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Everything posted by stubby68
SB 4739 - Establishes the yearling buck protection program
stubby68 replied to Rebel Darling's topic in Deer Hunting
I have seen posted a few times that afterm the brown is down generation is gone then things will better. Suggesting that they are hurting the buck population. As buck master said the bucks are still here and so are thexpected rest of the deer. One would think that by now we wouldn't have any older bucks left as they all get killed as yearlings with no chance to age. Yet every year we see big old bucks being killed and if not killed there are plenty of trail cam pics showing them. -
SB 4739 - Establishes the yearling buck protection program
stubby68 replied to Rebel Darling's topic in Deer Hunting
Never once have I stayed in stand longer because I am seeing deer nor have I cut out early because I am not seeing any. I hunt dark to dark no matter what. As for not seeing the bucks during the season, that does not tell me anything. When I am not seeing them all year than I will worry. We did have a few yearson our property where numbers were down but they are good now and getting better every year. I am in the woods almost more then at work or home. Good bucks are seen all summer and fall just because I do not see them all during season just means they are moving where I am not setting or when I'm not there. It does not tell me they are not there. The people who are in the woods all the time know the bucks are there we have been seeing them for months. Someone not seeing them during season when that is the only time they are out other a couple times during the year means nothing in regards of them not being there. I know not all hunters have the ability or time to spend in the woods all year . But for them to say big bucks are not there just because they don't see them the few times they do get out is not right. Not much different then someone who does not get in the woods much saying the whole population is way down because they didn't see anything the 3 times they were out. Or saying the population is up because they see 15 deer at once in a field. They only way to truly know what is out there is to spend lots of time in the woods. I don't mean just walking actually go out an sit all day and watch nature. Do that enough and you get a real idea of what is out there. -
Good dog owner right here.
SB 4739 - Establishes the yearling buck protection program
stubby68 replied to Rebel Darling's topic in Deer Hunting
That's because those of us who spend most of our time in the woods. In and out of season. Know what is actually out there. Some big ones may be seen during season but we know many more are there that can only be seen with lots of time in the woods year around -
Not sure about that. There was a guy in the town I lived in who left a legal deer hang in tree in back yard in till March when dec made him dispose of it and gave him a ticket for wanton waste. Now that was 15 years ago so could have changed.
U type faster then I do
Why not in I believe it is Washington maybe oragon there is a law on the books that it is I'll age to shoot big foot. Everyone says they do not exist so why is there a law against killing them. I'm sure they would file it under some law that loosely makes it illegal.
Even with more then one stand it was still luck that the hunter was in the right stand at the right time. Knowing that buck would walk by that stand just because the conditions were right is imposable. It is no different then having only one stand and sitting in it only when conditions are perfect. He still has to get lucky and have that buck walk within range. Playing the wind and having good enter nice and exit points is just hunting. Nothing more. Yet the guy who does all the right things just to get any deer and ends up getting a big buck that he didn't know was even alive is called lucky and the guy who knew the buck was in the woods and gets lucky enough to have him walk by while he is in stand is said to be skilled. How many times have we seen guy put up pics of big bucks caught on cams by there tree stand, saying look at this I'm not there and he walks by. I have hunted this buck for 3 years and he never shows when I am there. Was it a lack of skills that caused the guy to not be there when that buck walked through. No it is always called unlucky. But let that buck walk through when he is in the stand and it was skill. Knowing the buck is in the area and getting him only means you were lucky to have him walk by. Just as lucky as you would be if you had no idea the buck was around. No matter how many stands you set up or how much work you do it is luck that puts in the right spot at the right time. If you hunted that deer for 3 years and never got him with all that skill then how come all of the sudden he happens to walk by and give you a good shot one day out of 3 years? It is luck. Like I said before. Point to a specific date, time and place and to which buck you will kill at that time and place and that is skill. Going out numerous times and not seeing your trophy and then finally having him just show up is luck. Buying lottery tickets every week for 2 years and finally winning is luck. Then keep buying lottery for 2 more years and winning again is still luck. You know the winning number is going to be drawn just not when it will be your number. Knowing a buck travels a certain area and and hunting that area until you get him is the same thing, luck. You knew he was around you just had to be lucky enough to have him walk by while you were there.
To which part do you refer? The part where someone would shoot a deer for eating rather then hanging on a wall? Or the part where no matter how much scouting and prep work you do or how much knowledge you have being in your stand at the exact time that big buck walks by and presents you with a good shot is just as much luck as not doing any work and knowing anything and still having that walk by. Read some of the stories that go along with some of the record book bucks. Seems know matter how much time and effort the hunter put into that buck that they had been after for 3 years. They always say as luck would have it I was in that stand when he walked by that day and gave me a perfect shot. Like I said, saying you are going to kill a certain buck on a specific day at a specific time is skill. Everything else is just going to your stand and hoping you ar lucky enough to have that bucks walk by while you are there. With everything available for to today's hunter how much skill is involved in hunting anymore? Years ago skill was a big part of hunting but not today.
Maybe you already checked these. See you were still having problems so thought I would throw in my 2 cents. One of three problems. Engage lever switch bad, peddle switch bad or battery is bad. Takes a lot of juice to power fuel solenoid and engage deck causes engine to drop power a little and creates enough draw to pull power away for solenoid. Any of these can cause the problem.
What's the most "worthless"
stubby68 replied to fasteddie's topic in Hunting Gear Reviews and Gear Discussions
How do you know it is enough for 3 deer? I mean not knowing how far the deer will go kinda of makes it hard to know how much you will need to use doesn't it? Just wondering as I have never used it. Depending on how far the deer goes you might use it all on just one. -
I know this isn't dire Ted at me but would like to give my answer. I been in similar situation. I will take the 1.5 everytime. For me it would come down to which one taste better. That would be the younger smaller one. If I shot the big one I would donate it and be out a tag and the meat in the freezer. Here's a question. A guy sets up a tree stand in a spot he knows there is lots of activity. Does not know what is i the area just knows it has alot of activity. He has a week to hunt and plans on sitting this spot every day for that week or until he gets a buck. Sees no deer the first 2 days. On the third day a 140 inch 10 point walks by and he kills it. He had no clue that deer was using that area or was even in the woods for that matter. Other side of this is. Same guy knows this buck is in the woods and knows he is active in that aera. This is the reason he put stand there. Still only has 1 week to hunt and plans t of sit that stand for that week or till he gets that buck. Sees no deer for first 2 days on third day the buck walks by and he kills it. Which shows luck and which skill? The only difference is that in one case the hunter knew the deer was there before putting up the stand. In the other he had no clue. Does knowing the buck was in that area mean it was skill that the hunter used to get the buck? Point is that even if you know a big buck is using an area you set up in it is still all just luck that he walks through while you are there and gives you a good shot. Skill would be knowing a big buck is in your woods and being able to state the time and place you were going to kill it before you went out.
All I see is all the suffering that animal went through.
Fill the freezer and enjoy nature while doing so.
Was not home schooled. Do own my own business. Started it last year. I have never cared for or had the need to get praise from others. Like I have said I live to please myself not others. There is nothing I do that requires the praise of others. And I do not feel the need to put praise on someone else for something they do have done or have. Maybe if someone said they were going out and killing a 12 point buck at 11:32 am on the third day of season. And that they would make a perfect heart shot. And did exactly that.That might get some praise from me. Anything short of that is just life happening. This whole needing praise from others is nothing more then living life for others. I live for me As for the honeymoon. If I was happy with it then I couldn't careless. My life is in no way geared toward pleasing others. Moines is. Lives are steered that way. Not geared or ment for that. probably be a lot fewer problems in this world if people stopped worrying about what others thought of them. . I do the best I can in everything. Not to please others but because I see no use in doing things half arsed.
Learn to read. I said the one single pic I take is for my dad and him alone. All other pics are taken by people who happen to be there at the time. They send them to me. The pics sent go straight to my gallery app and usually never get looked at again. The one to my dad goes in his hunting journal for his pleasure not mine. I do not have any picsuggestions of my kills before cell phone cams and it does not bother me a bit. You are always trying to find something to make me look as despite and full of cap as you are. Why the obsession wit me. I am nothing li I ever you and if I was I would jump over the gorge the next time I was in the park
Far from silver spoon. And not an old hunter but not real young either. 50 years old . It is not called self centered. It is called minding my own business. Something people use to do years ago. Seems knowing what everyone else is doing and making sure everyone else knows what you are doing has become a national past time. Anytime someone shows another what they have or did or asks another what they have or needs to show what they have or tell what they did they are just looking for someone to praise them. Or looking to see if someone else needs praise. Most people these seem to live there lives to please others. Sharing knowledge is different then saying look what I did or look what I have or can do.
I don't believe it is natural at all. I do not care if others know of my success in life nor do I care to know of theirs. Unless theirs some how affect my life or mine theirs then I see no reason for me or them to know of any accomplishments. Unless it is to gain praise from another and that is something I do not need nor to I give. I live my life for me and noon else so why should I care to tell of my or hear of anyone else's success or failures. How often have I given someone a congrats or posted pics of a deer on here saying look what I got. Only picks I have posted were to prove a point when asked for the profe. I do not need others approved and I am sure they do not need mine. If this makes me pompous then fine. I just do not care what others have accomplished in there life and do not care if they know what I have accomplished in mine. To me it is natural to mind my own business Sorry for me that is natural plane and simple. Do not care to say look what I did. Why do you feel it is natural to look for praise from others? Do you live your life to please others?
And there you have it. The I am a better hunter then anyone else attitude. Give me props for being a better hunter because I killed a bigger buck then someone else. This is what it is about right here. One hunter putting down another for not killing the biggest buck. You said the bucks are scored and displayed on there walls. Why? So others can see and marvel at what you did? I belittled no one I simply stated a fact about today's so called hunter. You knock people who say the shoot young bucks all the time then talk about being belittled for killing big bucks. Just because a hunter does not kill big bucks down not mean they do not have what it takes. Stop separating us we are all hunters there are no special hunters. How much hunting would you do if bucks did not have antlers of if it were billable to mount and display those antlers? You brag about the big bucks you supposedly kill all the time. Not passing pics around does not mean not bragging.
It does when they take pics and post them all over social media. Or when they brag about what the rock scored ad have it entered in a big rock club. Everyone sees and hears about big bucks that were gotten. Even people who do not hunt. It is impossible not to with all the bragging that is done. Only those who are into rock collecting hear about the rock because the guy who found it knows the praise and accolades will be few and so does not bother bragging to everyone about it. If bucks did not have antlers there would fewer hunters today. It has become human nature to want the praise of others. There are plenty of things people have, find or get that no one hears about. Why? Well because if there are no accolades to get out of it then why bother telling people about it.
It is the look at me give me your attention that most people want. Theread life is a waste if they can't say see what I did. This is why hunting is considered a game and called a sport. Think about it. If not for the look at me attention getting we would not have big buck clubs nor would we see as many pics as we offer on social media sites. Watch the posts of large bucks and compare to the ones of small bucks. Not only are there fewer pics there are fewer wows and great jobs saido but very little talk at all. Unless it is a kids first one. Now big buck the talk can go on for a couple days and get several posts saying how great and assume the deer is and the guy must be a great hunter. These days everybody wants a trophy and they want the biggest one. Why do you think there are so many guys pushing for ar. They need and want the biggest trophy and they think telling someone who couldn't care less about that trophy what they can shoot will help them see more and bigger trophy for themselves. When I started hunting you didn't need to get permission to hunt someone's property everyone hunted everywhere. Bing bucks seemed of plenty and never got talked about much. Now if a big buck seen it is kept secret as long as possible and the land is locked up tight in hopes of Noone else getting it. Use to be we didn't need to know property lines because we never cared who hunted where. Land was not guarded it was used by one and all. Neighbors didn't go around complaining that your neighbor shot your buck. Nobody planted bait plots to keep their buck on their property and away from their neighbor. Heck that is why so many guys bow hunt now. They figured out that being out in the woods in October it is easier to get those big ones and it gives them first Crack before someone else might get there buck. The thing that brought this about the fasts were the hunting shows. Unrealistic hunts with unrealistic bucks. Everything staged with raised deer feed and bread to produce large racks. It was entertainment at best but when people started watching and believing that they could get bucks like that as fast and as many hunting went sideways fast. More people from the city started hunting. Made them a real man to there none hunting city friends. When they realized that reality did not match the shows they were watching they bought more land locked it up and try to raise the biggest baddest bucks around. Never had bait plots, hit lists, ca me up with dumb little names for the bigger bucks, we didn't need the trophy or the accolades of others to be successful or enjoy hunting. We did it for the food and for the extra connection with nature. It is all about look at me and it gets worse every year. If there was a law that we had to leave the rack in the woods or couldn't show it off or mount it we would see a big decline in hunters.
Why Does No One Care About This?
stubby68 replied to DirtTime's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Did the kid deserve the abuse and ultimately death he recieved. I think not. Foe me it's not that I don't care but when you go to other countries you need to know and okay there laws. Especially ones like NK. Just because the crime is a nothing crime in our country does not mean it is in other countries. Different laws ad different punishments. Like I said I do not think he deserved what he got nor did his family but I will not feel sorry for him. Just I would not feel sorry for someone who stabbed themselves in the eye with a pencil. They know the out come is going to be bad so why do it. -
High fence hunting is popular because of the trophy aspect the most hunters today feel they deserve. I think Fred bear said it best when it comes to trophy hunting. If your hunt is about the trophy then it's not a hunt. If you pay to kill an animal inside a fence no matter how big the area is then your not a hunter. You are a shopper.
What's the most "worthless"
stubby68 replied to fasteddie's topic in Hunting Gear Reviews and Gear Discussions
Danner boots. Not warm and they fell apart in less then one season. They were tie up boots not slip on. The out side started to split and leak the first week the sole started coming off at same time. I had them for 4 months before I wore so store would not take them back. Called Danner got nothing. They said sorry to hear that we can exchange them for another pair but no refound. Why would I want another pair of junk. Have had my Hermon survivors and lacrosse for years no problems and nice and warm. The Hermon are the warmer and most comfortable but the lacrosse are a close secound.