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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by steve863

  1. We aren't left with much of a choice in this coming election just as we haven't had much of a choice in numerous recent elections, but I hope you Trump lovers don't live to regret your blind support of this man. He has pretty much F&*#ed over everyone who he has ever dealt with throughout his life. Once he gets what he wants from someone he then discards them like a piece of garbage. Plenty of people who have worked or done business with him can attest to this. They left with nothing but contempt for the guy. I sure hope he don't F&*k us all over in the same way. Especially now if he wins a second term. Hey, he has snookered you and has gotten your votes and he has no chance of running again, so we will all become expendable from this point on just like everyone else he has ever dealt with. Good luck!
  2. I don't need to prove anything to you or anyone else. I call things the way I see them. I don't kiss Trump's, McConnell's, Cuomo's, Pelosi's, Schumer's or any politicians butt. They all stink to high hell in my opinion.
  3. I would agree that the left tells lies about Trump, but you won't get the truth from FOX or any rightwing outlet neither. They all twist and turn every story in the direction they want to brainwash their followers and NO one is even close to telling the freakin truth anymore!!
  4. Thank you, but to be perfectly honest, she doesn't seem too interested in hunting. I just figured this would be a great opportunity for her to get her certificate if she ever does decide to give it a try one day. I think she would have been bored to death at an actual class, so this way at least she did it in segments at her own pace. Can't beat the convenience of it!
  5. My daughter just completed the online course. Got to say that it's WAY better than the in person class my son took last year. She learned a hell of a lot MORE doing this online class in my honest opinion than my son did in his class. Each page you turn to is timed and you can't skip or rush thru sections, so you will definitely spend a good many hours taking this course. But, the good thing is that you can do it at your own pace. Don't have to do it all in one sitting. After each section you get quizzed and you have to pass with an 80%. At the very end you have to pass a 50 question exam. Lots of good videos on gun and tree stand safety that I didn't see at the in person class. All we saw at the in person class was a couple old videos that looked like they were made in the 1980's. Highly recommend this and hope the DEC decides to keep this online class. Right now this online course is available only thru June 30, so if you know of someone who wants to be a hunter let them know about it promptly. It costs $20, but well worth the money, most especially since you can do it at home, at your own pace and don't have to kill a whole day at an in person class.
  6. He don't trust anyone. That in itself tells you a lot about him. If he could he'd fire everyone and rule all by himself. Heck, he thinks he knows more than everyone on every topic. Maybe he'd appoint his sons and daughter to assist him, but that's it. He wouldn't even trust his wife. LOL
  7. There are LOTS of people that left Trump's administration since he took office. It seems like the majority have left, in fact. I'm sure all of them have stories they could tell about Trump's antics and lunacy. However, most are taking a higher road than Trump usually takes and have decided that it's probably best not to say anything. Others like Mattis don't care about the consequences so he's letting it rip.
  8. Call it racist if you want but one of the scenes I saw on a live news clip the other night reminded me so much of one of the original "planet of the apes" movies when the apes took over planet earth.
  9. Agree with johnplav.
  10. That's because you only hear what you want to hear. LOL Trump talked out of his ass on this topic just like he does on most others. Says one thing one day and then says the opposite the next.
  11. BTW, a reasonable thinking person would acknowledge some of the many screw ups by Trump, also. I have yet to see you criticize him for anything, thus you are no different than the leftist main stream media that wants us to think one of them is doing a great job. You are as blind to reality as they are.
  12. Yeah, Cuomo is stupid. And so is Trump. If you think either of them know a damned thing about this virus and what will happen in the end you aren't too smart either. It's all a guessing game by either of them and even the scientists. No one has any real idea how this will all turn out in the end.
  13. I know it pays off. I surely don't include myself in the category of a good turkey hunter, but I've hunted them long enough to know that most people don't get the type of action he seems to get most every day he goes out. I've followed this thread and he's had phenomenal success. Good for him, ain't taking anything away from him I'm just making the observation that the land he hunts must be far superior than where most others hunt. That type of action just don't happen everywhere. Reading thru the thread I more often hear people (and I'm sure many of them are decent enough hunters) saying they didn't hear a peep than I hear about his type of action as being the norm.
  14. Are you sure you aren't hunting in some sort of turkey pen with all that action you see every time you go out?? Sure as hell isn't like that for the rest of us!!
  15. You guys like hunting like that? Looks like you are hunting right next to someone's backyard.
  16. You wouldn't if it were attacking you? Those dogs look like a mean lot to me. I have no doubt there's another side to the story. We'll never know what it is, but I don't think most people would be saying "hey look at that cute dog I think I want to pet him" if one of them came too close. Not saying they should be shot at, but I think most people's reaction would be to be a bit more wary of a Doberman compared to another breed.
  17. With shotguns strapped to our backs and pockets full of turkey shells!
  18. Congratulations, looks like you are having a banner turkey season! Heck, you seem to always complain about hunting on public land, yet you are doing a hell of a lot better than most of us others who have access to private land. Maybe we should come over to where you hunt?
  19. You'd probably need to drop a nuclear bomb on LI to not have ticks crawling on you. Probably that wouldn't work either. You guys are braver than me trudging thru the woods there. I remember once walking thru a brushy spot on a beach on Fire Island a few years back. I must have been in this patch of brush for 5 freaking minutes and I had about a dozen ticks crawling on my pants. Screw that! No one will catch me walking thru any such spot on LI ever again!!
  20. This fella on youtube explains how you can mix your own. I think you can save a whole bunch of money doing this and I'm sure it works just as well.
  21. Simple. Because it's within NYC limits. Hunting will never be allowed in NYC. You can take that one to the bank and no need to argue your point of view here because no one with any power in NYC will ever listen to you. Case closed, you can stop wasting your breathe now.
  22. Agree 100%. You are the only one making any sense in this discussion. Deer don't belong there. Anyone who thinks that hunting will ever happen within NYC limits is nuts. Could you just imagine the media circus? What hunter in their right mind would want to participate in such a charade? I sure as hell wouldn't. I'd rather not hunt at all if a place like that was the only place left to hunt.
  23. Was just pulling your leg that's all.
  24. Yeah, one would figure he'd karate chop those bums to submission. All he got out of it was possible Corona virus by picking up those slimey diaphragms.
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