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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bkln

  1. Pandora's bracelet, he went to Jared.... :-)
  2. Nice, worked as advertised :-)
  3. Funny thing is I see the same thing this year more DEC cops than deer...LOL
  4. Age or genetics? I vote for latter.....
  5. Nothing wrong with bow and Xbow at the same time, many states treat them equally but of course WE (NY) have to be different.... It's a string and an arrow/bolt... get over it...
  6. Nice setup dude, was this just build? it looks new.....
  7. Don't forget about kinda "cold winter" we had last year....just saying...
  8. Nice Cave man, heck I would live there....:-)
  9. Welcome to the site Jeff, get some thick skin and you will be fine :-) Just kidding, you will find here very nice folks that are willing to help so don't be shy and ask questions. We are here to help eachother... Where in Dutchess are you?
  10. I think I'm done with that multiple device stuff, your phone can do pretty much the same thing if you set it right. Even if you don't have a "phone" signal and you have GPS chip (most phones do these days) it still works, just pre-load maps before hand. Get rid of that old ABBA and Lynyrd Skynyrd music on your phone and make some room for maps :-) You will never got lost again.... My 2 cents...
  11. I'm not clear on that, is says that 1C and 3S were excluded but the request is only for 1c "... rather than excluding crossbows from Suffolk County, it would best interest the constituents of Suffolk County and NYS to authorize the use of crossbows in Suffolk County WMU 1C, to aide in the success of Suffolk County hunters." Better wording for 1C AND 3S would be more clear....just saying... Unless I misread the entire thing.... Anyway I signed it regardless...
  12. Ghost blind, always bring it with you....
  13. That's your problem, right there..... :-)
  14. Go to bed everyone, you are too drunk...LOL :-)
  15. Nice dog man.....congrats. Belo, you are a riot ... :-)
  16. State or private land? Ask the owner it is kinda hard to conceal and carry a stand....
  17. I must agree, it is most definitely more challenging and addictive at the same time. Personally I got the monkey off my back with a bow two years ago bur each year I'm looking forward to bow season... Keep at it and it will happen...
  18. Happy B-Day Old Fart...!!!! :-)
  19. F.... that, some tabasco and some MREs and you ready to roll... just call it another tour... :-) Or eat what you kill as it was suggested....
  20. Yeah keep rubbing in Belo :-), your NY Giants are not far behind.....just saying....
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