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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. Got a bucket full of shrimp and glass minnows. Couple cold ones. And I already got broke off this morning!!
  2. Ron Paul, a TRUE CONSERVATIVE, must have a crystal ball.
  3. We gave put time, money and American lives to Afghanistan. For what? People who don't want us there. Don't have our same values. Let them fight and kill each other. I stand with Ron Paul and his conservative values.
  4. Whats you opinion. We are on a forum having discussions. Do you want to stay in the Afghanistan/middle east longer?
  5. If Ron Paul, a true conservative, was president we would have been out of there long ago.
  6. Im not understanding all this blow stuff up talk. We finally had a president for the first time in a long time who didn't bring us to war and was able to have dialogue with other leaders, while also delivering us the Trump vaccine. That was phenomenal. I’m not in favor of more obama era bombings and dronings.
  7. I couldn’t find the clip, but it was Ron Paul during a presidential debate and he said something along the lines of “we care more about the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan than our own borders here” I'm paraphrasing, but I keep thinking about that.
  8. I have a feeling based off the thread comments that my take on this won’t be popular, but maybe we should let Afghanistan worry about Afghanistan. Instead of the US supporting them militarily and financially for the last 20 years, maybe they can do it themselves. I know that might sound crazy.
  9. Damn. Do I have to like both of your posts since you replied twice?? Lol We are both in the same mindset with your reply. Unfortunately this will never end if people wont let it end.
  10. That could be a debatable topic by some, but one that doesn’t really interest me tbh. I just hope you all had fun! But today, with mass trump vaccines proving to be top notch, why does anyone care that obama had a party? It should be celebrated.
  11. Yeah. Thats the way it should be. I bet it was even more fun for everyone to get together considering what everyone has went thru the last year.
  12. I’m happy Obama had his party. Why shouldn’t he? The Trump vax has worked wonders in preventing serious illnesses and death. I wish he didn't scale it back tbh. We should all be having get togethers and parties.
  13. Im probably in the minority here, but i was never a bourdain fan. after he trashed guy fieri i thought he was kinda a dick. Fieri is who he is and stays in his lane. Corny and all, but he doesn’t tey to be a michelin chef. And when bourdain went out of his way to talk down on him, that was lowbrow.
  14. Btw. I downloaded this app called “FishRules”. It locates your area and gives you all the regulations for where you are. I found it super helpful, regardless of the fact you should already know the rules.
  15. Ended up with 5 mangrove snapper yesterday. Cast netted some glass minnows. Had one hit but didn't land it. Started fishing with a guy from Nebraska for most of the day. Was pretty fun just talking nonsense. And then some old timer on a sciff came by and gave us all his leftover shrimp, chopped it up for a little with us, and we ended up catching the mangroves with his shrimp. Fish tacos tonight it is!
  16. Hazify- Palm City Brewing
  17. The Trump vaccine has saved countless amount of lives. @DocIm going to start calling it the Trump vaccine as well. Well said! if it wasn't for DT putting restrictions in place as early as he did with travel, as well as getting the Trump Vax out as soon as he did, who knows what would have happened. Thank goodness the other side of the aisle wasn’t in charge cause we would have been in a whole worse situation.
  18. No bites yet, but I’ll have a primo farmer’s tan in a few!
  19. DL the snkrs app if you dont have it.
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