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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by steve863

  1. I think you can get an aftermarket stock for the older version M 77's from a company like this among others. http://www.bellandcarlson.com/
  2. This story is almost funny in some ways. I can see a guy named Lee Jones pulling a stunt like this, but someone named Abraham Fischbein? I didn't think venison would be kosher for him to eat? LOL
  3. I guess one could set aside a pin on their site for field tips, but I still think that the odds of hitting a squirrel at various distances won't be that great. You could buy a brick of .22's for the price of one lousy arrow. You will surely pot way more squirrels with the little bullets also!
  4. Yeah, I would say they are too expensive!! Exactly how will you guys manage to kill small game like squirrels or rabbits with a field tip while deer hunting if your bow is sighted in with broadheads?? I know my bow shoots broadheads way lower than field tips. I can't see how I could estimate the difference on a small critter like a squirrel or rabbit. It would be a wasted and possibly broken arrow for sure!!
  5. Me and my uncle are a team. These days we pretty much hunt together or we don't hunt at all. Had another uncle part of this team, but he went on to the happy hunting grounds in the sky a good many years ago now. We also hunt with the landowners two brothers, who are long time family friends at least a couple of weekends during the gun season. My uncles kids are not interested in hunting and mine are still too young, but hopefully they might want to continue the tradition.
  6. http://www.dec.ny.gov/press/69476.html The list is out. 440 will be mailed out to people like me who were denied in my unit (4P). Sure hope I am one of the lucky ones!!
  7. Hey, what can one say? Its kind of the same as the lonely men who use those mail-order blow up dolls.
  8. No joke. I once retrieved a nephews baseball in a neighbors back yard while wearing no shirt and only short pants. I reckon they thought some kind of animal was on the loose and they called animal control to tranquilize me. Next thing I remember was waking up in the pound with a bunch of stray dogs and cats that were about to be put to sleep!
  9. Exactly!!! Absolutely none of us are telling them that they can't wait for a 10 1/2 year old toothless and arthritic buck if they want while they of course are trying to tell us what we should be shooting or not and what they think would be more fulfilling for us. What they are saying is BS in the first degree in my opinion!!
  10. LOL! So shooting only trophy sized bucks is what's good for the herd and sport? Is there anything else that might be good?? The deer herd will survive very nicely whether the yearlings are shot or passed up, just like they always have. In fact the only difference that it might make comes down to the hunter and NOT the deer. You guys somehow have the need to shoot bigger antlered bucks, thus want to brainwash everyone else into thinking that only an older buck should be shot. In the scheme of population control, and that's the only reason states allow us to hunt in the first place, there isn't one iota of difference in what the age of the deer is when it gets shot. So you guys can keep talking a real good story, but the truth is NOT what's better for the herd, but what's better for some hunters! It's nice how you guys make it all sound like everything you do is primarily for the benefit of the herd!! Right, I guess I should believe in the toothfairy also.
  11. I don't know how true this prediction is, but I did see an unusually large number of fresh road kills on the NYS thruway yesterday. From exit 19 down to exit 16 I must have seen 7 road killed deer. Don't know whether it was the full moon or the rut that had them moving, but it sure looks like something had them moving and made them throw caution to the wind.
  12. If it isn't law in NY, how can the compliance rate actually be determined? If it's just random sampling like they do for who is for or against AR's, or for the annual deer kill totals calculating in the people who don't report their deer, I don't know if I would believe this high compliance rate. I have seen plenty of hunters wearing full camo during the gun season in southeastern NY over the years. It is mind boggling why they trust their fellow man so much, but I don't know if I would say that the compliance rate in NY is anywhere near 90%.
  13. I don't know about the Adirondacks. Yeah, there are some huge bucks in there, but generally you will be searching LONG and HARD before you find one. If you have a decent place to hunt in western NY or on Long Island, you have way better chances of bagging a respectable to trophy sized buck with quite a bit less effort. I am not saying that any trophy quality buck comes easy, but in general ones chances will be a lot better than in the Adirondacks. Lots of people go to the Adirondacks and don't even see a deer. At least in other places ones confidence can be boosted by seeing numerous deer even if they aren't the trophy bucks they are looking for. I think the Adirondacks can be a nice wilderness experience, but no one should be overly optimistic that they will bring that trophy buck home or ANY buck for that matter.
  14. What would the police do if you called them?? Would they shoot the animal? I have heard instances where the police didn't do anything either, just let the animal continue to suffer.
  15. Just googled his firing and found out why he was being fired. Actually I think Grannis was spot on in his opinion that further cuts to DEC staff would be detrimental to the state. I realize that the state is in a financial mess, and DEC cuts were inevitable, but how can a smaller DEC staff be good for our states natural resources??
  16. No, I didn't hear the news. When was this announced? Being a guy from the big city he probably didn't care too much about hunting, but I honestly don't think he did anything to hurt hunting in New York either. He probably wasn't the best commissioner but I don't think he was the worst either. Some hunters will complain about him basically because he is a liberal appointed by a liberal Governor, but in all honesty I never detected any real anti-hunting agenda under his reign like some were predicting.
  17. Well, my quiver holds 6 arrows so I carry 6 which in all honesty is probably 6 too many! When others ask me why I carry so many I tell them that my bow is a semi-auto and that I typically fill the air with arrows when I see a deer. Just trying to keep my "brown and it's down" reputation in tact!
  18. I don't hunt with shotgun anymore, but I also have absolutely NO problems finding a deer in the scope. On my rifle I always have my 3x-9x scope set on 5x or maybe 6x. Never had a problem having it set this way. I think one makes a more precise shot with more magnification. The key to finding a deer at a higher setting is to keep both eyes open when you take aim. For a right handed shooter like me the open left eye will help line up the deer for my right eye that is looking thru the scope. Most people close the left eye and have trouble finding a deer in the scope even at a lower power.
  19. Probably less meat loss when killed with a bow, but I don't think it's too much extra work cutting away any bullet damaged portions. Plus, I for one feel a lot more confident putting down a deer with a gun and that means a lot to me also so I don't mind a little meat loss One may get more meat with a bow, but I feel better recovering and gutting a deer sooner which is more likely to happen while gun hunting in comparison to bowhunting where one may have to wait hours or overnight before searching or recovering them. Also the chances increase that coyotes or other critters will get that venison before we do so it isn't totally unheard of that bowhunters will get NO meat to process.
  20. Hopefully this remark was tongue in cheek. In 30 years of deer hunting I absolutely NEVER felt I wasted a tag on any animal I was lucky enough to kill, be it the first day or last day of the season!!
  21. 60 minutes did a story on this same subject a few years ago. This story is nothing new. Has been around for years now. With all the lawsuits NO one has been able to prove that the model 700 is a defective product because it isn't. How about all the millions that have been made and sold without any issues?? People will sue these days for everything and a good many of these accidents were caused by owner negligence and nothing more, yet a big corporation will settle with these people just so they don't get bad press. In most cases it's a win-win for to person suing, so that's why they keep doing it even if there is very little merit in their cases. I own 2 model 700's and would not hesitate getting more of them no matter what these BS stories try to say about them!
  22. That's an interesting thought. I myself sort of think that someone who doesn't like hunting would find pretty much everything offensive on a site like this. I think the wounding threads just prove what I have always suspected, and that is that a LOT of deer get wounded during the hunting season, and bowhunting is little better if not worse than gun hunting. Yeah, that surely isn't anything to boast about or be proud of, but it's a sad fact that shouldn't be swept under the carpet by us hunters at least.
  23. Turkey season opens on October 1 in the Southeastern part of the state.
  24. Currently I pay $400 per month which is $4800 per year to cover my family. My company gives me my insurance for free and pays about half of the family coverage cost. Many companies these days don't pay any of the family coverage portion. If that was me I would then be paying over $9000 per year! Luckily my family is healthy and our medical expenses don't even add up to the $4800 I am paying for insurance. Of course one can't be without it in case if something major came up. It's just mind boggling how messed up our health system is. It won't be long before employers don't even carry health insurance for employees. It will be like car insurance or any other private insurance. If you want it, you will have to pay thru the nose to get it on your own. Too many people have been sweeping the health system crisis under the rug for too long in this country! It is beyond the point of repair!
  25. Yeah, it would probably put a few more people to work also. The many Home Depots around the state would probably have to hire people to mop up the blood in these deer dispatching parking spots!!
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