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Everything posted by steve863

  1. Just had to log back in for this thread! We all want the best for our kids, and hope they don't do anything too foolish, but some of you live in LaLa land on this issue as you do on many other issues around here. I will take Biz-R-O's side here. You guys can flash all the guns you want to your daughters boyfriend and wear all the silly T-shirts listing the rules you want. If your daughter wants to get it on with her boyfriend, she will, and you old goats being their daddy's will be the very LAST person to find out about it. Even the nice girls DO do it sooner or later, so thinking that your daughters is some sort of virgin Mary is ridiculous. Have a good day, boys!
  2. I'm downright misty eyed, that people are actually missing us. I tell you it's a REAL b-i-t-c-h getting permission to hunt on Burt's property those lousy two weekends during deer season. Here's a better picture of me and Doe slaving away on his food plots. I think next year we will go back to trespassing on his land, like we did in years past.
  3. That guy, Robbie Parker I think his name is, is a Mormon. I've worked with a number of Mormons thru the years and they would be smiling thru a freaking earthquake that just wiped out an entire city. Him smiling the day after his daughter was murdered is absolutely NOT surprising to me. That is exactly the way most of them are. Maybe some of you ought to look at things even deeper than what your conspiracy theorists are feeding you and figure things out for yourselves??
  4. Time now for a station break. The first five pages of this thread have been brought to you by. http://www.fleetfarm.com/detail/hunter-s-specialties-butt-out-ii-dressing-tool/0000000025147?utm_source=googleps&utm_medium=shopping%2Bsearch&utm_campaign=google%2Bproduct%20search&gclid=CIqt_evw9LQCFYKK4AodBDwA7g Now we return to our program and the dark expanses of Lawdwaz's colon.
  5. Never claimed it was all open to hunting. I only used it as a comparison for size. 1.2 million would be only 1/6th of the entire Adirondack park, and that would not be much at all in a state the size of Texas. I would also bet that everyone and his uncle hunt on that public land in Texas since not much else is available for free.
  6. Here are the FBI stats for homicide in 2010: Total: 12,996 total firearms 8,775 hand guns 6,009 rifles 358 shotguns 373 other guns 96 unspecified 1,939 knives (cutting instruments) 1,704 blunt objects (hammers, clubs, etc) 540 personal weapons (fists, feet, etc) 745 poison 11 explosives 4 fire 74 narcotics 39 drowning 10 strangulation 122 asphyxiation 98 other weapon (not stated) 874 See 2006 through 2010 here: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/10shrtbl08.xls Maybe those wanting assault weapons banned don't have much of a leg to stand on with these statistics, but firearms in total are nonetheless WAY ahead of any other implement. Those claiming that knives, baseball bats, etc, would be used if somehow guns were banned are full of it also since it is still way easier to buy a baseball bat or knife, yet the weapon of choice for murder is still a gun.
  7. 1.2 million acres in a state the size of Texas is virtually nothing. Adirondack park in NYS alone is over 6 million acres. Compare the size of Adirondack park to Texas and you will see that it's NOTHING.
  8. It's just unreal how many here point fingers at cars, doctors, baseball bats, video games, etc. etc., for deaths or violence, yet for the life of them can't admit that the many, many guns out there might play a part in it all too. I figure these are the same type that will never admit that the 4 packs of cigarettes a day might have had something to do with their emphysema or lung cancer. The analogies I see here are as LAME as LAME can be. You guys are doing everything you possibly can to divert the attention away from guns, but I can assure you NO one is buying it right now. Guns are surely NOT the only issue, but they damn well can't be excluded either. Sorry you fellas can't figure it out.
  9. I would suggest you yourself try that. Guaranteed it won't be as easy as you think and it will DEFINITELY be for a price. Texas is the capital of the nation when it comes to cough up the money before you step on my land!!
  10. No more of a soothsayer than you, Doc, who thinks that all those who choose not to join the NRA don't because they have a "let someone else do it" attitude. Whichever way you slice it the NRA has a small portion of gun owners enrolled, and the reasons they don't join are not as simplistic as you think.
  11. My wife actually has never made an issue out of hunting, but I really don't hunt that much anyway anymore, so she probably doesn't have much to complain about. I think the real issues are ALL the other stuff that needs to get done for the beloved wife and kids. In most cases we men become so stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted with it all, that there is NO energy left to go hunting. In one way or another our hunting takes a HUGE hit when we get married. The days where we just grabbed our guns and boots and went hunting without having to answer to anyone are dead and gone.
  12. In my opinion you are wrong. As I stated on another thread, with up to 15-20 million hunters and as many as 60 million gun owners, I think if the NRA would tone down it's tactics, and actually remain at the table when a discussion on gun control takes place, they could easily have 7 or 8 million members. But NO, they want the hard line approach and have made themselves out to look like a bunch of extremists who will not take a minute to discuss the issue with the other side. They are now hated more than ever by non-gun owners, and even many gun owners and even members are starting to realize they may be doing more harm than good. Did anyone notice that they haven't had Nugent or even LaPierre talk publicly of late? Anyone wonder why? They have this other guy Keene doing most of the talking now. They know their imagine is badly wounded, and many of the politicians they supported in the last election lost. In my opinion they have lost a lot of clout and are starting to realize it. We shall see whether they can gain it back.
  13. With 15 to 20 million licensed hunters in this country, and more than 60 million gun owners, I would almost guarantee that their membership would grow to at least 7 to 8 million. Of course, they want to remain hardline and can only muster 4 million or so out of all these hunters and gun owners. Not a very good percentage in my opinion, so they are obviously not doing something right.
  14. OK, so that makes two of us, and brings me to an interesting question. The NRA is claiming that it's had several hundred thousand people sign up in the last few weeks. I wonder how many MORE would sign up if they toned down their tactics and gave the appearance that they were capable of a civil discussion? My guess would be several million at least.
  15. If it doesn't have one of the evil features, you need not do anything.
  16. Very good. We need MORE intelligent people like this guy. He did say, though, that he is for background checks for everyone, which I assume means for ALL gun sales. This is something that I have NOT heard the NRA agree to. So he doesn't seem to be in complete lock-step with the NRA here. Quite frankly, that is a good thing in my opinion. My hats off to this guy for not being the typical mouthpiece on the subject.
  17. Why are they bending?? Because they act like cry babies, crying how they don't get to see big bucks since everyone is shooting off the yearlings. So to soothe their tears the DEC gives them AR's as a pacifier, just as you would to a crying baby. That's pretty much all there is to it.
  18. Never said that the clowns at QDMA weren't pushing for it. Of course they would be. If it were up to them, only QDMA members would be allowed to hunt. The fact of the matter is that DEC has repeatedly said that there is NO biological benefit to AR's. And that AR's are more of a "social" issue among hunters. That is THEIR official statement. It surely isn't the QDMA's, now is it?? Trying to tell us that we should somehow cling to what the QDMA says over what the official DEC positions is completely bogus. You have absolutely NO leg to stand on here.
  19. It's a hand drill that will now be illegal in NYS because it has a pistol grip and flash suppressor. If it didn't have a detachable rechargeable battery, it would be OK. LOL
  20. I'll give you the "ignorance" part. That one is alive and well on all fronts!
  21. I've made this same point MANY a time on the various AR threads. These guys shoot down what Hurst says, and then post links to QDMA sites as to why everyone in the state should go to AR's. Complete nonsense! QDMA had absolutely NOTHING to do with the states management decisions.
  22. I have news for you, there are what 60 million or more gun owners in this country? Why are there only 4 million or so NRA members then? Yeah, I'm sure you guys will say that they are all copouts, but have you ever thought that the majority of them aren't as passionate about guns as you guys are OR they just don't buy into everything the NRA says and does?? So if you can't figure it out yourself, I am NOT the only one who is against you here. You fellas with extreme stances on guns are in the minority any way you want to slice this, and will not be even close to breaking even in numbers with the other side anytime soon. I know you fellas paint anyone a bleeding heart liberal who would dare point such a thing out on a hunting forum, but so be it. If you can't figure it out for yourselves, that surely isn't my problem then.
  23. Didn't there used to be a countdown clock to the next hunting season on this forum? We have hunters who start dreaming about NEXT hunting season the minute the current season ends and you think ALL hunters will give up an entire hunting season just to make a point about gun laws?? Will never happen.
  24. I was there too. Wasn't really invited, but ended being his best man, so go figure?
  25. Elmo, now that you are officially married, we can stick a fork in you, because you're done! LOL Just kidding, congrats, you guys look great!
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