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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bkln

  1. Not yet, waiting for more snow and cold temps, just reloaded some TSX bullets, I need me some coons and yotes :-)
  2. Ehh, I doubt it, malamutes have shorter and thicker snouts, this is just overweight yote...LOL
  3. A button with a bow (I thought it was a doe) and then big 11 on opening day of shotgun, my best season ever.
  4. Damn, sam, you should put a warning label on this thing...LOL I'm not hungry anymore.....
  5. Vet, The other side of the county Dover/Wingdale area, I just finished pushing slush out of my driveway, I can still see my grass...LOL Need me more snow.....
  6. After Newtown shootings, they felt they had an obligation to inform the public where the guns are in their neighbourhood (dumb move IMO).
  7. Nothing really here, we got maybe an inch and it is melting now, the streets are black...send some of that powder downstate will ya...!!!??? :-)
  8. 62 grains TSX bullets, no luck with the rifle this year.
  9. I used to when Junior was younger but not anymore since he is out of the house now. All guns are condition 1 or 0 (ready to go) and strategically placed.
  10. That is awesome dude...BTW what's the daily limit on those? Just saying :-)
  11. This is not even accurate, I checked few addresses I know for sure, this is all big BS....
  12. bkln


    Good job ice, any archery deer is a trophy....they are hard to come by these days especially where we live.....
  13. Tug, I'm so jealous right now....you guys have snow and so much fun.....damn it I'm moving way north.... :-)
  14. Here in NY the ban never sunset, we still have he same restrictions, not sure what all this fuss is all about.....It wont make a difference for us anyway.... What part of the second amendment they don't comprehend?
  15. Awesome !!!! Someone is getting rabbit stew for Christmas :-)
  16. Awesome, look at that grin on her face :-) Congrats !!!! Bravo Zulu !
  17. I just started hunting like 3 years ago so no old pics, here we go maybe this one will be worth a penny 30 years from now :-)
  18. No way.... get the Doc in there and sits in trees and we are done in 2 mins...LOL
  19. It's not high capacity, it's a standard capacity, ask any Marine or Army grunt.....
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