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Four Season Whitetail's

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. Let me take this right out of one of your books...Quote. A pack is a coyote family dominated by an alpha male and female who form a breeding pair. It can also include this year’s pups and offspring from the previous year, along with individuals from other packs that have been accepted into the family. The size of the pack will depend on the amount of food available to sustain it. Resident coyotes are members of packs (family groups) and help defend their territory against other coyotes. Transient coyotes are solitary individuals that do not belong to a pack. They are commonly yearlings that have recently left their natal pack and sometimes old or sick coyotes that were forced to leave. Transients can join another pack if accepted by the alpha pair. Transient coyotes are not territorial and have a huge home range that spans many coyote pack territories. You seem to forget the posts on previous years harvests. The first year there were over 100 dogs taken on this block of land which borders drum, Maybe a couple miles. I believe just shy of 40 were taken of this 1000 acre chunk i have control of. The second year they were not hunted as hard yet still over 20 were taken of this chunk of land with many more on the outskirts. These numbers do not include all the ones taken by every other means that we used to rid the vermin. The next 2 years which were last and the year before coyotes were not even seen and very few heard here and there and those last 2 years we had our local population of deer and turkey back on the farm. This year, Way to many were seen,with some taken during deer season that i had a trapper in during deer season with the hounds coming in behind him. There is no doubt in my mind that we had 2-3 different family packs on this property at the same time before they were decimated the first couple years and by the looks of things last fall and the harvests from fall and this year so far there is/was a fair number back. It took them 2 years to come back on the property after they were decimated. I love how the books say you kill one and one moves back in. Trust me, That is not always the case, but you continue to read the books and i will see and deal with the real world. Back to the scheduled program!
  2. You are a joke and have no freaking clue on what things are or were here. You try and play the science crap and that is just what it is. Crap. Your also full of it if about how many males are on 1000 acre piece of property. The last run with the dogs took 3 males alone with 2 males being taken in traps a couple weeks ago. Last year we took more males than we did females running them and during turkey season.. When we bought this farm we had one of the best hunting farms in the county both deer and turkeys. More than a waiting list wanting to hunt because you could see mature bucks chasing does in wide open fields at an hour of the day. The first few years we saw dogs but did not mess with them much. Then before ya knew it we were seeing more dogs on a deer watch than we were deer. One night alone i sat in a tree along a soybean field to watch 5 dogs come from a hedgerow on my right and go across into a 50 acre island of off limit land in the middle of the field, Then 20 minutes later here come 3 from the right down the edge past me, 2 left behind me into the woods, Then at dark a pack to my left on the field lights up, a pack behind me across the road on Drum lights up and then the 5 across on the island lights up. Dont try and tell me what you think you know about coyotes and what its like to see a dozen fallow deer dead in a pen with only 1 being chewed on or having them come in on ya, to the point of baring teeth at you while you are gutting a deer with a flashlight in your mouth, or having them come into and grab your turkey decoys on a daily basis or maybe having them pin your dog against the sliding back door looking for breakfast or maybe sitting in your backyard and listen to 3 different packs yipping and yapping on 3 different corners of your 1000 acre piece of property. Its obvious the only thing you know about coyotes is what you read in a book and most of that is proven outdated crap. Like if you kill them they will just keep coming. Bull, You kill every one of them with every means possible and you will not see or hear very many at all until you leave them unchecked again to ruin a piece of property. That wont happen again. These guys on this site that are seeing 8-10 coyotes on their cams and seeing less and less of anything else living on that property will be on here telling their own story soon. I bet you will try and dis credit them also with your so called book smarts. You may want to stick to writing down numbers and showing pics of deer because you have no clue of real coyote issues.
  3. Nothing to the North. Sunshine,Cold 15 Degrees...
  4. There is a little difference of the deer coming to te dog on their terms and the dog running around them on their turf. Mature bucks will bed down behind buildings on a regular basis if its a place of safety. Pretty smart dudes.
  5. Riiiight....Its obvious that you have never seen a coyote overpopulation with a number of family groups on the same piece of turf. So what do you think happens to those dogs after they have decimated say 1000 acres of every living animal by either eating them or by just running them clear out of the county? Or Both!
  6. LOL...The funny part is that the hunt would have to be down in the City! If you go to the parts of the state that has the best feed and nesting areas you wont kill 1 in a weeks time. Now if you want some of those pesky cousins of those doves you just come this way. My barn...Every barn in the county will offer you some great, welcomed hunting!
  7. There are more deer that size, in that area of the state then many of us will ever know or see.
  8. Bullsh!t...You keep an overpopulation of yotes on your property and they will put a damper on your deer herd fast.Not just their movement but their whole being. You think those deer give a rats behind that one dog has a strap around its neck and one does not? Wrong. Truth is yotes will do it as much or more, Been there done that with both dogs .Before there were any dogs ran after yotes, There were no deer! Yotes now gone and deer are here, Hunting dogs now a regular thing a few times a year and deer are still here.
  9. So you would say that if you replaced the word Dogs with the word Coyotes in your statement the words you speak would still ring true???
  10. You are spot on and i think someone jumped down the Troll's throat a bit fast. I would guess the bird is having much better with the small game than the hunter. Small Game??? Never see that any more!
  11. Looks nice, And another state with year round Coyote hunting?
  12. I believe what i see with my eyes in my life and that sure aint Dove's. That's a verified Fact!
  13. Well let me verify you with this. 800 acre of prime Corn,Soybean,Creek bottoms,Swamp and woods, Hunting it for over 20 years, Next to the 106,000 military base that i can promise only a handful hunt birds on and its not Doves. We have no Dove to speak of and for sure not a huntable population. Let me verify 300 acres of property that has all the same features as above and borders Letchworth State Park of how many thousands of protected non bird hunting acres?? No Dove to speak of, If Any! Let me verify the 1000 plus acres that we lease to cut mushroom hay from that is maybe 5 miles from Ft Drum, That the owner is involved in the Govt paid wildlife save the birds program of which he gets a very nice check$ from the Govt to provide prime bird nesting and growing areas and we see no Dove to speak of. Now i dont really care what you have there and what google info you did up that there was a Dove here or there and if you have a huntable population in that area. If you o then great, Have at them but this area does not, 99.9% of hunters will say Doves? And look at your 3 heads. Maybe Ny has the same counting rules on Dove as they do Whitetails. Who Knows. But what i do know is that the bird population of any game bird, on any of the 1000's of acres of prime game bird land, Is in the Shitter. I bet it was them damn Coyotes! Just wait till i see another one of those things, I'll show him!
  14. Yup been there. I would make them knock me out before they remove. On a side note...There is a couple people i would wish that on.
  15. Thats what you will get from 99% of the hunters out there i'm sure. Then ask them if they want a season? To shoot what? The 1 or 2 that you may be lucky enough to see? I know the 1000's of acres i play on in 2 ends of the state are slim pickins if any.
  16. Observed and a hunting population are not even close to the same numbers.. Not Even Close.
  17. Must be why i never see them on land we have on both ends of the state. At least it would not cost you thousands for shells like it would in other countries where you can set out in a lawn chair and blast at the birds that just seem to keep coming. Chasing dove would be like chasing Woodcock i guess.
  18. Buck of a lifetime in Ny but 180 is stretching it a few inches i would say. Who cares with that dude. He is big enough!
  19. It is a Blast to shoot. Only large bore rifle i own. Only one i will ever need. The noise may not bother others and getting older does suck.
  20. I just have the black Vanguard 3 shot bolt. Have had it 10 plus years now. Not pretty thats for sure, Its a tool and has been used as much but still gets the job done. First shot out of it broke my shooting glasses. Now after some muzzle work it kicks like my little 20 gauge slug gun but man it is unreal loud and i always try to put my ipod headphones/Tunes on before i pull the trigger. She will ring you ears at times.
  21. 300Wby Mag is my always go to. Will get the job done from 0 to 500 plus yards if the shooter is up to the task. Close shoulder shots will leave you with lots of trim meat and will see to it that you never track a deer again.
  22. Now that we know how some think of others you guys do know that he does not have time enough in office to push any of this through. By the time the lawsuits get drug out he will be out of time. By then the Donald will be in there, He will give us all are guns back plus probably some cash to buy some new ones.
  23. Throw and Grow may work there but why bother? If you have mass bearing trees then thats prob why you have a great stand site now! Do some winter trimming to make the area better, Plant some Corn if you have a bigger area on the property that you can work up. Sounds like a great place now so i would help whats there already rather than plant something new. That little bit you plant wont do as much help in the long term of the area.
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