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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bkln

  1. Thank You for Your Service ...!!!!
  2. Nice job HF, show us the pics when you mount him....
  3. They wont respond, try to put on a winter jacket when is 60 degrees out, what would YOU do, run around or chill the #%@$# out? There ya go, you just answered your own question. Still, go out there and read the signs... the more you out there the more you learn....and you never know there could be that 8 pointer waiting for ya... :-)
  4. Lots of yotes in Putnam, try Cranberry at night you will hear them a lot, they are sneaky though. Happy hunting.....
  5. I think we are in agreement, and you are right OP didn't mention what area that was...
  6. Naa, we just eat it...lol, good eating though... I saved my turkey feathers that's for sure...
  7. The same thing here, just got it this year and trying out ever calm and vs-1, I will report later on any activity.....
  8. OK, let me re-phrase that, state land in Dutchess, Putnam, Orange, Ulster are way more overcrowded that that land "a bit" more north... I mean I have been to Taconic Hereford (aka 909) on opening day, I think I heard less shots from the videotape my son brought from Fallujah, Iraq... I kid you not..... ADK? probably a bit different.... I will give you that.
  9. ... and that's why I hunt alone... :-)
  10. bkln


    No love action in 3G either, low traffic too.... too warm I guess, it was almost 60 today, I need me some snow....
  11. bkln


    And you well know that they will come up right after legal hours... :-) Then I put away my bow and This is where I track them, see where they coming from, then come back next day 30 min earlier and move up a bit. 4 or 5 days of doing this and voila you have your tracked deer within legal hours, lots of work but it works. I'm working on an 8 pointer on the state land right now, need couple more days but this darn work gets in a way :-)
  12. Congrats on the doe! Why didn't you shoot the buck?
  13. Congrats, any deer with a bow is a trophy :-)
  14. "state land safe" in an oxymoron, you can have safe or state land not both.....but I agree if you cover yourself from head to toe in orange it will be hard to take you for a deer. That doesn't mean you are safe..... There is always that one moron that will shoot at anything, just pray it ain't you....
  15. You measure the person by how much he/she does for others..... You are good people Grow....
  16. If they were a suspect, cure it and smoke it, then have your brother in law try it :-) If he is OK next day then you are good ... JK
  17. bkln


    Cool, I found one too... it has to be at least 12 pointer :-) I will have to stake out this place.... lol
  18. Thanks guys, I dug deeper and pistol is right... these are Pachysandra terminalis - aka Japanese spurge (the brighter green leaf) and Vinca minor - aka lesser periwinkle or dwarf periwinkle that's the one with darker leaf. It really looked like someone planted it, but that's because they sort of invasive and will grow in the shade creating a gren carpet. I thought I found a deer paradise but they actually deter deer big time. Oh well, my scouting for new areas continue. Thanks Folks.
  19. Need some help in identifying this thing, found it at the local forest green as hell at this time of the year, looks like someone plant it, but what is it? This ain't clover and alfalfa looks a bit different (more round leafs).... anyone can educate me? Thanks
  20. Agree with martin, ADK is worth the ride, case and point.... :-)
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