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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. i've had luck hunting there when i used to live in buffalo. archery only section on the other side of the creek is good but a lot is tough to get in there undetected and the wind swirls too much in a couple of the hollows. another spot people over look is the swamp on the south end in the middle. there's a guy that gets a big one out of there every year according to the guys in the maintenance shop where you sign in. there's some pine stands and swamp continuing to the south east corner that hold deer this late. hunters come up from the south end because of the houses there. they don't make it that far in. across the road you can ask the FD to park in there lot of the way, and that way you're right there to walk in. done that before. the mowed paths deer feed on at night mostly. we would ride mountain bikes in there to get places quicker if you're not carrying a stand.
  2. too far for that much land.... great price though. good luck selling it.
  3. i've found this to be true. here's why i think why. ideally you want the bullet to just barely exit and practically fall to the ground. with a rifle any pass through is wasted energy that's not discipated into the animal. all 30-06 bullets i've had pass throughs with regardless of where i shot. i found that with deer sized game most hits in the vitals went through minimal bone and significant muscle mass. the heavier bullets i've found to punch through too much and not expand creating lots of shock. 150 grain bullets seems to put deer sized animals down better. at 300 yards and under, i'd shoot everything EXCEPT maybe the biggest stuff in North America (Brown Bears, Grizzly, Moose which I haven't hunted yet) with a 150 gr bullet. If you can find a round with that weight that shoots well from your gun that's what i'd suggest.
  4. start cheap. shoot a box to see how it shoots. change to something different if you don't like the accuracy enough. Only shooting longer range should you consider only high quality (expensive by design, with high ballistic coefficients) bullets. At common hunting ranges cheap stuff may shoot just as good as anything. Every gun could like something different.
  5. if it's a bow only WMU then you use your tags as you would during the seasons they're for, only you're limited to using a bow every season (early, regular, late). some state land/parks have sections that are bow only that you simply aren't allowed to hunt during the regular season period, regardless if you're using a bow or not. you'd have to consult their land stewards to find out exactly.
  6. i've looked at the Bellm website. they know their stuff and it's good quality stuff but i think a lot of it is a bit over kill. I don't forsee the hinge assembly on my ProHunter getting any play any time soon. Right now I can shoot subMOA with my load and gun. Couple good days I've single holed three shot groups. An honest range for most muzzleloader hunting and setups with the average shooter is 150 yards. 200 yards is reasonable. Farther is just plain stupid, unless you're paying attention to wind, have put in the time to work up an accurate load for the gun, and can shoot it darn well. Isn't the same as a rifle.
  7. I bought and shoot a '11 PSE Evo, but I have a 2012 Hoyt Vector 32 in RT camo coming. 29" draw so it should show up in the box with a #3 RKT cam. Haven't shot this particular bow. From what I've heard about them I might keep it and become a walking Hoyt ad. We'll see. So who here shoots or has shot one? What'd ya think?
  8. I do it if it's going to be done. I don't like it though. especially during regular season. rather sit tight with my bow. minimal pressure during gun season will hold deer on your property until the sun goes down.
  9. dbHunterNY

    Late Season

    so i'm pretty sure what tags for what have been covered by now.... lol .... i'm going out Friday Sat and Sun. Friday I'll probably check/sight in the ProHunter muzzleloader. I'll be out with my recurve unless I go out with some others to do drives which then I'll take the muzzleloader.
  10. i think the question has already been answered but yea i bone my deer out ASAP when it's out of the woods. i put the meat into meat pans and store it in the fridge between 37- 39 degrees for close to around a week. Doesn't matter what the deer's age. Deer fat gets nasty if you leave it on to age i feel. that's why i bone everything out and then age it. i also don't mix in any other kinds of meat when grinding. separate each muscle and trim all silver skin, fiberus tissue/tendons, and fat off. even almost all of it for ground venison.
  11. that's what i would've thought too but it just didn't nothing indicated that it was a bad round. the sound and everything was normal. i can only think it must have hit at the just the right acute angle and then the hide and bone of the skull worked like a layered foam block target. you could feel the bullet under the hide.... very weird but true.
  12. if you're wanting to shoot a mechanical head i wouldn't go with the normal cut ones. i'd go with 40KE Rage heads. My wife uses them fine on her bow. i like the design (i shoot Rages too) and the lesser cutting diameter will help with penetration. i'd also shoot a heavier shaft arrow with more grains per inch that's spined right if you choose to shoot a mechanical.
  13. western powders (makes Blackhorn 209) has told me they've had the best luck with CCI primers and to make sure the speed breech is cleaned of build-up for a consistant flash and consistant clean ignition and accuracy. forget what drill bit size fit exactly into it. i'd have to dig up the PDF they sent me for using BH209 in TCs. Unfortunately it's hard to find around here.
  14. haven't ever shot one... haven't gone anywhere for one and haven't seen one where i hunt. there's a few around but still a rare sight. i've heard bear meat is great. i'm sure it's like any other game meat though, in a sense that wrong preparation and wrong cooking can ruin it.
  15. welcome! hope it's been a good season.
  16. been up that way a couple times for work. welcome!
  17. i've been thinking about hunting with an outfitter up there ever since a friend hunted up there in Moose Horn. oh yea welcome to the forums!
  18. you should be gearing up for predator season about now. good luck and welcome to the forums!
  19. thanks for your service and welcome!
  20. ... i actually screwed up. December is still Tueday night at 7pm. then in Jan - March i think it switches to Sundays.
  21. i'm not far from you... you're in for treat whitetails are fun as anything to hunt. welcome too!
  22. welcome! sounds like a good season despite not getting anything with the bow.
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