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Everything posted by steve863

  1. I was slow in planning a summer vacation this year and I guess that was a good thing. Nothing needs to be cancelled since nothing was booked. The trip that won't be cancelled is next weekends youth turkey hunt with my son. It will be his first Spring hunt. We got a 4 hour drive to our leased land and usually stay at a hotel while up there, but to avoid all human contact we will be camping out in a tent instead. We'll bring everything we need for the couple of days and sleeping outdoors should just add to the experience. We are both looking forward to this very much!
  2. The big question is whether Fauci will be with the Trump team until this thing ends? Trump dumps people more often than I change my socks, so the odds aren't too good for him.
  3. I absolutely won't blame Trump for any of this virus drama like some are trying to do. What could he really do 2 or 3 months ago? Shut the nation down before anyone had the virus? No one knew $#!+ what was going to happen. It's easy to point fingers now. If anything like this ever starts again somewhere in the world, the first thing the entire world needs to do is completely quarantine that nation or whatever nations the disease is spreading in. No one is to leave or go to those nations. Some could cry racism or whatever the hell they want, but this is the only way you will ever contain something like this. Continue to let people travel freely and now you can see what happens. With that said, I completely agree with your statement. Trump simply can't keep his mouth shut. It's all about him and all he wants is accolades from everyone around him. It's embarrassing to watch him.
  4. Just got the email from the DEC. https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/NYSDEC/bulletins/285b66b
  5. My son took the course last June (I sat in with him) on Long Island and there was absolutely NO hands on with any firearms, real or fake. So from what I saw, he learned way more in the homework part than he did in the 8 hour class. I was very disappointed with the two course instructors to be quite honest.
  6. Great find, Culver!! My son took the firearms safety course last summer, but it would be great if I can get him an online bowhunters course where he doesn't have to sit through another 8 hours of pretty much the same thing. The website is not too clear whether this includes the bowhunters course, but hopefully the DEC might clear things up when they make their statement.
  7. Dean Martin is probably on the ground passed out drunk by the bar. LOL
  8. Blackbeltbill's hero David Carridine from the TV show "Kung Fu" is there too. He's on the ground level way back near the stairs.
  9. No one recognized Yul Brynner from the movie "Westworld"? He's over Clint Eastwood's right shoulder. He's dressed in black with a black hat looking back from his chair.
  10. It's a bit hard to see him because he's short but I think I see Pygmy pinching the Dukes of Hazzard girl's (the one carrying the beer) butt.
  11. I don't know. I've seen enough play on some guns when sliding the barrel back into the receiver to make me wonder.
  12. I don't think I'd go hunting with those guns before I shot them. Just eyeballing those fiber optic sights on to the barrel and thinking they are perfectly aligned doesn't mean they are.
  13. I wish they made more turkey barrels for semi-auto and pump guns that had the cantilever style scope mounts, like many slug barrels have. To me they make the most sense, but it doesn't seem like there are too many out there being made for many popular shotguns. If you have the scope or red dot mounted above the receiver or with one of those side saddle mounts what are the odds that your gun will remain in zero if you remove the barrel for cleaning? That set up doesn't give me a lot of confidence, thus I've stuck to the plain front and center bead open sights. At least the gun will shoot where I'm aiming, and if I miss I will have no one to blame but myself.
  14. I think the biggest reason it didn't get too bad in South Korea is due to people wearing masks. You would think it would have gotten out of control in other Asian countries as well, but they don't have any issues wearing masks, so this helped the situation. I think wearing masks, bandanas, anything on your face works better than we in this country had been told at the start. It seems like we were way late to the game with wearing them.
  15. I agree, Cabela's is definitely NOT what they used to be. Luckily I haven't needed their customer service, but I know that you rarely get any good deals online anymore. You used to be able to find some good stuff discounted in their bargain cave, but now there is hardly anything worth buying. Everything is way over-priced on everything the sell.
  16. You nailed it right there. I can't stand to look at Cuomo's face, but those who think that Trump is showing exemplary leadership in this mess or that the Fed's are somehow doing a great job are sadly mistaken.
  17. OK, send me your address I'll pencil you in. Don't expect to get any of my turkey calls, however. Blackbeltbill will be inheriting those.
  18. Absolutely nothing to do with religion or love. I have no interest in selling any of them I've bought only what I need and could use, so there are none i care to sell. And If for any reason I needed another one I don't have to sell any of my old ones to afford the new one, so I consider myself lucky in that respect. Once they roll me into the grave my family could do whatever they want with them, even dump them into the river if they want. Not like I'll worry about it then. LOL
  19. Same here. If I buy a gun, it won't be going anywhere. If I ever need to sell a gun to have money to buy another one, then I probably shouldn't be getting another one.
  20. Reminds me of the helicopter story. Whenever you see a guy getting into a helicopter it's pretty easy to tell if he's married or not. The unmarried guy will walk to the helicopter all slouched over afraid of the revolving blades overhead. The married guy will walk towards it standing fully erect. For the married man could only hope that he might get clipped by the blade.
  21. Don't know if they make them either, but I've got some left.
  22. If you think everyone is giving you $#!+ over kissing Cuomo's butt, wait until they find out that you like yoga!
  23. Did you drink a protein shake? i thought you were tapping out?
  24. It would be terrible if they cancelled the season, although it wouldn't surprise me since everything else seems to have been cancelled in the world. This would be my sons first spring hunt and we've been looking forward to youth weekend on our lease all winter so it would be a real bummer. We've even planned on camping out to avoid the human contact in the hotel we typically stay at.
  25. Cuomo de facto president??? This has got to be the dumbest article I ever read. I have plenty of issues with Trump, but Cuomo will NEVER be president of the United States. Neither de facto or duly elected!!
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