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Everything posted by Don_C

  1. I'm still going through everything from last weekends cards, last night I found this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkjks6De8pE
  2. 100% agree. My only point was that if one is attempting to be unseen, wearing the color that is the brightest of the color spectrum to a deer is counterproductive. Of course guys shoot them wearing blue, I remember an episode of some hunting show that was filmed on Halloween and the guys wore costumes, a full clown suite and a Superman costume. They both arrowed bucks.
  3. I have always worn an orange vest when out with a gun so this new law is meaningless to me. I really wouldn't worry about it though, deer simply do not see, care about or react to the color. I often find it amusing when I find myself surrounded by deer who never notice me until I move, even with a bright orange Mad Bomber and vest on. What our eyes see as loud and obnoxious is just a muted tone to them. On the flip side, I have to laugh when I see guys wearing blue jeans while deer hunting...
  4. Nothing serious, just a bit of a restricted recovery. Going to pull the rest of the cards this weekend, hoping the big boy we didn’t get last year is still around. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. It's been tough few months for me, I've been recovering from surgery and have not been able drive, ride the 4wheelers or even walk very far for a while now. I won't be able to shoot the bow until the last week in September. Overall I haven't been too excited about this season, but that all changed when we took a ride to the lease over the weekend and pulled a couple cards. Bucks all over the place, and a few pretty nice ones too. We have a stand 18 yards from this camera. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2F5KUEGG4o2Y4&data=04|01|donald.churik%40ivoclarvivadent.com|12fc08bd927042061ea108d976f37a35|87056191b88240a4a6680b4b65f51e55|0|0|637671611100790872|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D|3000&sdata=wv0DI2By7c18r8blvOhdnkEDSLkVBWb9%2Ff%2BlVevbmD0%3D&reserved=0
  6. Don_C


    Tree House KING CREAMSICLE! Damn… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I did notice that the Cabelas flyer says sale starts on the 19th. May be worth looking then.
  8. I have noticed lately, that just about everything I search for on Cabela's site says not available only to see the item in the store the next time I'm there. I don't get it.
  9. Cabela's flyer just came in the mail... These really are great, they are comfortable and roomy. We have no problem shooting the bows from them with the rail lowered all the way. If the rail is a concern you can flip it behind you against the tree or don't install it at all.
  10. I have three Big Game ladders, they are about 6 years old, Hunter HD 1.5. I love them. https://www.biggametreestands.com/ladderstand-tree-stands/#hunterhd
  11. Sold Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I have a few Perception kayaks for sale, they have been hanging in the garage sine 2019, we bought them new in 2018. Obviously hardly used at all. Looking to get $275 for the 9.5 footers and $325 for the 11.5 footer. These are in excellent condition and include paddles. https://www.perceptionkayaks.com/us/swifty
  13. Check this site a few times daily for the next month or so, the leases are coming due this month. The smaller parcels go quickly. They are a great company to lease from, nothing but good experiences with them for me. https://www.gutchess.com/gutchess-hunt-lease/
  14. I just called DD's to see if anyone else had complained about this. They are aware of the problem and offered to make it right. I did not expect that at all, glad to hear they take care of their customers.
  15. If anyone here sees Sterling brand 9mm on the shelf I would suggest youavoid it. I took my M&P compact out the other day and grabbed a box of Sterling 9mm factory reloads that I bought at DD's Ranch a month or so ago. I did not see that they were factory reloads at the time I purchased them. First 9 shots were fine, the 10th round jammed so bad it took all my strength pulling back on the slide and my son prying the extractor to dislodge it. The case was swollen. I got home and did a search for Sterling and found this some others having the same problem. I pulled the barrel out of that gun and began test fitting the rounds. First with a Sig Performance round and a federal FMJ that nicely slid in and fell right out when I turned the barrel over. Next I tried a Sterling round and it went in about 80% of the way in and I had to pull it out. I went through quite a few and most would not fit properly in the barrel, they were all oversized/swollen and many had sealant slopped on them. I bought 4 boxes of this crap. Just a heads up.
  16. Don_C


    And one more. Going to be a tough 7:00am conference call with the boss in Liechtenstein for sure. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Don_C


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. There was, but there were probably 20 guys behind me too and it was hours ago. Worth checking though.
  19. I stopped at Cabela's on my way into the office this morning and there was quite a line waiting to get in at 8:55. I'm not doing that. So I went to my meeting and stopped at 10:30 on my way home and was surprised to see the shelves were still pretty well stocked. I picked up some 9mm, 100 round boxes for $30.
  20. I’m out in Cheektavegas so I stopped at Cabelas and scored a couple boxes of 30-06 at normal prices. They have a good bit of rifle and .22 right now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I know two families who have dealt with transgender kids, one from the time he was a very small child, the other in grade school, it is difficult to say the least, but I would think choosing Male or Female on a MEDICAL FORM is far more important than how one feels inside. Regardless of how one feels or identifies, we are all - in reality - one or the other and I'm sure in some circumstances that fact is probably very important.
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