corn. where everyone can see it. that includes anywhere in Pine Bush.
  22. i think the only difference is expectations for buck size. out of state hunters come here from say VT or FL and just want to shoot something. we go to places like Ohio with hopes of shooting a trophy and will more likely pass deer. a good deer here in 110" and up. when I hunted in Okie land guys talked about a nice one being 150+. residents tell to have slightly lesser standards at times but not like here in NY. other than that I've experienced no difference.
  23. while I too would like to be able to open some up, trying to come up regs as you said is like peeing into the wind. it'd be very hard to do without screwing up. I know first hand you can get around not clearing shooting lanes and other "paths".
  24. I've had it happen multiple seasons. I would be very much against use of dogs during deer season for multiple reasons other than that. many people run dogs around here after the season for yotes. I'm more than fine with that.
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