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Everything posted by steve863

  1. Thanks for posting. Send us pics of any others you might find also.
  2. Can you provide us with some photo evidence to this? Would surely make some of us more likely to believe that there is truly an EHD problem in this area.
  3. Making a "mess" of things all depends on where you hit the animal. If you pass any bullet thru the ribcage there won't be much of a mess at all. If you hit the front shoulders then you will have more of a mess and again it probably won't make much difference if you are shooting a 150 or 180 grain bullet out of something like a .308 or .30-06.
  4. I have no way of proving whether Trump said this or not, but anyone who thinks that he is not capable of saying something stupid like this needs to wake up and smell the coffee. The drivel that comes out of his mouth is mind boggling.
  5. As soon as they are old enough to walk, they'll all move up to your attic, Burt.
  6. Never used either method but a problem I could foresee with the sled or the taco is dragging on an uphill incline on slippery terrain like wet leaves or snow. If you stop dragging the deer will start sliding back downhill. Without a sled or taco you can get the deers hide to act as a brake and less chances of it sliding back downhill. I've had a deer start sliding backwards without the sled or taco method on very slippery ground, but I do think the hide could at least help you out somewhat in a situation like that.
  7. Don't know how I missed this thread. People can bash Jim Shockey all they want, but I have no doubt he could out hunt and out walk anyone up a sheep mountain here and probably any other hunting celebrity for that matter, too. The guy looks like the real deal to me. As cool headed as they get. You can tell the guy loves to hunt, but you won't hear those stupid typical celebrity hunter phrases or antics from him. Heard him on numerous podcasts and is a well spoken, intelligent speaker and ambassador for the sport.
  8. Some would argue that it isn't, but this new online license purchasing system is way worse than the old one. Just from the small sample of hunters here and all the errors and long waits to receive the licenses pretty much proves it. When I ordered from the previous system I received everything in a week or less and never any issues.
  9. And you would be wrong not only from the point of view of biology and religion, but also the law. If one kills a pregnant woman, no matter how far along she might be in her pregnancy that person will be facing a double murder charge.
  10. To me a human life is way more sacred than any other. In today's world and with the way some of you think, a dogs life is way more sacred than that of an unborn child's. I would surely be sued or arrested if I harmed your mutt in any way, yet abortions can and should be allowed to continue without any consequences and no questions asked. What kind of convoluted thinking is this? Go ahead enlighten me if you think you can.
  11. My understanding of what life is and when it starts has nothing to do with the bible, although it is correct on the matter. That tiny heartbeat I saw on that first sonogram with my children sure as hell looked like yours and mine does as adults. That proved it to me. Yours and Chefs dumbass theories hold no water whatsoever. I feel sorry for you both most especially if you have children that you can't grasp this simple understanding that what was inside your wife on day one of conception turned into your child.
  12. And you were jerking off during biology class instead of paying attention.
  13. A few cells, that's all they are to you, huh? If you can't understand that those cells with a heartbeat are the first stages of a human life, you will never understand anything.
  14. I will admit that I never gave abortion much thought before I had children of my own, but it is absolutely disgusting how most all democrats or anyone who is pro-abortion keep harping on the "woman's right to choose" mantra and not even for a minute can fathom that a human life is being destroyed in the process. Claiming that it isn't a life yet at that early stage is BS in it's purest form. So when a couple who just finds out that they have conceived a child goes to that first sonogram and sees that tiny blob with a heartbeat they are not actually looking at a life? A life that without complications in 9 months time will enter the world and be the child that they will care for and worry about for the rest of their lives? Lets get real.
  15. No resemblance whatsoever. He is Donald's kid for sure. You have definitely taken this into the twilight zone here.
  16. The big buck on the far right looks like he has three front legs. I'm sure it's the angle of the photo but it looks a bit odd.
  17. I needed to call their online customer service # to get help to set up my daughter in the online system and a recorded message said that lifetime licenses will be mailed out August 17 which is today. They also said that if you don't get it by September 1 you can go to a license issuing agent and get it printed for free. That doesn't exactly give one too much confidence that you will get it by September 1 does it??
  18. Hunters are a funny bunch. We've been hearing for a good many years now that hunter numbers are dwindling and that we need to bring new hunters to the ranks. Yet when someone mentions that there may possibly be more hunters in the woods this year everyone is getting nervous. It's like yeah we need more hunters as long as they stay at least 2 miles away from my spot.
  19. Gun laws are not nearly as strict in PA compared to NY or am I somehow mistaken??
  20. There are thousands of BS deer stories all over the internet and elsewhere. I surely wouldn't get worked up about this story in the least. You will probably never know the real truth so no point in wasting your energy on this.
  21. Filmore?? It was William McKinley who was assassinated when TR took over.
  22. The old online system was way better than this new one. Lots of bugs and quirks with this new one. Got thru it but not very user friendly. Typical NYS where nothing ever improves. Black lives matter is probably receiving the money saved on this second rate licensing system!
  23. Also in the last 100 years Harry Truman took over when Franklin Roosevelt died in office.
  24. Gerald Ford took over when Nixon resigned. Although Ford wasn't the VP on the ticket in 1972. It was Spiro Agnew who also had resigned and then Gerald Ford was chosen as his successor who eventually became president.
  25. I would agree. I don't care how racist this sounds, but white Americans are not ready for another black president, and with Biden on top of the ticket her taking over the presidency is a very real possibility. He will win a good many black votes for putting her on the ticket that may have not turned out to vote, but at the same time I think he will lose more white votes, the ones he really needs to win this election. It will be very interesting to see how this all pans out. Right now Trump by his own stupidity and blunders has put himself in a deep enough hole. Being down 10% in the polls at this stage of the game is not good. Will the votes Biden loses here by choosing Harris be enough to win it for Trump? Who the hell knows!
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