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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bkln

  1. So, what's the verdict? The suspense is killing me ....... :-)
  2. Seen more bucks than does this year which is weird, generally seen less deer than the years past. Hit one buck in archery, never recovered (my fault bad shot). Passed one buck on gun opening day, no clean shot, after that....nothing in ML... dead....still hoping for Westchester bow and CT bow till end of year/month
  3. Westchester is still on :-)
  4. Irish Setter boots for me the best insulation you can afford.... it never failed me....
  5. Just being out there and NOT in the office, fresh air, nature, primal instincts, organic food on the table, you name it....we have been removed so far from the nature its ridiculous.... I think when I retire I will live in the woods, seriously I would love that...
  6. Now with the gun season over I will make few trips down there again... hoping for some meat down....
  7. Worst gun season I can remember, hoping for some luck during MZ....
  8. I'm with ya 132, and I never gave a half a ... let them grow up... and now we go back to the regular scheduled dissing... :-)
  9. so technically we have two deer (either sex) during late season? If I read this right..
  10. bkln


    Still under shock.... :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrYA9dLxXf0
  11. European hunts are all like that, what's wrong with that?
  12. bkln

    First deer

    Awesome !!!! Congrats, welcome to the club, you are addicted now :-)
  13. wow, what are you planting there deer crack? :-) those pics are awesome, I assume the clock is skewed a bit but nevertheless, nice army....
  14. CVA has nice stuff this year for about $200, any of you have some older muzzleloader that want to part with? Let me know.... I'm in Dutchess County
  15. Been there few times in the last 4 weeks mostly on NYC Watershed property (new croton res) and traffic was really low.... I have seen plenty of signs but didn't really spot anything. What do you see?
  16. Knock on wood, I never had any bad experience with a green cop. They normally the cool guys with no attitude and a job to do, NY or CT they just normal guys like you and me doing their job checking the report or call. I treat them like I want to be treated with respect and we always shake hands and go on our merry way. I always ask for a card and call them personally if I have a question... This one is weird, why don't you just talk to him and express your concerns... You said "almost everyday since October 1st" how many times did he check your license?
  17. You were in a treestand on state land?
  18. I know that the first light supposed to be the best time to hunt, but from your experience and stats, what time of the day have you harvested majority of your deer? Come to think of it I only shot one doe at first light, the rest of my deer was mid day or evening.....
  19. If you make it from the woods to your own processing shed and no one sees you, no tag, nothing happened.... If someone sees you then you tag it and or send it to butcher. I have seen that before.... is it right? NO ! Does it happen? YES!
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