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Everything posted by steve863

  1. Horrible. He'll probably never be the same again. I was never crazy about tree stands and at my age I will be hunting from the ground. Easy decision after hearing numerous stories like this every hunting season.
  2. This kid is telling his dad that a 12 pointer is coming his way!
  3. Nice spin. How about the spin of him not listening to people who know a hell of a lot more than him about infectious disease? He mocked people for wearing masks and rarely wore one himself and now he has contracted it. I'm afraid this will be the great American story that you will be hearing. I'm sure he will be fine, but this makes him look more like an ignorant know nothing than ever before.
  4. LOL, yeah everything is someone else's fault! It couldn't possibly be Trump's fault for being so bold and not listening to people who know $hitload more about such things.
  5. 30'?? He's one lucky dude to survive that. No animal on this planet that I would climb 30' up a tree for.
  6. I got this newsletter from the DEC yesterday. 450 have been reported, apparently.
  7. So you think BM and Left field have now switched over to Trump? This debate/sham hasn't convinced a living soul of anything other than that we have two losers running for president. Trump and Biden could make the biggest blunders and their blind supporters like you will see it only the way they want to see it and in their eyes their candidate can do no wrong and will always come out the winner.
  8. Didn't he shoot elephants with the .275 Rigby which is the same as the 7MM Mauser?
  9. Maybe BM and lefty will post pictures of themselves tomorrow wearing MAGA caps as proof that they turned. LOL
  10. I honestly couldn't imagine taking them when they were 4, 5 or 6 years old. No way would they have sat for more than 30 minutes. You are talking Pre-K to 1st grade ages here and it is not in them to sit still for very long.
  11. I didn't take my son hunting with me until a year before he was old enough to hunt himself. It will be a LONG wait for a kid who's 4 until he is legally allowed to hunt. I've seen a few kids taken out early and then they lost interest by the time they were old enough to hunt. They got wrapped up in other things where they could participate in the activity themselves and not just be tag alongs. As mentioned, I think taking them squirrel hunting where there is a lot of action will give you the best chances to keep them interested. Deer hunting where the weather can be rough and you might not see anything for hours on end and maybe nothing at all can be tough on youngsters.
  12. There is absolutely NO possibility that a midge could be imbedded in the hide somewhere? How about if a midge takes a bite out of the dead deer, could it now carry the virus or must the deer be alive with the virus when bitten for the midge to spread it? I would doubt anyone really knows for sure.
  13. Who lopped off the heads of those bucks? Isn't there a risk of spreading this disease if the heads are taken from where they were found and then moved to another location? These mites could still be on the hide and then jump off to spread in another location. Don't know if this is possible but I think it would be best to leave the carcasses intact where they lay, no??
  14. Where is Zag asking about X-bows here? He is asking about doe tags for a youth who has a bow tag. A youth who has a bow tag can apply for doe tags just like an adult. He needs to apply by Oct 1. A youth who doesn't have a bow tag cannot apply for doe tags until they are 14 when they are legally allowed to hunt deer with a firearm.
  15. What makes you think the debates will change anyone's mind? They sure won't. Both Biden and Trump will be babbling incoherent nonsense so neither will impress anyone on the other side.
  16. My guess is that there won't be too many more hunters in the field than before. Not like people all of a sudden have become hard core hunters that will stick with it for the long haul. People are just as lazy as last year so I can't see them getting their butts up very early in the morning to freeze on a stand for hours on end. Most of the increased license sales were probably due to the online hunting courses where people are getting licenses for family members just to get the extra doe tags. Most of these people may never step into the woods.
  17. All their prior videos are still posted on Youtube. Plenty of good ones to enjoy.
  18. Is Trump now feeling that white man guilt, also? Or maybe he's scraping for every last vote he can get?? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-juneteenth-national-holiday
  19. I've known some hunters where the game would be OVER if they took off their shoes to try to make a stalk. The smell would spook all the deer in a two mile radius.
  20. I guess Biz wouldn't get bit since he likes the Red Sox.
  21. Well, I can tell you that I've had the luck to stalk up and kill a number of deer right here in NY. Surely, nothing close to the type of stalk in the video, but the sheer excitement of killing a deer in that fashion beats killing one from a stand by a long shot. I'll take them any way I can get them, but there is something special stalking up on one.
  22. What do you mean by "hard time watching"? Do you find it exciting or maybe you can't relate to that kind of hunting?
  23. I have never been a big fan of hunting videos, but these guys from The Hunting Public Youtube series are plain amazing. Me and my son have become avid watchers and look forward to every video they post. I know there are a few people on the forum here who have mentioned them in the past. The video they posted last night has got to be the greatest hunting video I've ever seen. Definitely not the usual canned hunt garbage from a heated box blind overlooking a food plot. Just an amazing stalk and the genuine excitement from these guys is really great to watch. The video is a bit longer than what they usually post but it's worth every minute! Just thought I'd share the link for those who don't follow this series.
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