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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Looks like a great time. Some beautiful pictures. Love me some Dacks! I'm headed up Friday. Not hunting just a friends and family annual Old Forge getaway.
  2. Hell I have no idea where 8g is but I bet I can be there in less than 4 hours!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Or you could just go with ones made for LW add on. https://www.lonewolfcustomgear.com/products/backpack-straps-and-waist-support-system?_pos=1&_sid=6fe569763&_ss=r
  4. I got the ones with the waist too. But for 15 bucks.... I cut and ran straps through the shoulder pads. I didn't like doing that but was the only way unless you have some sewing skills/equipment. The botom section had lots of straps and attachments that I was able to very slick like attach that.
  5. Only if they can prove that you trained the squirrel! Hopefully he can be trusted!!
  6. I would not say easily lol. It took some engineering. They were not designed for this application. It came out good though!
  7. I bought a set of backpack straps upgrade off there clearance rack and upgraded my new Lone Wolf Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. 10/6 am 48 Sat 2 hours out back in the far stand. Bumped deer going in and got blown at extensively. Had a doe and fawn pass too far out around 7:40. She started blowing once she got past me. I think it was the same deer from on way in. Done for the day.
  9. I was out after 2 hours and in the office so not me today.
  10. Had a doe and fawn ease past to far out. They got off to my side and the doe starts blowing. Think it’s the same doe from earlier. She needs to meet her maker! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Excellent!!!! Congratz to you both!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Nice crisp 48 out. Bumped at least one going in. The whole blowing shabang, that was not a quiet entrance! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Back when I first started bowhunting. I took a shot at a nice buck. Aluminum arrow. I hit a branch I did not see and that arrow deflected upwards and embedded 25 feet up in a maple tree 50 yards from my stand. That stupid arrow is probably still sticking outa that tree. I got sick of looking at that arrow every time I sat there lol.
  14. First nice doe is getting smoked. After that it depends on where I am. Out in 8F yea they have tags left over every year. Behind the house na as I want the kids to get a crack at those.
  15. Hock...I think you hit a little high. That is too high for the vitals. Is that the famous " dead zone" between the lungs and spine? It will live then.
  16. One thing on opener of gun they will stack em up outside for a while so if you don't get in early and it is not freezing out keep that in mind. I don't think they sit long but it is what it is. I just put in my cooler at home and bring em a couple days later.
  17. I use Ed as well. It is pricey but the place is clean, organized and neat. Bigger than most grocery store butcher shops lol. I don't worry about my deer taken there being mine and done right. For the beginner look to make sure to get good reviews from people you trust. There are a LOT of hack butchers out there. A good one is golden. Like a lot of the guys here it is not hard to butcher a deer if you have the space and proper equipment. I suggest every hunter should do it a couple times. But if you are not up for it find a good butcher and use him. Myself I do not want to spend the time butchering a half dozen deer a year. I do not have the good spot yet do it and honestly my hourly rate is higher than paying the butcher lol.
  18. I saw a lot of deer hitting the fields on my drive home. Had to slam the breaks on a doe and dawn. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. It’s pretty simple to look at one and know if it’s compromised Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I’ll be up for our annual Old Forge Columbus Day trip starting Friday. I love Inlet Course. But no golf this year the surgeon Friday said 3 more weeks. I’ve never hunted Bear there but the deer walk down the streets! Have fun , you hit the leaves almost perfect. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I reuse Rages all the time. If bent or can’t get sharp replace. I’ve killed multiple deer with the same broadhead. Ruined most by hitting rocks in dirt after pass through. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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