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Media Demo




Everything posted by steve863

  1. I do agree that the folks from prior generations were better than us, but I also don't like dramatic posts like yours because the "real" men and women from that generation probably wouldn't be throwing it in our face that they were so much better than us like your post is doing. Most of those "real" good folks are way more humble.
  2. My son took his course last summer on Long Island and there was absolutely NO hands on with a gun and no shooting at all. I sat in on the course with him. The instructor brought a few of his own firearms to show the group and it looked and sounded more like he was just showing them off. No one got to touch or handle any of them. I'm surely not knocking every instructor out there, I'm sure there are good ones, but I was quite disappointed with the course my son attended. He definitely learned way more by himself with the online course that is require before attending the class than he did in the class itself. At least from what I saw with the class he attended, I think an online only course would be more than sufficient.
  3. Tight Lee was Bruce Lee's brother. Got the reputation for being "tight" with money since he was known to eat only ramen noodles for dinner every night. The sodium must have gotten to him.
  4. After watching this video, those empty buckets lying around in my garage will be put to good use!
  5. If true this would be absolutely insane! We'd be going from a real good economy, record low unemployment to martial law in one months time. Mind boggling!!!
  6. You can see them on youtube also. Really great hunting show several notches above all the rest. I've been watching their 2019 turkey tour with my son the last few days since this season will be his first spring hunt and we both enjoyed the shows very much.
  7. I wonder if the NICS background check system will cease any time soon? That would make for an interesting scenario.
  8. And exactly how would Goldman Sachs investors know that 50% of Americans and 70% of Germans will get this virus?? They can't even predict the financial health of their own companies (on a normal day) and we are supposed to believe their predictions on how many people will get this virus? That's laughable!
  9. Man, are some of you gullible! I've never been a Trump fan, but Cuomo is without question the biggest idiot ever to hold any elected office.
  10. Better being a dope than a psycho like you. At least there's hope for dopes.
  11. Anyone who thinks Cuomo is a "national leader" of anything is well beyond a dope. There isn't anything more I can tell you!
  12. Seriously Otisco, I think you need to reduce the water pressure of that butt washer you have on your toilet. I think it's pushing the crap up too close to your brain.
  13. The media most definitely helped create this hype. I still don't buy it, but with people getting paranoid shit will happen. You can go on believing that people will be passing daisies to each other and everyone will help each other if there is no food to buy. Some might, but plenty of others who won't. Good luck to you.
  14. We are only a few steps away from the crap totally hitting the fan. If stores that sell food start closing down or can't restock the shelves, things can get ugly real quick.
  15. If there's anything good that has come from this corona hysteria its that sports has been shut down for at least a while. I do feel for the folks who work behind the scenes and now may be without work, but otherwise it's probably a good thing that humanity has to deal without its sports obsessions for a change.
  16. I've never been a Trump fan, but exactly what the hell do some of you want him to do here? FedEx everyone in the nation a test kit by tomorrow morning? I actually like the fact that he isn't fanning the flames of hysteria like the media and some of you here are doing.
  17. If the $#!+ really hits the fan lead wrapped in brass will probably bring the best rate of return and will be more valuable than currency. Throwing your money into the stock market most likely won't help you much as we already starting to see.
  18. LOL, my earlier post about using your old socks wasn't crazy after all! And yes, sooner or later this virus paranoia will get some people killed and it won't be the virus that will be doing the killing.
  19. Just for you Biz, they'll replay the 2004 ALCS. Although you probably have all the games on DVD and watch them every weekend.
  20. Over the years I've heard some guys on this forum say that they used their socks out in the field when they forgot the toilet paper, so maybe folks can start saving their old socks as a backup. They are of course also washable and can be re-used.
  21. No, the bullets won't be to kill off the virus, they will be for those who try to steal our toilet paper.
  22. We'll check in with you again in a few years to see how much fun you are having being married. Just kidding.
  23. What a stupid, phoney article written to create even more paranoia. He says that he is a "Doctor" and that "Most of his childhood friends are now doctors in north Italy". Who the hell ever had "most" of his childhood friends grow up to be doctors? I'm no doctor, but I bet there isn't a doctor out there who had "most" of his childhood friends grow up to be doctors! That alone discredits this article completely.
  24. Habla Espanol? Can't really understand what you are trying to say. Maybe I'd understand you better if you explained yourself in Spanish.
  25. Paranoia, that's all it really is and the media sensationalizing it all since it is generating BIG revenue for them. It's truly unbelievable where this has been taken.
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