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Everything posted by rotorooter23

  1. I'll be sitting there with my compound, nothing against xbows, just really like my compound and don't see a need for xbow just yet.
  2. Well being 16 this is how you learn. Was also rooting for you. I, myself have been down this road and I am sure many ppl on this forum have been too. Seems like you did some good things in trying to recover the deer and hopefully you gave it your best shot. Remember you owe it to animal and yourself to give it the best you can.
  3. It's not even good hunting yet, hang in there...
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMNjy4Lq7EQ This looks fun too for a little payback haha
  5. wow, good luck you guys hopefully you can get your hands on them. I have seen deer like that before, in my dreams...
  6. Either way you look at it, It's a phenomenon yet to be fully exploited and one of the cool things about nature. Bottom line is be in the stand Halloween through Mid November, anything can happen. I myself have looked at several scholarly studies that have failed during research for my wildlife bio degree. Photo-period seems to be a reoccuring theme in many theories but myself believe other factors help shape up the "rut" in all its phases.
  7. A number of parameters, mainly photo period.. moon phases and weather also have its factors. As for the study, I can't help ya there.
  8. Totally with ya. I remember quite a bit from when I worked with the DEC and we did the deer aging thing with having to take the test and what not. Since I moved on its hard to remember it all, I should get my pamphlets out they gave us and get back up to par with it.
  9. Number of cusps do change but only between 1 1/2 years old and 2 1/2 years old when it changes from 3 cusps to 2 cusps on tooth 3. That being said this deer is obviously older than that you look at the very last tooth and see how worn down that cusp is. We never really picked up that many deer past 3 years old when sampling for CWD in the field...It's been a couple years already.
  10. I hunt on the lisle/lapeer line about 8 miles aways from whisky point in marathon and there are plenty of big bucks around...
  11. Our Lease is through Gutchess... Not so good. Logging during season, Leave downed trees everywhere and do not care. They upped our lease as well to stay competing..
  12. hard to tell how may cusps on the Molars... plenty of dentyne however... educated guess for me is 4 years or older... pretty wore down
  13. My buddy last year had his wife tell him while in the shower there was a 10 point in the back yard. He jumped out bare ass grabbed his gun and slipped on ice on the front porch. . Good thing the gun wasn't loaded yet ! needless to say no one was hurt and we have a good laugh for years to come.
  14. I am sure if they weren't so understaffed they would be able to handle all 20 plus TIPP complaints they get daily...
  15. I guess it depends on the state your in... but to my knowledge a firearm is defined by using a powder... A bow is not considered a firearm so why should a crossbow be? They are constructed with the main purpose as to discharge a projectile without powder and are different only in the means of which it is discharged. I don't think it is but I could be wrong...
  16. I am recently in the same boat... always used hang on tree stands and ladder stands, Few weeks ago I purchased a Lone Wolf climber and wondered to my self why I never got one before. Nice and light, easy to set up on the tree. I didn't find it being really loud at all but that could be the difference in different manufactures. It gives me versatility! I absolutely love it. Like with most Lone wolf products, you will pay for it. I was lucky enough to get mine from a boss who was injured and took half of what he paid for it... lucky me.
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