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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by steve863

  1. I hope so! You guys keep telling us to stop making comments about your AR units since we don't hunt in them and now you want the rest of the state to implement them also? Why don't you keep your AR's to yourselves, and not push then on anyone else! As has been posted many times before, the DEC has stated that they see NO biological need for them. I am sure that you guys will miss more than a few more deer before you see AR's implemented statewide. LOL In fact you may be hanging up your weapons for good before you see them implemented! LOL Sure why not, majority of hunters want them. Thats coming from the DEC that you cherrish so much for their "no biological need" despite proof and studies that show otherwise. :-* Yeah, proof and studies from unbiased sources like the QDMA? LOL If the DEC knew that AR's wouldn't tick off a good percentage of hunters out there and knew for sure that AR's were a sound biological practice, you'd be darned sure that they WOULD have already implemented them. But the truth is that they know that a good many hunters who hunt (and purchase licenses) don't care whether the deer they shoot have big horns or not and they also know that these studies YOU talk about are very self serving an flawed in many ways. Thus, they made the statement they did and thus we DON'T have AR's anywhere other than the units in the Catskills. Obviously your proof and studies and the numbers of supporters out there have done JACK to convince them otherwise!
  2. I hope so! You guys keep telling us to stop making comments about your AR units since we don't hunt in them and now you want the rest of the state to implement them also? Why don't you keep your AR's to yourselves, and not push then on anyone else! As has been posted many times before, the DEC has stated that they see NO biological need for them. I am sure that you guys will miss more than a few more deer before you see AR's implemented statewide. LOL In fact you may be hanging up your weapons for good before you see them implemented! LOL
  3. I guess some of you are too young to remember when they used to give out rice-a-roni to losing TV game show contestants as a consolation prize.
  4. You know if we go pulling our .357's on any person we might see on our land, then sooner or later you will get some low-life retaliating by pulling the bolts and pins from our tree stand in hopes that we break our necks. I don't like trespassers just like everyone else, but there is a way to confront them, especially if it's the first time you see this person and pulling a gun on him is surely NOT the right way in my opinion.
  5. I killed a bunch of squirrels last year with a daisy 600fps bb gun. A pellet takes them down even easier. A pellet rifle in general has a good bit more velocity than a pistol. Many pistols don't even reach the 600fps mark and those that do tend to be rather large and cost about as much if not more than a nice .22 rifle.
  6. I think you've got yourself a really fine gun there. It's nice compact gun that will definitely do the job. The .308 is as close to a perfect deer round you will find for the type of hunting we do in NYS. Good luck with it!
  7. Steve, wouldn't you exhaust every option to find a deer you wounded? You have that responsability as an ethical hunter imo regardless if it were a trophy of that caliber or not. Now, granted we all don't have the dough to toss around to rent a chopper. However, if I had wounded a deer like that and couldn't find it you better believe I would be calling NASA in to find it jk. Seriously though, where would you draw the line if you wounded a deer and couldn't find it? I would do anything I could within reason to find it. Would I spend god knows how much to rent a helicopter to find it? I doubt it. If we start looking for dead or wounded animals with aircraft, it won't be long before they start looking for live ones in the same way.
  8. And if you don't get that monster they'll send you a box of Rice-a-Roni as a consolation prize!
  9. Isn't this lawyer Gribitz in hot water himself? Wasn't he investigated when he was Rockland cty DA or something? Maybe they will all share a jail cell together?
  10. What is it about hunting that would possess someone do something like this? Does hunting somehow attract these low-life's or what?? I know many hunters don't want to hear it and think that hunters as a whole are upstanding citizens, but I tell you there are way too many of these low-life's among us. Not even the anti's can make stuff like this up about hunters. The sky is the limit to what stunts we see in this sport. Unbelievable!
  11. I somehow became a member a long time ago. Never paid any dues, but somehow was made a member. I had absolutely NO reason to renew the membership once my freebie year was done. They send you stuff without you asking for it and expect you to pay for it or else you have to waste your time and money sending it back. A complete waste of an organization in my opinion. They make hunters think they are members of some reputable organization when in fact they are nothing but a book/gadget of the month club. I amazed that they are still kicking after all these years!
  12. Did you notice the second or third picture where he says that last year he hired a helicopter to help him find the buck he shot? A helicopter?? Man, some people will do anything to have those horns to show off! What's next?? First we had search dogs, now helicopters next thing you know hunters will be contacting NASA to have one of their satellites take pictures from space. Unbelievable!
  13. I didn't say it couldn't be done, I just think in general and in the varied situations out in the field a .22 would be a more lethal choice.
  14. I really wouldn't know if it was legal or not to carry a pellet pistol while bowhunting. I know you can't carry any sort of real firearm. I will say however, that I doubt you will kill many squirrels with a pellet pistol. I have taken some shots at squirrels with a fairly powerful pellet pistol and it seems like the pellets just bounce right off of them. Squirrels are tough skinned little critters and I think one needs at least a .22 to get the job done right.
  15. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Who is to say that some dimwit hunter didn't flop his pot belly over that 3D target and then spilled his cherry flavored slurpie on it while he was going at it??
  16. And isn't it just a coincidence that you guys also admit that hunting trophy sized animals is what hunting is all about to you?? So exactly WHY should anyone of us believe that your true motivations are what's best for the deer and not what's best for YOU and YOUR style of hunting? Honestly, I think anyone with half a brain could see that what you guys are all about.
  17. Sorry nyslowhand, I thought it was the other guy with ny in his name that was making this statement. My mistake. I sort of couldn't believe he would be making such a statement with everything he has said in the past.
  18. OK, so why don't you propose that we stop hunting them altogether?? Wouldn't that eliminate man's interference?? I would bet any money that you fellas would be the first to sqwalk at such an idea. If we want to get down to the least interference why don't we simply hunt them for the same reason the cave man did, and that was for food only without regards to how old the animal was? I somehow doubt the caveman cared too much about B&C or P&Y measurements of the bucks they killed, don't you??
  19. Wait, so your saying there is a need for AR and if it was 1 buck 1 doe there would be no need for AR? (just pulling your chain) But in all seriousness, those, like me, who are for AR (those who I know) are far from Trophy hunters. I just want to see some bigger deer, and give the young-ins (or at least a majority of those) a chance to get bigger. Actually there is absolutely NO need for AR's under the scenario I suggested OR the system we currently have in place. The people who want AR's are pushing them like they are somehow benefitting the herd when in truth all they might do is give bucks a chance to grow a little bigger that will in turn give some hunters an ego boost when they shoot them! That is ALL that AR's do. Biologically they do nothing to a deer herd and the DEC and others have stated that.
  20. I am completely against AR's, spread width, or any such nonsense but have always been for a one buck rule. I would go further and implement a 2 deer rule. You get one buck tag and one doe tag with your license and you can use them anywhere in the state you like. If you get the 2 deer during bow season, you can't hunt any other season. Extra doe tags could be given in areas where there is an abundance of them. Simple solution, but I would like to see some of the trophy hunters agreeing to it? There would be NO need for AR's or the other baloney, but I somehow doubt even this would be enough for some here??
  21. No one that I hunt with lets deer rot. Just because you came across a clown like him doesn't mean that everyone who is happy with any deer they shoot do it for bragging right or will let them rot. Like I said before, there are a good many hunters who don't exactly hunt prime country where there are deer walking all over them at every hour of the day. If you hunt such an area, where deer are within view all the time, you should consider yourself darned LUCKY! Don't for a minute think it's that easy for the majority of hunters out there. That is where I call your arguments weak because you are not taking into account the vast majority of hunters in the state who don't have the prime spots to hunt or have unlimited time to devote to it. If you had it your way these people would pretty much have little to NO reasons to hunt at all. Which in turn would probably mean less hunters participating and contributing to the sport. Of course this would then leave more room for the rest of you, and probably leave more deer also. It sure looks to some of us that that is what you guys really want, but don't want to come right out and say it?
  22. It is obviously different where you hunt, but there are lots of places in NY where people don't exactly have bucks walking all over them during hunting season. They may see one or two and maybe NONE in an entire season. So a person living in an area like this should let an antlered buck walk just because they aren't sure whether it might be a 13" spread compared to a 14"?? Are you guys for real?? A number of these areas don't even hand out doe permits so what reason do these guys have to hunt then? Maybe YOU can hunt each and every day of a hunting season, but most people can't. They can't be passing up every bloody deer in the woods just because YOU don't think they should be shooting younger animals. YOU guys are the ones with the weak arguments because what you guys want will not swing in the eyes of most hunters OR the DEC who wants hunters to go out and thin the herds. Your ideas are based on fantasy only from what I can see here, because it obviously ISN'T based on reality.
  23. I think you can get an aftermarket stock for the older version M 77's from a company like this among others. http://www.bellandcarlson.com/
  24. This story is almost funny in some ways. I can see a guy named Lee Jones pulling a stunt like this, but someone named Abraham Fischbein? I didn't think venison would be kosher for him to eat? LOL
  25. I guess one could set aside a pin on their site for field tips, but I still think that the odds of hitting a squirrel at various distances won't be that great. You could buy a brick of .22's for the price of one lousy arrow. You will surely pot way more squirrels with the little bullets also!
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