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Four Season Whitetail's

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. Boy i hope Antler or that other Yote expert on here does not read these words. You do realize there is no way someplace in Ny could have a bad Yote problem. Just cant happen!
  2. Yeah i would like to see the real truth on that group. Kinda like Amish Mafia...My buddies wife in Pa cashed the checks for Lebanon Levi and a couple others...15 big one's a pop!
  3. Must be a bit of a difference between Canada's and Snow's? We get a pile of guys asking to hunt the Canadian but really none to hunt the Snow.s? We get them by the thousands when they come thru but no hunters. I do notice that they are a jumpy bird..Like they cant sit still and jump up from one field to another and then back to the start field again over and over. Kinda strange.
  4. Lot of those pic's look like Texas brush country. I have a frind in the biz that has about every one of the exotics. Its possible i guess.
  5. Are you saying there is a grey area somewhere in this thread? lol
  6. Are you 100% on that? About every one of those animals can be taken in about any high fence in Texas if one wanted to do so.
  7. The bounty made it thru the house..Not sure if it made it thru the next steps but have not heard of a shoot down either? Will be interesting to see if Ny falls in line if other states adopt?
  8. I got a pic sent to me from one of our Alfalfa fields that borders the safety zone on Letchworth and you can clearly count 32 deer from the pic. He said there were a good number more he could not get in the pic. Thats good news with an easy winter again.
  9. I would like to see how many lifetimes are being bought in Ny now a days. Cant imagine its alot.
  10. They are at the mercy of the farmer and the Ins adjuster. Season limits will be set by the number of complaints. If hunters just quit buying their tags for a year you can bet they would listen to your voice.
  11. Glad you found it but that site came from one of our other posters..Have not been there yet myself. lol
  12. Always..I went for a little hike on Letchworth the last Saturday of the season and walked right into the heaven of honey holes. Took the first adult doe that jumped up and made the mistake of looking a bit long before her first jump. Cleaned her up and kept walking and was just amazed at the animals and sign in there.No stands found or sign of hunters. A bit of an up and down to get there but only 2 hours out on cart alone and you of anybody knows thats not to bad of a haul out of some of those places. Will be in there come April at camp opening dressed a little lighter.
  13. Remember this can all be changed on a whim. Again!
  14. I think its a joke myself. When i got on this site i put up pics 3 years in a row of trophy Ny state record 120in plus bucks i shot with bow and gun and all that was put up was a bunch of childish replies from the few that could never do the same feat so they have not seen the last 2 years record bucks nor will they ever seen another trophy taken from this poster regardless if it has wings or hooves Sad Really.. I
  15. No sorry...Just a fact. Crazy number of birds most years. Your 100% on your second statement which is why i now would rather take a tom without calling and just hunt him more or less..one on one. A lot of hunters around here do not even get out of bed and go hunt until 8am. No need, The birds are there so we just let them come down from roost and do their thing. We just sneak on them or just setup where we are 99% sure where they will head after they come out of the middle of the fields.
  16. I made that statement in my previous post. A huge difference in how birds work on different properties. I have guys from Pa drive 8 hours and spend 3-4 days here and they are hardcore turkey freaks, They say the same thing, Man.I cant believe how you can just pattern the turkeys up here. They are in the Pa mountains. Woods and hills compared to wide open flat land with piles of birds and only so many roosting spots. Birds are very visual and a tom can very well have a pattern but at the end of the day he is the same as any male and is at the mercy of his little head. Watch the ladies and find the man. I take that call to a lonely tom at 10am in the morning that is all by himself that hears that last couple sweet calls like the guys in your local watering hole at 2am when that last hot..or not!...broad of the night is ready to rock. You can see what he is going to do before he does. Most Times!
  17. Maybe so on some of your points but really...Running dogs in Ny state? Ever heard from landowner in states that do allow dogs running deer? Talk about taking the hunt out of hunting. That will do it.
  18. You trying to say turkeys do not have a pattern that can be watched day in and day out? They dont roost in the same trees/area every night? They dont fly down and feed in a field and then work there way down that field to a spot on a creek bank? They dont have their special fields they like to bug in? Turkeys are pretty simple to figure out in some places. He will be where the ladies are and when they leave him he will start looking for the next one...He is the simplest bird on the farm to kill..couple notes and he trips on his beard running to you.
  19. I never said it was not fun at times but the challenge s far from the same. I believe it all has to do with the lay of the land and numbers of birds and how many birds you have killed in your life.. When you can see 3-4-5 toms at about any time it makes a big difference, You dont have to call because from your scouting you know what the birds do most days. Now anybody on this site could come here,pick out a bird.watch him fly down with his hens and feed till about 10am and then go in and call to him and most times he will come on a string. Now to see those birds feeding down in the corner of say a soybean field with say 8 hens and a tom and you go in and kill that bird without a sound only using the lay of the land and what little early spring cover you have..Then you have really won the game and turkey hunted.
  20. Agreed...Kinda goes back to the censor thread but glad everyone can see one of the biggest reason posts to get derailed and the few that do it. Post had nothing to do with the thread and children throwing stones in glass houses. Glad he showed his colors!
  21. Yeah i guess... I am all about this thread. Shows hunter after hunter really hunting turkeys. Scouting, Reading sign,setting up or stalking turkeys. This coming from you has to do with a kettle and a pot. As was shown with your first useless post...Oh i ride around calling from my truck. Huh,Huh.. Right!!!
  22. Yeah right,,,He uses a blind and i dont, Same hunt different hunter. Those of us that know how to hunt without a call are many. Calling is a last ditch effort anymore. For some of us anyways!.
  23. Oh boy we just went thru this on the Wishbone thread. Did you not see where the experts tell us that we are wrong for scouting out birds and watching their behavior and then sneaking in on them to set up without making a sound? They see this and its game on. Great post and on track of being the best way to put a big Tom on his arse!
  24. How much do hunting tags bring in compared? March 2, 2015 The Honorable Harold Rogers Chairman, Committee on Appropriations United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Robert Aderholt Chairman, Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Committee on Appropriations United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Nita Lowey Ranking Member, Committee on Appropriations United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Sam Farr Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Agriculture Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Committee on Appropriations United State House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Chairman Rogers and Chairman Aderholt and Ranking Members Lowey and Farr: The 194 undersigned organizations represent a broad range of food producers, wildlife organizations, sportsmen, local governments and resource interests that benefit from the cooperative efforts of the USDA-APHIS/Wildlife Services (WS) program. We write in strong support of sufficient funding for the two line items for the WS program (WS Damage Management and WS Methods Development) and in opposition to any effort to restrict or eliminate WS funding. Wildlife causes more than $12.8 billion in damage each year to natural resources, public infrastructures, private property and agriculture. WS works to prevent, minimize or manage this damage and to protect human health and safety from conflicts with wildlife. Wildlife damage to U.S. livestock, aquaculture, small grains, fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products has been estimated to reach nearly $1 billion annually. Wildlife predators cause more than $137 million in death loss to livestock; field crop losses due to wildlife total $619 million annually; losses to vegetables, fruits and nuts total $146 million annually; and 70 percent of catfish farmers incur wildlife-related damage resulting in losses of $10 million to $13 million annually from double-crested cormorants in Mississippi alone. As a result, WS is an essential program in agriculture production in the United States. The spread of wildlife-borne diseases to humans, livestock and other wildlife is a growing concern. WS monitors and manages pests and diseases in the United States. WS is often the first line of defense in reducing and eliminating diseases such as the West Nile virus, avian influenza, pandemic H1N1, chronic wasting disease, pseudo rabies, bubonic plague, Hantavirus, Lyme disease, bovine tuberculosis and rabies. In fact, rabies-associated costs range from $300 million to $450 million annually in the United States primarily for pet vaccinations, education, diagnostics, post-exposure treatment and case investigations. WS also prevents entry and controls invasive species such as feral swine, nutria, the brown tree snake, and the European starling. Feral swine are a subject of increasing concern as potential carriers or catalysts for a variety of diseases. It is estimated that there are more than 5 million feral swine in 38 states that cause an estimated $1.5 billion in damage annually with more than $800 million of damage to agriculture resources. In fiscal year (FY) 2013 alone, WS conducted 61,173 technical assistance projects to reduce wildlife damage to property in urban, suburban and rural locations as well as airports across the country, which include homes, schools, industrial facilities, roads, bridges, airport runways, dams and electrical and water systems. One example of this work is WS efforts in reducing deer collisions with automobiles, Page 2 which injure an average of 29,000 people annually and cause more than $1 billion in damage. In addition, WS works to protect wetlands habitat, riparian habitat, tidal marsh and timber from a variety of pest species including feral hogs and nutria, as well as the destruction that beaver can cause. WS expended more than $18.9 million to protect property from wildlife damage in FY2012, up from $16.1 million in 2008. Protection of natural resources is a growing need for WS. Last year, WS invested resources in conservation of game species including mule deer, bighorn sheep, antelope and waterfowl in eight states. In FY2013, WS spent $6.6 million for cooperative work with federal and state agencies to protect and assist 169 threatened or endangered species in 35 states, Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In more than 95 percent of the projects, local threatened and endangered species either increased or remained stable. More than 140,000 wildlife strikes with civil aviation have been reported since WS began keeping records in 1990. In FY 2013, there were more than 11,315 wildlife collisions with civil aircraft reported, with an additional 5,996 strikes reported by military aviation costing the total aviation industry more than $900 million annually. WS provided direct services at 406 airports in FY2014 including population management through harassment, habitat modification or removal. Technical assistance, such as initial consultations and wildlife hazard assessments, was provided at 838 airports across the country. As the “Miracle on the Hudson” demonstrated in 2009, the management of wildlife hazards on and near our nation’s airports is a critical safety priority. WS provides valuable support to the aviation community in addressing these hazards. From its assistance in preparing FAA-required wildlife hazard assessments to its help with managing hazardous wildlife populations, WS staff ensure that U.S. airports both meet the regulatory obligations under 14 CFR Part 139 and reduce the safety risks associated with aircraft wildlife strikes. WS also assists the FAA in monitoring national trends regarding wildlife populations and the hazards they pose to aviation. At a time when airports are facing significantly expanded wildlife hazard management requirements through recently issued FAA Advisory Circulars and grant assurance modifications, its role will be even more critical to the aviation community going forward. It has been WS's cooperative nature that has allowed it to accomplish all of the above listed programs and has made it the most cost effective and efficient program in the federal government in the areas of wildlife damage management and public health and safety. WS has more than 2,000 cooperative agreements, up 20 percent from FY2000, and, in FY2012, had 90,641 access agreements to professionally monitor and manage wildlife on private, state and federal lands. WS cooperators include agriculture, forestry, private industry, state wildlife agencies, state departments of health, state departments of agriculture, schools, universities, counties, local governments, Indian nations, homeowner associations, conservation groups and others that, together with WS, mitigate the damage and dangers that public wildlife can inflict. Chairman Rogers and Ranking Member Lowey, we appreciate your demonstrated leadership and strong support of this essential program. Our organizations are committed to working with you to strengthen WS resources and to ensure a continued federal partnership in the responsible management of our nation’s wildlife. Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l Airlines for America American Association of Airport Executives American Beekeeping Federation American Farm Bureau Federation American Feed Industry Association American Horse Council American Sheep Industry Association American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers American Veterinary Medical Association Animal Health Institute Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Association of National Grasslands Big Game Forever Catfish Farmers of America Catfish Institute Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation Fur Industries of North America Livestock Marketing Association Mohair Council of America Mule Deer Foundation National Aquaculture Association National Association of Counties National Association of Federal Veterinarians National Association of State Departments of Agriculture National Cattlemen's Beef Association National Farmers Union National Milk Producers Federation National Pork Producers Council National Renderers Association National Rifle Association National Shooting Sports Foundation National Sorghum Producers National Sunflower Association North American Meat Institute Public Lands Council R-CALF USA Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Rural and Agriculture Council of America Safari Club International Society for Range Management Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife State Agriculture and Rural Leaders Association Striped Bass Growers Association United States Animal Health Association U.S. Cattlemen's Association USA Rice Federation Wild Sheep Foundation Wildlife Management Institute Alabama Catfish Producers Alabama Cattlemen’s Association Alabama Farmers Federation Alabama Meat Goat and Sheep Producers Arizona Cattle Feeders Association Arizona Cattle Growers’ Association Arizona Cattlemen's Association Arizona Wool Producers Association Arkansas Cattlemen’s Association Arkansas State Sheep Council Association of Oregon Counties Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts California Cattlemen's Association California Farm Bureau Federation California Wool Growers Association Colorado Cattlemen's Association Colorado Wool Growers Association Connecticut Sheep Breeders Association, Inc Delaware Sheep and Wool Producers Association, Inc Delta Council Eastern Regional Conference of the Council of State Governments Empire Sheep Producers Florida Aquaculture Association Florida Cattlemen’s Association Florida Tropical Fish Farms Association Garden State Sheep Breeders Inc Georgia Agribusiness Council Georgia Cattlemen's Association Georgia Sheep and Wool Growers Association Hawaii Sheep and Goat Association Idaho Cattle Association Idaho Farm Bureau Federation Idaho Outfitters & Guides Association Idaho Wool Growers Association Illinois Beef Association Illinois Lamb and Wool Producers Inc Independent Cattlemen's Association of Texas Indiana Sheep Association Iowa Cattlemen's Association Iowa Sheep Industry Association Kansas Livestock Association Kansas Sheep Association Kentucky Aquaculture Association Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association Kentucky Sheep and Wool Producers Association Louisiana Cattlemen’s Association Maine Sheep Breeders Association Maryland Sheep Breeders Association Massachusetts Federation of Sheep Associations Meat Sheep Alliance of Florida, Inc Michigan Sheep Breeders Association Midwestern Legislative Conference of the Council of State Governments Minnesota Lamb and Wool Producer Association Minnesota State Cattlemen's Association Missouri Cattlemen's Association Missouri Sheep Producers Montana Association of State Grazing Districts Montana Farm Bureau Federation Montana Public Lands Council Montana Stockgrowers Association Montana Wool Growers Association Nebraska Cattlemen, Inc. Nebraska Farmers Union Nebraska Sheep and Goat Producers Nebraska State Grange Nevada Cattlemen's Association Nevada Department of Agriculture Nevada Farm Bureau Federation Nevada Rangeland Resources Commission Nevada Wool Growers Association New Hampshire Sheep and Wool Growers Association New Mexico Cattle Growers' Association New Mexico Department of Agriculture New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau New Mexico Federal Lands Council New Mexico Trappers Association New Mexico Wool Growers, Inc North Carolina Sheep Producers Association North Dakota Lamb and Wool Producers Association North Dakota Stockmen's Association North Dakota Department of Agriculture North Dakota Game and Fish Department Northeast States Association for Agricultural Stewardship Ohio Cattlemen's Association Ohio Farm Bureau Federation Ohio Sheep Improvement Association Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association Oregon Cattlemen's Association Oregon Dairy Farmers Association Oregon Department Agriculture Oregon Farm Bureau Federation Oregon Forest Industries Council Oregon Outdoor Council Oregon Seed Council Oregon Sheep Growers Association Oregon Small Woodlands Association Oregonians for Food & Shelter Pennsylvania Cattlemen’s Association Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Pennsylvania Sheep and Wool Growers Association South Carolina Sheep Industries Association South Dakota Cattlemen's Association South Dakota Sheep Growers Association South East Dairy Farmers Association Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife Idaho Tennessee Cattlemen’s Association Tennessee Sheep Producers Association Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association Texas Cattle Feeders Association Texas Farm Bureau Federation Texas Pork Producers Association Texas Sheep and Goat Predator Management Board Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers' Association Texas Wildlife Damage Management Association The Council of State Governments - Midwest The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey United Dairymen of Arizona Utah Cattlemen's Association Utah Department of Agriculture and Food Utah Farm Bureau Federation Utah Foundation for North American Wild Sheep Utah Wool Growers Association Vermont Sheep and Goat Association Virginia Farm Bureau Federation Virginia Cattlemen’s Association Virginia Sheep Producers Association Wasco County Livestock Association Washington Cattlemen's Association Washington Cattle Feeders Association Washington Forest Protection Association Washington State Sheep Producers West Virginia Cattlemen's Association West Virginia Shepherds Federation Western United Dairymen Wisconsin Cattlemen’s Association Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative Wyoming Animal Damage Management Board Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation Wyoming Game and Fish Department Wyoming Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife Wyoming Stock Growers Association Wyoming Wild Sheep Foundation Wyoming Wool Growers Association
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