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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. I just try my best to support local business, especially during covid. Not support jeff bezos like you. You said it correct before This is America We can choose what we want You choose amazon and a billionaire. I choose the guy who lives in the community.
  2. As of today yes. We agree on that. But 6 months ago not going into a store because they followed state guidelines and then shopping at amazon to stick it to the little guy, yeah I dont agree with that.
  3. Waiting for the state give the green light. Hopefully sooner than later. Lets hope.
  4. The health comprised person should be vaccinated already considering they had the opportunity to do so for months. And if they chose not to, that was a personal choice they made. So even if they get covid with the vax they essentially have a 0% chance of dying. Science is amazing!!!
  5. The original quote was “I do not shop business if a mask is forced on me. I can always shop amazon from home, or another store. The business has lost revenue” You’re talking about getting something faster because you need it. You’re not making a conscious effort to not support the local hardware store that serves the community because they are adhering to local regulations. Thats the issue for me. Hurting the local guy even more because you are taking a stand on masks.
  6. Jeff bezos appreciates it! Thank you for being an american patriot!
  7. Ok. So only walmart and tractor supply denied you. But not every other business? Every other business for the last year and a half just had no mask regulation where you live? They had a choice? What choice? Not comply and get fined out the ass or better yet closed. So they can tell their kids they have to eat ramen noodles this week all because they made the choice to not comply. Thats not a real choice. I wonder how many other people got their government handout stimmy checks and didnt put it back into the local economy.
  8. Ha. These businesses had no choice unfortunately. So because government told them what they had to do or they would have to shut down or pay fines you decided to spend your money with Jeff Bezos instead of the guy in your community.
  9. Excellent job funding Jeff Bezos and hurting the little man. Cause he needs his 20th vacation home while some local business owner has to budget dinner for the week. Im sure all the small business owners can agree with you. Thank you for being a true patriot!!
  10. When Astorino ran vs cuomo it wasn't like it was a secret. I do remember there being serious buzz about Astorino since he was the westchester county exec and did a good job. Was well liked across the board. Astorino lost by 500k votes and only 3.5 million people voted in the whole entire state!!! The notion that nyc carries the state is nonsense. Yes nyc goes democrat, but where the hell is the rest of the state???? Maybe this next election will be different, but not if everyone sits on their butt.
  11. Not that big of a deal. I played on plenty of teams where the coaches son is on the team. Play your kid deservingly and if anyone has a problem tell them to step up and coach. I’m not saying bat him clean up and start them at shortstop every game but it is what it is.
  12. Vaccines never said you couldnt get infected. It basically diminished all chance of death and serious effects. So they are doing what they said as far as we know.
  13. Im glad you told me this. I think I might join you on my first contribution as well.
  14. WOW. Just looked it up. Well…. Maybe we get it right the second time!
  15. Im losing faith. I walk about 50 blocks round trip from the train to my job. I can count on two hands how many people are NOT wearing masks OUTSIDE in nyc. It’s crazy town. I have been fired up about this now for weeks. You dont want to get vax, cool. You know the risks involved. You want to wear a mask to bed. Cool with me. I’m not sure what it is going to take for people to start following the science as we are always told. It is just virtue signaling at this point.
  16. Im sick of this guy. If upstate ny would have got out to vote when Astorino was running none of this would be happening.
  17. All you, me and weisel are saying is there is no grey area with this. Sides need to be picked, and your dollars spent speak for themselves.
  18. So buck knives wasnt selling the knife on their site? You just had to let bezos get a piece of the pie right? Or how about you just buy it from the “mom and pop” store you talk about. At the end of the day you need to pick sides. And your dollars spent speak for themselves.
  19. You couldn’t have ordered it straight from buck knives at the very least? Or called local shops further than 50 miles and had them ship it. You always need to take sides. Thats a fact. And the fact is you took the side of bezos and the socialist libtards. I really didnt see this coming from you.
  20. Grouse funds Jeff Bezos. Go buy some more stuff from that libtard hack while the little man starves.
  21. Ahh yes. Right out of the BLM playbook of “silence is violence”.
  22. You know what else I’m m fascinated with and is on my bucket list. A traditional German/Austrian hunt. I want to wear the attire and line up the harvest after. A huge social event. @Dinsdalehave you ever been part of this?
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