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Everything posted by HectorBuckBuster

  1. G-Man that is the first I have heard of that nice to know. I did hear about mineral rights in PA being likes that. Read about all these people that signed up and got their bonus checks, then when they did not get a royalty payment they called the gas company and come to find out after they gas company researched the mineral rights found out some company divided the mineral rights from the land in 1930's era so the land owners did not get nothing.The gas company did say keep the sign on bonus as it was their mistake. One other thing to check on is if get both Agricultural and Development rights too (as this has been a big thing selling these rights off). I try and keep up on Mineral rights and everything else as I have 200 acres that someday I might do something with the mineral rights or subsurface rights.
  2. Well Hounder, you need to get you mineral rights correct. Most land owners in NY state still have their mineral rights they may have just leased them to the gas company. They have to tell you if they gas rights our leases or sold before the sale. Also some sellers will turn over the mineral rights to you even if they leases them and then some split the rights with you, as they already received their sign up bonus. Some keep the rights for ever and then some the rights convey to the new owner after so many years.If you buy a land and there is a gas lease, you are bind to that lease until they drill or it expires.You can get better deals on land that does not have mineral rights.
  3. He sold that deer mount to the guy at Teddy Bears Den in Watkins Glen that use to be across from the state park
  4. I know Bill. He shot a awesome buck back 10-15 years ago. My wife's cousin is married to Bill's Sister.
  5. This is the first I have heard of this buck in Schuyler County. Congrats .
  6. Next project is building a couple decks. Looks like I have a 24' by 12' then a 22' by 12' then a small deck to connect them.I have a great lake view so might as well build something to enjoy it.
  7. Yep, old houses are fun. LOL . This old studs are hard as hell sometimes. Well here is what I was working before the weather got too cold.
  8. That outhouse looks better then some of the house's in my area. LOL I knew someone that complained to the Assessor about them saying his assessment was $20,000 . He like if you think my place is worth that much I will sell it to you right now. You can even see his trailer behind the 20 cars & trucks and junk in his yard. We have a few 100 percent woodchucks in the area.
  9. I can sell you Seneca County NY foreclosure list comes out at the end of Jan and the sale is in March. The other thing you need to watch on auctions is some counties they have till the before the auction to pay the taxes they owe. In Seneca County you have to be 3 years behind, and to stop the sale all you have to do is pay the first year owed and you are good till next year.Also do aleast a drive by of the property before the auction. Last years Seneca County auction showed greats pictures of this property and house. What they did not show was the 300 tires and mounds of garbage and crap next to the house (cropped that out of picture) Someone bought and a few months later I seen a condemed sign up on the house.I also read somewhere's else that alot of other places have done the same thing like Broome County keeping the mineral rights. I think this is come out in Western States but don't know for a fact.
  10. Well I wonder if you knew your where about to be foreclosed and you had alot of land with minerals rights, why would the person not just give or sell them to a family member before the county took the deeds?Not sure if that is legal, but what would they have to lose.
  11. Dave, OK, found it.Says Broome will keep the minerial rights on anything over 5 acres. I don't agree with this, but what a great way for the Gov to steal more from us. Also Dave Broome County can keep them as once the property is foreclosed on, the county owns the land and it is deeded to them. I am sure somewhere's down the line someone will sue in court over this. http://www.stargazette.com/article/20100422/NEWS01/4220442/Broome-lawmakers-again-debate-mineral-rights-for-seized-properties http://www.theithacajournal.com/article/20101211/NEWS01/12110348/Bidders-keep-mineral-rights-in-mind-at-Broome-County-property-auction
  12. I live in Hector and land it out of sight here.Too many winery's and not enough land to grow the grapes on now. Most land is over $3000 to $8000 or more per acre. You are talking $10,000 or more if it is located on Rt 414 . You may want to check the Tax auctions coming up for land. You need money up front for the auctions so alot of people can not afford to do this. Also in Broome County if property does go up for tax auctions and it is over 5 or 10 acres (don't remember which one) Broome County keeps the mineral rights.
  13. Maybe I should get a buddy stand and take her on a hunt. LOL
  14. As long as she does not sponge of the Tax Payers, I don't see any problems.
  15. NP can not be used after Sept 30th atleast here in the Finger Lakes
  16. Here are the days for Snow Geese on Long Island are Nov 24 - March 10th Right from the DEC Web Site http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/wfregsguide10.pdf
  17. My dad does a Farmers Market in NYC every weekend. You have people protesting Fracking and everything else in NYC all the time. Most of these people have never even left the city and have no idea what upstate NY even looks like. Now you have their crazy mayor Bloomberg wanting to Grow all there food in NYC sounds good but not practial. They have bee hives all over the city (but nothing for the bees to eat so they are starving), also growing there food on old building lots (I wonder how much pollution is in the ground they are growing and eating from the food), also heard he wants to bring cows in to the city somehow (Imagion the smell on a hot summer day). I wonder if he wants to have roof top pastures LOL.
  18. Was out goose hunting Sunday and had 5 deer in the same field as us. Well today my friend was hunting that same field for geese on my property today and there where 5 deer again, he got out the binoculars and 3 of the 5 where bucks. There was a 4 Pt, 6 Pt and a 8pt. Already looking forward to next deer season..
  19. I think there is only 5 deer.Not to start a debate but click on the link below picture will enlarge it, I believe the thing you think is the antler is just the white inter part of the deers back leg and his head is up on the front fender and turned. Also look behind the head on the hood area, if there was deer there you would not see the radiator cap sticking up.Just my observation.
  20. If anyone is every in Watkins Glen stop in and get something to eat at The Seneca Lodge (closed during the winter) and got into the bar area they have lots of old deer pictures on the walls. They have lots from the 60's era of bowing hunting.
  21. I think that picture should be recreated with a Toyota Prius. LOL
  22. There are so many geese flying over Seneca County Southern end right now it is unreal. We went and setup Decoys Sat afternoon and I bet he saw over 50,000 geese fly over in less then 2 hours.
  23. Here is a nice article on the white deer hunting http://blog.syracuse.com/outdoors/2010/11/annual_hunt_designed_to_thin_w.html
  24. I am going to have to put that line in my head to use next time. LOL that is funny ;D
  25. We where doing a small drive on some state land and I was walking to a spot to watch and had another hunter come up to me and tell me in a rude kind of way that there are two other hunters over the hill near the hedgerow.I said thanks, but NY does not issue tags for people as I am hunting deer they will be safe. He did not think I was funny.
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