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Everything posted by HectorBuckBuster

  1. I beileve NYS classifies them had Hi capacity and only Law Enforcement or Correction officers are allowed to own them. As you where to either sell them or transfer them out of state. I don't believe NYS Safe Act eveyr gave a clear definition of how to make a magazine NYS Complaint.
  2. Yep, my daughter can't wait. May take out a friend or two of her's. I love seeing all the young girls that are getting into hunting. When my daughter took her hunters safty class, the class was 75 percent girls, and the rest where boys.
  3. JRM, I am not sure what the Ag Exemption is in your county, but in my area if you are leasing the land to a farmer, you need to have at least 7 acres (on each parcel) that they will be farming. If you are the farmer and have a farm income of at least $10,000 any size property can get a ag exemption. Also they give us in my area a ag exemption on not just the tillable land, but up to 50 acres of woods. Right now you if you raise 10-12 cows for beef and then sell them in them off you can pretty much cover the $10,000 income to qualify to be a farmer.I have to renew my Ag Exemption every year by March 1st. All I need to do is sign the form attach a copy of my lease with the farmer and mine is done. But when I first got the Ag exemption I had to get copies of soil types from the Soil Conservation Dept.
  4. You are not touching anything in my area for $1000 a acre. The best price I have seen was a nice 54 acres all brush good hunting for $2300 a acre and it sold with in weeks.
  5. I would see what you could afford then go from there.Also the 100 acres yes its alot of property, but what would it be made up of? I own 200 acres but only have about 40 acres of woods, the rest if open farm fields.
  6. The roads seem like they have rumble stripes every few feet, they have heaved so much this winter.
  7. Wow only 4 inches, my brothers works in a village and they have been replacing water mains like mad. He was saying the frost was running from 4 foot to 6 foot sometime when they where digging.
  8. I think they have a couple of the larger bulls collared and can track them. I thought I read the use a helicopter to chase them back in their range.
  9. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/03/09/atf-does-about-face-on-ammo-ban-calls-it-publishing-mistake/
  10. I just bought a pair of the ThermaCel inserts for my boots, I have not tried them yet. There was a daily deal and I got them for $69.95 delivered.
  11. I would check Youtube for a video. I think the biggest problem will be getting it adjusted for a clean tight fit, so it does not leak where it meets the windshield.
  12. I heard on the radio it was a Livingston County Corrections Officer and the Bark At the Moon club was having a hunting contest that weekend.
  13. I have burned coal for the past 15 years. I have a Alaska 140 Dual Burner Furnace. It is hooked into my duck work and have it hooked up where it turns off and on just like a furnace, when the plemium on tops of the stove hits a certain temp. Yes coal can be alittle dusty, but I buy bulk coal at around $230 a ton. This has been alot colder Jan and will burn about 2 ton this month, but I have a old farm house, around 2000 ft, and pretty much keeps it pretty comfortable in there. Also a wood pellet stove only puts about 1/2 the BTU'S of Coal. Also seems like every year there is a shortage of wood pellets. I was just a Lowes and they had a sign saying the have Wood Pellets limit 1 ton per person.No matter what way you go, after the heating season is done. you need to tear and clean the stove up. I do mine every spring when I shut it down. I vaccum the inside out, take the hopper off and vaccum out the burners, pull the grates, and clean all the burner holes out, then lub everything up. I also stray my whole stove down with WD40 to prevent rust (its located in my basement and does get some moisture is there sometimes.), I unhook the stove pipe, clean the pipe and the damper. Then replace anything I need to, this way when fall hits I am all ready to go.
  14. Pretty soon we will have nothing to use for heat. Coals bad, now wood, and then NY Bans Fracking. http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2014/01/29/epas-wood-burning-stove-ban-has-chilling-consequences-for-many-rural-people/
  15. The Safe Act states if your pistol permit is revoked at all, say ex-wife feels threatened , doctor reports you saying you may have a mental problem (which you have not way of knowing if you are even listed in the data base) you lose ALL FIREARMS.
  16. Also now with the stupid NY Safe Act if you have a pistol permit and its revoked you lose all your firearms. I know people that can not get a pistol permit but can legally own firearms because federal law says they can. So how is that fair in NY says you can no longer own a firearm, but the federal government says you can by passing a background check.
  17. I think the biggest thing is there was not charges filed, so how can they justify taking his guns?
  18. I have heard about lots of birds being killed by the windmills. Also read a article looking into the windmills effecting the weather patterns.
  19. I don't care what team wins, as long as my numbers hit, so the gun collection can grow.
  20. Like B3H there is a nasty bug, starts out will a belly ache, then you pretty much are guessing which end to put on the toilet. It put me down for over a day in bed, could not even keep water down. Then it felt like you had a huge boulder sitting in your stomach for days, and you could slowly eat and drink again. It took 4-5 days to get back to normal
  21. Most of the area is the City of Ithaca and Cornell and Cayuga Heights. If you signed up you could hunt areas of Cornell and you have ButterMilk and Treman State Parks, but most of the rest if private land. So unless you know someone not alot of spots to just show up and hunt.
  22. I can not believe the speed that he can shoot 3 arrows at, and the splitting the arrow in flight.
  23. Darn auto correct, I have never been a good speller. Whats even worse is my texting because of the auto correct on the Iphone .
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