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Everything posted by stubby68

  1. South end of north bound bobcat
  2. Like I said I have been told that by many. Even cops yet I personally know 2 people who got ticket for it and one was by a cop who said no such law. Actually 3 lady of the house says the boss of guys who put in our pool told her he got one on way here to meet his crew. Never personally saw any of these tickets nor have I ever gotten one. Just know and have met people who say they have. Also many reports of it can be looked up. I know it is the internet but they all can't be lies. I have never left mine in and never will. Do not like the looks of it hanging it the back like a boat ruter. I just started what I have been told by people who I am certain would not make it up.
  3. I tried looking it up but can not find anything. Only finding lots of reports from people saying they were ticketed for it. And a few reports saying it is not a law. I guess the only ones who know for sure are those who have gotten that ticket.
  4. I agree. When ever I see them I want to snatched it off and fling is in the garbage. Same with the balls.
  5. First time I ever heard of this I talked to 3 different officers who said it was a rumour. Not more then 2 months latter I hear of two tickets being handed out for this. One of which was gotten by a guy I work with and the officer who gave the ticket was 9th of the three who said it was a rumor. Just called and asked him about it he said the fine was 90 bucks and that he was told they can cause injury to people walking by and hitting there leg on it. Also that some hitches can hide plate. Why would someone be walking close enough to my truck that they hit there leg on hitch? Unless they are looking in back to see what they can steal.
  6. Actually if you look it up I think you will find it is illegal to leave your hitch in when you are not towing a trailor. I know of a couple who were ticketed for it I believe the fine was around 100 bucks. I could be wrong but don't think so.
  7. My brother in law was killed in a semi accident. He had his seat belt on they had to cut him out of it. It was determined the seat functioned properly yet it suffocated him to death because it locked so tight against his chest that he couldn't breath and would not release. When I was on the rescue squad we responded to an accident of a car over the bank. When we arrived we found the driver still in his seat with seat belt on. He was dead because the belt had cut him almost in half . I have also seen people killed because they thought they were safe using a harness. Bounce in on the ground and ending up with a couple broken bones is far better then being stuck hanging in a tree till you are dead. I'm not saying not to use them. If a person feels safe with them then fine use them. However know that it a false sense of security. There is just as much chance of injury or death with them as there is without. Heck my sister received a huge chunk of money from volvo. The company tha t made the truck my big was in. A loot of vehicles manufacturerso have a fund set aside just to give money to family who have lost loved ones in an accident or people who were injured where the seat belt was the cause of injury or death. Do not even need a lawyer to get this money. They contact you and tell you about it themselves. There is no need to prove that they were to blame in anyway. They know seat bets can be very dangerous and do this on there own accord. If seat belts were really as safe as people think there wouldn't be a need for these funds set aside. So yes I do not wear seat belts nor do I use harnesses. Just my experiences and opinions.
  8. I was surprised at how accurate they were . Would never have thought a flat nosed slug would file so straight. Whole through paper didn't have a rip in it. It looked like I used a whole punch to make it. I still have 3 boxes kicking around some place. After destroying my second deer with them I put them up for good. My uncle liked to say get a 12 inch tree between you and the deer and shoot through the tree you can cord the dree and still kill the deer.
  9. I have and still think the buck hammers are worse. Buddies watching me sight in said I was rocking back like a ]size fighter was punching me in the face. And the whole in the deer was as big as a pie plate. In and out. Could see straight through deer.
  10. I hunt turkey with an h and r 10 guage. That is about 1/4 what any 12 guage I have shot that is pushing Remington buck hammers out the barrel has. Those things will knock you back a step. But rest assured when they hit the target the deer feels it much worse. Never seen a a hole in a deer bigger then a buck hammer can make.
  11. Got a ridge that they always roost on in our woods. Never changes every year same spot. They roost just down the east side and always pitch down to top of ridge. After that it is a cap shoot as to where they head. The ridge runs from a field on north end to a deep gully on south. They roost halfway between field and gully. Always land in same area on ridge then it is north or south. I get in and set up in the landing area no decoy just talk to them my till they fly down then pop on when they hit the ground. Only do this when just want to kill a bird for dinner though. Not much of a challenge to it. They have used this ridge the same way every year since my dad was young. When I want to actually hunt a bird I go to different spot and call. Love hearing them gobble and see them strut sometimes I will just bring them in and watch them do there thing till they wonder off. All that being said. If you just want to kill one of them get into landing area early and quiet. Leave the decoy at home. Talk to them a little to let them know you are there. And to hear that sweet music. Wait for pitch down and drop a bird. Good luck.
  12. I've had that happen quite often. I think it depends on how much human activity they are use to and if they relate danger to that activity.I am in the woods just sitting and watching almost more then I am at work or home. The get use to my movements and smells. I've had dever bed down within a row yards of me while smokeing. I have kind of made myself a part of three world I guess. Heck there have been times I have been seeing nothing and then light up and they come right in. I am in no way saying that it is a lure for them. Just more of a curiosity thing I think. I have also hunted places that as soon as you light up you hear snorts and that is the end of seeing anything all day. Every property and every deer is different.
  13. You are right on point with that. I remember walking out on the pipe line in an area I hunt when you looked up and down it there were all kinds of hunters. Never a day in the woods you didn't see 10 or 15 other hunters not in your hunting party. Our cabin was always visited by other hunters stopping in to chat and grab a coffie. Land in the area started being sold and things. Land started getting posted per miss was refused and hunter numbers were gone. The new land owners wanted it all to them selves. Not even sure some of them hunt. Never see people on the property or hear shots during seasn. Seems like some just want property to say they own it. I think the license numbers just look high because of all the separate privileges sold. I also know there a lot of people out there who do not hunt yet like venison so they buy licenses get doe tags and sign over what they can to someone to get them some meet. Also howm a NY tags are bought for kids and wife's who do not hunt but there father husband son or who ever does hunt has extra tags.
  14. I like to get in close if I know where they are roosted. I try to set up down hill from him if possable. Once he starts talking I will tree yelp a little just so he knows where about I am. After a while I will pick it up with some yelps and clucks. Works pretty well not every time but most. Gets them to fly down in my direction. I have had a few land so close I waited for them to walk out a few yards before shooting. Every Tom is different so you never really know what will bring them to you. But this usually works for me.
  15. I get mine because my body absorbed most of th err liquid I put in in. For me not enough flow through the kidneys lets things build. Kind of like a river with low water. It deposites things then water goes up it flushes them out. I have to drink about 2.5 to 3 gallons of fluid a day and still do my get normal amount of urin flow. Everyone is different though.
  16. I have had almost 50. Only procedure ever needed was having a few blasted. The rest passed on there own. Once that baby starts to move you will think the Lord hates you. With experience I am able to tell I have one getting ready to move through the ureter tube about 3 days before it starts to hurt. That is the tube from kidney to bladder. Once that happens you are in for a world of hurt. If you are lucky it will never get bigger and stay where it is. But odds are it will move. Good luck
  17. I'm not a religious man but I think the first 2 would have to be the 10 come dents and Ben hur. Then MCclintock.
  18. Alflac sucks. There one day pay only happens after you post a complaint on there facebook page. Go to there Facebook and check out all the complaints. I tried everything and every time I was told that they had not processed my claim yet because they were a month behind. Posted one complaint to there facebook after being told it would be another 3 weeks. What do you know they called me within an hour and said a check would be sent out the next day. I had there injury disability plan. Every month I sent in paper work and then had to complain to get a check. It was like they were hoping I would just forget it. Go with nelco it is cheaper has better pay out and never a hassel just send in per work and in 4 hours money in in bank.
  19. Just curious was it a Winchester? Asking because they are the only shells I have ever had problems with ejecting.
  20. Nice saw. I just picked up a craftsman jointer for $10 had a broken table. New table only cost 40 bucks. So got a $250 jointer for 50 . I am in to ood turning and use it to face pieces for glueing to make thicker. Wood working is relaxing and ther is just something about a block into something special with you own hands. Go to harbor freight. They have some good stand for power tools for about $30. You can get a kit to put casters on it for another 20. If you really want to build you own legs I would make them at an angle. It will be sturdier then if straight legs.. Rocker is a good place to buy things for wood working. They are a little expensive but can find anything you want there. Even some things you didn't know you wanted.
  21. Nice knife. Me personally I don't care for the gut hooks and wide blades. Look nice just do not like them for use.
  22. Right you are. Been thinking of selling and getting a 935. Just hate to stop using it. Shoots great . Actually have 2. Never really measured but one is short I think 26 or 28 inch barrel. The other is longer maybe 34. The short way out shoots the long for pattern. As long as I use the Fed # 5. Maybe time to retire an just get the 935. Just hat to see a gun not get used.
  23. I need to get some more shells getting loads. Anyone seeanyplace I can get federal #5 10 guage. Haven't seen any in a while.
  24. Yea the kids love it. Especially the big ones that have things to trade. We have a pack we carry full of little things to swap out. Some have travel bugs that you take and put in another cache you find. Then go online to geocach.com and put it's number in and you can see every place it has been.I have found some that came from Europe, Canada all over the world
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