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Cabin Fever

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Everything posted by Cabin Fever

  1. Tresspassers SUCK... Hope you can locate them!
  2. Went out to adjust a ladder stand mid-day, as it was leaning a slightly forward. Wanted it level and as comfy as possible for some upcoming all day sits. Found a big rub that wasn't there 3 days ago! They're getting feisty!!
  3. I use these as well. I keep them in a baggie at the bottom of my pack. I like the clips better than ribbons. I usually only use about 6 at a time to mark blood and to help establish the path of travel. After I clip the last one, I'll go back to retrieve the previous 5, then use them marking forward, and keep repeating.
  4. If you use the orange/pink ribbon, please go back and remove it when you're done! Especially on public ground. I can't tell you how many times I've come across a trail of ribbons that certainly appear like they were from someone blood trailing. Low to the ground, knee high, leading through thickets, etc...
  5. Does it leave a decent blood trail? I killed one a couple years ago with a .223 and used Remington 55gr PSP. I would never do it again. I purposely took the .223 one day after a fresh snow, thinking if it left a poor blood trail, I would be able to find it by tracking in the fresh snow. I put a heart shot on one and it only made it 40-50 yards. I went to see what the blood trail was like, but only found specs of blood, between where I shot him and where he fell. Tiny entrance hole, no exit, but massive internal damage though.
  6. Cool! Looks like a good one too!
  7. I just hung up with CS as I had some questions unrelated to this problem. Figured while I had them on the phone I would try to get some info for you. She said that they were having issues with some internet providers (ie. Spectrum and Comcast), but it should be resolved in 24-48hrs. She said they are suggesting people turn off wifi and to use data and that fixed most issues. I told her that I know of some guys and that's not working for them. She said some people have needed to turn off their phone and turn back on. Others have needed to log out of the app then log back in again. If you haven't tried this yet, it might be worth a shot.
  8. I'm currently on hold with CS about an unrelated topic. As soon as their message comes on, it says they are aware of server issues and are working on it.
  9. Mines been working fine on WiFi ever since the problem they had a couple nights ago.
  10. Between Oct. 23rd - Nov. 28th, I'm only working 5 days! LFG!!!
  11. Wierd... In the previous 3-4 days, I woke up to 30+ cell cam pics that were sent overnight. For my area, that's unusual and crazy high activity! This morning, I just had a pic of a doe and fawn!? From 10 cell cams?? WTF?
  12. My son and I have talked about whether we would shoot the piebald 8pt that's hanging around the property, if given the opportunity. Personally, I have decided not to, just because he's so cool, unique, and doesn't have the biggest rack anyways. Don't get me wrong, he's a dandy, but I think I'd have remorse after shooting him. Plus, I'd rather have someone shoot him that would mount him, which I have no desire to. My son has said that he would shoot and mount him, so I was hoping he would get an opportunity this season. Tonight, he texts me and said "Piebald!!". A few minutes later, I get a notification that I have a new pic from the cam by the stand he's in! I rushed to open the pic and saw the piebald passing 12 yards from the stand my son was in!!! OMFG!!! I was only ~80 yards away and was waiting to hear crashing, but it never happened.?.? He texted me a few min later and said he was waiting for it to clear the area, before he climbed down, so he wouldn't spook it. I was puzzled?? When he approached me, I was stunned that he didn't shoot it, being it was a slam dunk at 12 yards!! I asked him what happened? He said, "Dad, it was so cool looking, being ~80% white, and I couldn't do it"! He hung his bow up and pulled out his phone to take a video of it instead!! I would have been happy for him, regardless of what he did, but I'm sure proud of him for deciding for himself that some things are more important than bragging rights. We hunt a private farm that my property adjoins, and no one else has permission to hunt it, so if this buck sticks to this area, he could easily see another year or two if he plays his cards right. BTW, No, it was not as dark as it appears in the pic!! The stand in the background is an ancient rickety old wooden ladder stand. Must have been put there for good reason!
  13. This one still stings... Hunted this buck for 3 years. He was in my head and every move I made was trying to figure out how to cross paths with him to get my opportunity! He was the only buck I was going to settle for! His demise was getting kicked out on a drive down the road during gun season to a stander that wasn't from the area and had no history with the buck... Great video of him working a scrape https://photos.app.goo.gl/EDSDr9CN2QgvgFcS6
  14. Happy with the increased trail cam activity over the last 2-3 nights! Bucks have really been on their feet and showing up in different areas. Unfortunately, 95% of pics have been under the cover of darkness. Sometimes within just 15-20min of daylight though, so we're getting there! Most times, the bucks are alone, but am seeing 3-4 bucks traveling together too. No bucks with does, trailing behind does, or showing any interest yet. No scrapes, nor are they showing any interest in my mock scrapes yet.
  15. Ahhh, yeah. It looks like they're currently having server issues. (9) Tactacam Reveal | Page 259 | Archery Talk Forum On the archery talk link, someone mentioned turning off wifi and using cellular data and they were able to see their pics. Thought it sounded odd, but tried it and it worked! Now I can see my new pics! You have to select the cam icon at the bottom and select the cam you want to look at the pics for.
  16. Odd that when I just went to go see if there were any recent pics tonight, I'm getting the following message: I wonder if their network or Verizon is currently having issues??
  17. Funny you mentioned this. This has happened to me 2-3 times, but I just assumed I inadvertently clicked Delete All and wiped all my pics out, instead of just selecting the ones that I wanted and deleting those. I've been extra careful the last few times I've done this and all has been well. It's not as much of a problem for me, as my cams are all within 600 yards of the house though.
  18. Had a little 6pt at 15 yards, but that’s it. On the bright side, I finally saw a deer! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Couldn’t you have just held a little high?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Loving this cooler weather!! Wind isn’t bad at all here. Found a couple new rubs on my way in. Still no scrapes yet. Cams still showing bucks and does alone. My son is ~100 yards from me. He’s seen a doe. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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