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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

Media Demo




Everything posted by bkln

  1. against, the "change" does not address the problem... we need to lock up the psychos like we did in the 70's and the state and Fed need to pay for it..... plus arm teachers and security guards (like they do in Israel) and have a nice life....problem solved...
  2. It ain't over yet... Westchester is still open for another week and a half :-) and I still have 2 tags to use....and I'm hoping....
  3. Well said, but unfortunately this government will "never waste a good crisis" opportunity, although it has nothing to do with the guns, they will use it this way. I wish they will evaluate how mental health patients are being treated (or not treated for that matter) and actually do something about, but that's just logical response.....nuff said
  4. bkln

    Albino Deer

    Honestly I never understood that, unless you shot 100 bucks in your life.....but then again I hunt for venison....
  5. bkln

    Albino Deer

    How about the other does, why didn't you shoot them? I mean you were out there hunting right?
  6. welcome to the site bud, prepare to have a thick skin and you will be fine :-)
  7. Man, good tracking on that deer, you were on him for over 2 years that's a dedication....congrats....
  8. bkln

    Bass fishing

    define recently, I usually fish after spring turkey season....
  9. bkln


    I have to give it to you Paula, that was funny......and yes I understand... :-) but man still hold the farting rights....LOL
  10. No bubba, just make sure they are out of reach so the sick kid can't get them, that's all.....
  11. <------------- this guy will be out :-)
  12. Look at this BS media twist, they said that AR Bushmaster was retrieved at the scene....not true, they found an SKS (thumbhole stock) in the evening (shooting started at 9:30 AM btw). It does not matter, they will play bad AR gun needs to banned now..... Here is the proof..... Download and save it before its too late, I bet ya this video will disappear from youtube ver soon
  13. Nice and frosty this morning, unfortunately nothing is moving not even a squirrel....
  14. <Seinfeld mode on> ....Not that there is anything wrong with that... </Seinfeld mode off>
  15. Hang on here Red, it will be all right...!!!
  16. Damn people, where do you find these things, I walked miles and miles in the woods before, during and after the season for the last 4 years and I saw zip....You either darn lucky or you live in a deer paradise...LOL
  17. Interesting concept though to make the light reflect and project, they already have that for hunting too, check http://www.ghostblind.com/, not sure how effective it is but it sounds interesting, maybe I will try for a spring turkey.....
  18. WOW, that's a big boy allright.....congrats!!!!
  19. Don't even get me started, I also hunt in CT, they invented the darn thing. I have strict routine of spray before you go out and through check after you come back, it works for me. No bites this year, I found many of them but was able to get rid of them before they feast.
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