No exchange students here but my last semester at Pace University during my M.S. degree years ago was "International Banking and Security" class, we went to London and Paris. That was the best 10 days of my college days. We were invited by the Bank of England for a pitch, visited Bletchley Park,Greenwich prime meridian and then spent few days around before heading to Paris on EuroStar Train (this demon runs at 200 mph). Then visit at Sorbonne, Montmartre, La Defense and of course some Paris nightlife. In my opinion if you or your kids have a chance to do it DO IT. They will never forget it and it is purely awesome to see the real life on the other side of the pond, worth every penny. If it was up to me a class like that should be mandatory in college. Glad to hear it worked out for your Fam Law.
Yeah, nice video, all cute.... Two things
1) That's Iwo Jima they were Marines not Soldiers
2) Try one more time to call Sargent Sir....Sgt works for the living :-)
Other than that, a nice story...
Not really true, I'm buying there all the time probably more than in NY, just need to show my CT pistol license, they don't record anything and even if I buy 5.56 still need to show the license. Stupid law but hey we live in the "CryStateArea" :-)
Anyone here owns Stoeger shotgun? What's your take on it? They look pretty good and affordable, I'm thinking about one for bird hunting mostly. Let me know what you think....
My Coleman did pretty well... glad I have one and didn't break the bank. I'm with Biz, what are you using for should be really main concern here. Good vid nyantler, Thanks.