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sits in trees

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Everything posted by sits in trees

  1. dude, you need to get a life, get out of your room, and stop reading those comic books.
  2. Didnt Obama say he would have us out of the middle east by the end of his first term? And whats gonna happen if Rommel gets in?
  3. wow funny you guys bring this up, my wife raked over a ground bee nest yesterday afternoon and got stung 7 times, she came running into the house tripping up the stairs on the way in and those little bastards followed her right into the house!. i was running around my living room killiing bees while my wife was screaming in the bathroom. i killed about 8 in the house, it was total pandemonium for about an hour! i had to have a stiff drink to settle down after that!!!
  4. beware the young my comfortable friend for they are the ones who have nothing and will eat the flesh from thy bones.
  5. i think we should take all these jacked up American Evangelical Cristians who just wanna kill muslims and send them and their kids right over to the middle east and let them meet all these jacked up Death to America Muslims face to face, ohh and lets arm them all with the very finest first, LOL!!!
  6. i think kids today will be facing some of the toughest times America has known since its westernized creation. im older and know alot of older folks that werent basing life on wether they could send and email or had to right a letter. it was only a short time ago when it was rare for an American family to have more than one car if they even had a car, or even a TV never mind a color TV, or when people died at a young age from heart disease when today you can go in for a half day visit and be stented and last another 20. i remember people really needing to bag a deer during hunting season or they would be eating mush and hash all winter long. yea dont go throwing Americas young to the wind with "ohhh they have it so easy". Americas young will face challenges that 40 year olds could never imagine having faced in the near future. you forty year olds are Americas young, and were lucky enough to have enjoyed America at its very finest, you guys were here at the hieght of the party. well looks like the party is coming to an end and you forty year olds might very well be the ones who cry the most for the good ole days.
  7. i live and hunt in 3J and we were the first to have AR in NY state, started about 6 or so years ago. i have never shot a buck to small, i just sit and wait till i can count the antlers, then make the shot. its not really as tough as some hunters might think it is, i might add that AR has most of us hunting bigger bucks now anyway, not uncomman to see nicely racked 8 and even 10 pointers in my area now when 10 years ago we were dubbed the land of the spiked buck.
  8. hey Doc, they do have simple light single layer vests in blaze that cost about 8 bucks, and you wont sweat to death wearin one..
  9. just dont hunt on the youth weekend or keep it to private land, come on i think we can give up one single little weekend for the young hunters out there...
  10. i just love the AKs, so simple, so reliable. if your running thru a field and you drop your AR-15 into a mud puddle you have to take it apart and clean it... Your can clean your AK47 in a Mud Puddle!
  11. hearing something big moving thru under my stand in the dark that i know can climb the tree im in!
  12. im old enough to remember when putting a deer in the freezer was a real bonus because it actually covered your rifle, bullets, and new boot expenses for the season, and meant you were buying less beef that winter. Also remember guys hunting to the last day of the season in a panic if they didnt fill their freezer yet. And if one or 2 guys in the camp didnt nail one we all kinda chipped in by giving that person some meat. Maybe hunting was never a sport after all? Or maybe it was just born out of necessity and over the years became a pastime/sport done for a challenge, and young folks have found other ways to challenge themselves in ways we find stupid?
  13. I know something that will get the young back into hunting and that is the need for meat. Maybe instead of trying to get a dead horse to stand again we should just let economics and our poor financial outlook for the future of our young take its course, you might see the need for food make hunting a popular pastime again, kinda how alot of our fathers found such an interest in the sport in the first place.
  14. Wait till Romney gets there, he will buy the company, make him and his rich friends richer then scrape the company and you guys will be working part time for walmart or home depot with no health benefits.
  15. wow oct 1st, i still cant get over it!
  16. a couple years back when i came back from a hunt and realized i didnt forget a thing that day i made a list of everything i took out of my pockets and every piece of clothing/gear i took off. then i forgot where i put the list!
  17. NY hunter numbers have been on the decline for 40 years and no one really knows who or what to blame even though there is alot of blame going around. I hear all too often people who say ooohh yea my old man used to hunt with my uncles etc, so that to me shows that we have a whole generation of lost hunters already, which is bad because thats a whole generation that doesnt even know where to start. Just seems frustrating to me when anyone comes up with "any" idea to get young folks into hunting there are groups of people who immediately sound off about why that idea wont work, or say that would be a waste of time, or hundreds of other reasons why its a bad idea. So it looks like we are really screwed with our backs against a wall here.
  18. i think most of us if we had ours homes busted by the feds would be considered wacko gun nuts with the usual headline which reads,"HUGE CACHE of WEAPONS and AMMO DISCOVERED", bla, bla, bla. they consider you a nut if you own more than one ole squirrel gun or more than a 20 round box of ammo.....
  19. i would have done the same thing, never like to see critters suffer.
  20. NYantler, dont you think any of this is just alittle over the top, i mean come on. And do you really think by voting for anyone who claims "HERE I COME TO SAVE THE DAY" like Romney and Mighty Mouse used to is gonna make things any better. I was watching the convention last night and had to wonder who the hell are all these people wildly cheering holding signs wearing cowboy hats and what not? why dont the have a general admission to these conventions so the general public can show up and buy a ticket??
  21. we do not have this problem in Iran.
  22. havent seen one of them yet, but i will keep my eyes peeled now knowing they are out there...
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