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Everything posted by steve863

  1. This was the situation with LBJ. He took over close to 3 years into Kennedy's presidency and then won his own term in 1964 and then chose not to run in 1968, but he could have. So in total he could have been president for about 9 years if he ran and won in 1968.
  2. Absolutely possible. But, most folks would make it clear that the photo was taken in another state since this is a NYS hunting forum and NYS does not allow mineral licks.
  3. Looks like the DEC clarified things for Rattler in the new 2020-2021 regulation book.
  4. Isn't it a huge blunder by the NRA that they remained incorporated as a non-profit in this liberal cesspool called New York?? Why didn't they incorporate in some other more gun friendly state long ago? Hell, they don't even try to fight NY gun laws knowing they don't have a chance in the world to win, yet they remained incorporated in NYS?? What kind of sense does that make? They literally asked for trouble here in my honest opinion. Most especially since there seems to be plenty of evidence of wrong doing by it's leadership. Too late now. Win or lose this case they will have to face the music. They set themselves up for this.
  5. LaPierre looks like a wax mannequin to me. I've never seen a smile or even a trace of one on his mug. Maybe he's really dead but the NRA made a wax replica of him that they bring to the TV interviews. They play the same recorded talking points over and over again while the mannequin's mouth moves up and down.
  6. This is nothing but DeBlasio and Cuomo talking out of their asses again. Like there isn't enough congestion getting over and thru the bridges and tunnels into NYC without checkpoints?? Vehicles would be lined up for hours upon hours trying to get thru. Will never happen. If they do try it maybe the fools of NYC and NYS that keep voting for these two asswipes will finally realize what they voted for.
  7. What does the "Bngo" title of the thread refer to? Is that the name you gave the buck? Like B-N-G-O was his name-oh! LOL
  8. At least my great great great granddaddy was considered to be "honest". Must be something in that Hungarian goulash to make Rattler and his "cousin" VJP think and talk exactly alike. LOL
  9. OK, sure. And Abe Lincoln was my great great great grandfather. LOL
  10. If you're not the old forum member Mr VJP you must have a twin that you were separated at birth from. LOL
  11. The problem is that Trump's complete sentences come out of his a$$, so they aren't making him sound too much more intelligent than Biden.
  12. I find it funny how people say that Biden is senile and all and he very well may be. At the same time Trump sure as hell is a few cards short of a full deck, too. Not much to look forward to in the next for years unfortunately.
  13. My apologies then. I know there was a big conversation about this a while back and thought you said you got them. Maybe it was Belo then. Pygmy will be sending you your official "country boy" membership card soon.
  14. I think he told us once that he gets manicures and pedicures, so I don't know if he qualifies as a "country boy"?
  15. I've hunted on and off with a bow over the years but could never get into it or ever saw the fascination others see in it. Way too many bits, pieces and parts to bows for my liking and all way overpriced. I'll let you guys slug it out over crossbows. Give me a decent rifle and a box of ammo and I'm good.
  16. Yes exactly, and when Enigma asked the question "tell us what you think might be missing" we could tell him it's missing a bunch of fruitcakes sitting on top of the chairs.
  17. Time for you to find another job. Why would you do the work of 5 people?? How does that benefit you? Certainly not monetarily from what you are saying. Only one benefitting is your employer, and when the time comes they will cut you like they did the others and won't give a hoot that you were breaking your back for them.
  18. Looks to me like Jesus has some bad news for him. Election loss in November? He contracted the corona virus? Putin and Kim Jung-un no longer want to be his friends??
  19. And some of these GLM protesters have been arrested for looting Walgreen and CVS pharmacies along the protest route. Some of the most frequently stolen items were adult diapers, Ex-lax and Viagra pills, and hearing aid batteries.
  20. He's growing an Afro so he can march with the bro's at the black lives matter protests. I've been seeing some guys who look hideous needing a haircut badly. Why wouldn't they let their wives/girlfriends or some other family member give them one? I let my wife give me one and it sure as hell is better than no cut at all. I guess some dudes couldn't handle a less than perfect haircut.
  21. Funny how the bowhunting course is $30 and the normal hunter course was only $19.95. Still worth it of course, but they probably had a lot of people take the online hunters course so they figured why not make even more money with all this? I see no reason why the bowhunters course should be costing more. Just an observation. Still well worth not having to waste a whole day with an in-class course of redundant stuff for those who have already taken the hunters course.
  22. LOL. Definitely the start of the second American Civil War. A bunch of earing wearing, tattooed, beer bellied bikers vs. a bunch of nose ring wearing, tattooed vegans. War will start immediately after they admire each others tattoos and bling.
  23. I have little love for Trump, but at the same time I am sick and tired of hearing about Black lives matter, and blacks wanting every white person to apologize to them for everything that has ever happened to them. I'll be damned if I will be apologizing. I work in PR and these black organizations are now extorting just about every corporation in America where they expect hefty donations to various black causes or the company will be deemed racist if they don't cough up the money. The news surely isn't reporting any of this either. They could all go to hell if this is what blacks want. Just more handouts is what they want? They want no more police so they could do whatever they want without consequences? And now they want every white to go down on one knee in front of them, too, or else they will be called a racist? Screw them all if this is what they want America to be. No one is saying that killing Floyd was right, but that incident should not now give them MORE freakin rights than others have and turn this country upside down. If anything many white people have become MORE racist over the last few weeks than ever before because of blacks now demanding heaven and earth. Rant over.
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