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Cabin Fever

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Cabin Fever

  1. Nice buck! Congrats! Must have been a decent bloodtrail with a 3" exit hole?
  2. This is how I remember which area I'm in (8F). "Where are the "F"'n deer??"
  3. This has been my worst season ever as far as sightings. I went out 28x and only saw 1 mature doe! She was out of range and was being chased by the buck that I shot. The other deer that I saw were fawns and bucks.
  4. Nice buck! How did you make out this year?
  5. I would give my season a 4. Saw "less than half" the deer I normally see, even though I hunted as much or even more than I have in years past. I hunted hard and put in my time (went out 28 times)!! The weather sucked, way to much wind and rain, and it was warm. But I did get my best bow buck yet.
  6. I am so sorry to hear. My sympathies to you and your family. Try to think positive. No suffering and going out doing what he loved to do, there are much worse ways to go. Any death is tough to deal with, but I know from experience that those quick unexpected deaths are very traumatic on the family.
  7. As long as I had a tag in my pocket.
  8. Just hung up the camo myself ~5 minutes ago! It's gonna be a LONG wait til next bowseason...
  9. I can not believe how huge that bear is!!! May be the world record!
  10. Whatever I decide to take, I tend to repackage into ziplock freezer bags. Helps cut down on odor, noise when opening, and then I don't have a bunch of noisey loose wrappers in my pouch or backpack to deal with.
  11. The good 'ole days for me meant sharing hunts with my Dad. Still sucks walking past his empty treestands... Enjoy 'em while you have 'em guys...
  12. Some stupid people out there!!! How long do you think idiots like that would survive if big emergency hit and they didn't have groceries?
  13. LOL!! Hey enjoy your vacation, good luck, be safe, and enjoy the time with your Dad!
  14. Heard someone call into a local radio show yesterday and said that her husband fell out of a treestand over the weekend. Broke his collarbone, hip, and 8 ribs.... OUCH!!
  15. A guy was telling me that he saw 3 big bucks chasing does around in his field just 2 days ago. He said they were running them hard, but the does just weren't ready to give it up! A co-worker told me that he went out bowhunting that same morning and saw 5 different bucks on the move with their nose to the ground grunting. He said some seemed like they were grunting with each step and they looked like a beagle on a rabbit trail!
  16. Really?! Mine (HSS vest) came with the suspension relief strap included. It does seem surprising that they would have it as an extra "Sold Separately" type of item. Mine came with the HSS vest also. I bought two others for my son and daughter and they were included with theirs also.
  17. What a monster!! Would love to hear the story behind that one!!
  18. Not sure. Got a few nice ones around. I still can't believe with 4 cams out practically 365 days/yr that I never got any pics of him last year! I only spent ~5 min. looking for the other side. Had lots of things to get done that day before it started to rain. Wouldn't surprise me if it was in there close by.
  19. Great buck! Looks like he was a hefty one too!
  20. I heard yesterday that this buck is now roadkill! Too bad!! He sure would have made some hunter's day!
  21. No I haven't. I have a photobucket account. Maybe I'll just do that...
  22. You may not find evidence of the old injury. It could have happened last spring when his antler was starting to grow and it deformed, then the injury had time to heal.
  23. Is it possible to expand the maximum size limit on the video files?? I've tried to post a few different videos (20sec), but apparently they are over the size limit. I've tried e-mailing them to mods before for them to post, but apparently they are too large for e-mail.
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