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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. I was very fortunate to spend every other summer in Italy growing up. We would leave when school was out and stay for a month minimum. Also spending some time in Austria as well. As an adult I look back and really appreciate how awesome that was. As a kid I had a blast but just looked at it as another summer away. I always say I want to explore the United States. I’d love to go out west. I went to LA on vacation once , but I really want to see the rockies and grand canyon. Id also love to visit Japan.
  2. @Grouse Actually, people who support Chernin have responsibility for everything that happens on his watch. And if you support Rinella you support Chernin. Nothing makes me more sick than people who want to limit our freedoms and those who support them.
  3. I had this least weekend. Very good.
  4. A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell…… lol But yeah. Esopus. I fished around Phoenicia.
  5. Same in nyc. But back to 6ft when they eat. Sooooo we have to shuffle kids around to eat. Its a disaster
  6. Yes. Everyone who took the vaccine shot should take it up the butt. Awesome input.
  7. If people want to wear masks forever...Godspeed. I couldnt care less. The rest of sane humans should be able to move forward.
  8. Dude. Its crazy town. We have one sect that refuses to do anything because “thats my damn right” and we have another group double masking in their cars alone. I haven’t given up totally yet, but we are getting there.
  9. Follow all law enforcement rules. That includes encon. Its simple. Follow the rules and you wont have a problem. Cop pulls you over, you follow the rules. Dec has a law. You follow the rules. You dont want to follow the rules, maybe one of the many groups parading around these days that feel entitled to break laws would be more fitting.
  10. What channel are those shows on lol? Idk if i ever heard of them. ok. Here is your new lineup sans woke crap. Maybe a little woke crap but not enough to piss me off. Msg for the knicks. Yes for the yanks. The office on comedy central (i hate trevor noah tho). Sportsmans channel for rinella. Food network for DDD. Only fans for.....only the fans.
  11. Down with Sanchez!!! Knicks are finally respectable tho thanks to our coach!
  12. I totally get why businesses follow these rules regardless if they disagree with them. They lost tons of business the last year and can’t afford to gamble. So they got to play by the rules for the meantime. It is what it is. Im just done playing this game. We all got the vax. Those who didnt, well thats a personal choice at this point. It’s not due to accessibility.
  13. Had this convo with a bartender. They increased the capacity percentage but still have to maintain 6ft distance. So it’s pretty much useless. If theyre already maxed out at 6ft and have to maintain that then they can say 100% capacity but still maintaining 6ft. There is inly so much space Im done with all of this shit at this point.
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