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Cabin Fever

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Everything posted by Cabin Fever

  1. I 'bout crapped myself when I saw this one!
  2. Pretty much the same for me... Pathetic! I kind of expected it though, as I usually don't see squat a few days before and after a full moon.
  3. Hi Jason. Welcome. Don't forget to get a snow shovel and ice scraper! We STILL get snow here!! LOL
  4. Hi Jeremy. Do you now live in PA or just check out the Huntingpa site? I have fond memories of hunting in PA and like to go to the Huntingpa site myself. Never joined, just like to read what's going on.
  5. BTW, if that buck doesn't make Kevin smile, I wonder what does? LOL Looks like he's ready to gut the guy that's taking the pic!
  6. What a hole!! I take it there was no bloodtrailing involved? LOL
  7. I heard about the one in Holley this morning and there was also another yesterday as well. Does there seem to be a lot more treestand falls this year or is it just me paying attention more? Only the biggies get reported too. Makes me wonder how much more it really happens to those of us that don't sustain serious or life threatening injuries? Very sad...
  8. Sounds like an accident waiting to happen. When it does, whether he's under the influence or not, it will be reported that the hunter had a bottle of alochol on him and it will reflect on all of us.
  9. I don't know what the roe deer was up to. Maybe that was a snort with a roe deer accent? LOL Check out this video of a whitetail. The deer snorts a lot. Is this the sound? If so, this is their alarm sound.
  10. If you already have the equipment, then why not give it a try and see how it goes. I've seen other guys advertising this service. I have my own equipment, but honestly hate doing it (repairs, maintenance, time, etc...). If I had the $, I'd gladly pay someone else to do it for me!!
  11. As windy as it was on the opener, my strategy was to strap in and hang on!!!
  12. Sure sucks that you lost the deer, but gotta give you credit for staying on the trail and being persistent! Maybe now you'll be rewarded by having this other land to hunt.
  13. Do you mean a "snort"? I've never heard it referred to as a bark before.....................
  14. It amazes me how they haven't learned/evolved that roads are dangerous!?!? A creature that is so leery, spooky, cautious, quick to react, yet they act so dumb crossing roads!
  15. Nice buck! A hefty one for sure!!
  16. Congrats! I wish my sister-in-laws dragged deer...
  17. Very nice!! Hopefully that's the first of many more to come!
  18. It was very quite in my area for as far as I could hear. I thought shooting got off to a late start after daylight, then was practically non-existent from 9am-4pm. I'm sure the hard wind had a lot to do with the lack of activity and shooting.
  19. That sucks!! Hope you're season improves!
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