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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. I like farmers and businesses owners that follow the law and don't promote illegal immigration. I like people who follow the immigration laws in our country. I do not like farmers, restaurant owners, politicians, etc who promote illegal immigration by hiring them. It’s pretty straight forward.
  2. You just said it again in this response. That you understand why farmers break the law and hire illegals. They provide cheap labor. And that promotes illegal immigration. It’s not just farmers. Its any business owner or politician. Anyone who hires and profits off of illegals should pay the penalty. That means by votes or monetarily.
  3. And then cast their vote for the left. Democrats benefit from illegals and we are against it. But a farmer can benefit of them and it’s somehow looked over? They both are part of the problem.
  4. You said to not be harsh and vilify farmers who are hiring illegal aliens for cheap labor. So yes that is what you said. . You said that you are pro border control, but you understand farmers breaking the law and hiring illegals.
  5. I am against all forms of illegal immigration and anyone who hires and profits off it. Wether it be by money or votes.
  6. So you are pro border control and against illegal immigration, unless it's for cheap labor on farms?
  7. Jail all illegals and all farmers who hire them. That will solve the problem quick.
  8. Bingo! I'll also add on to something you left out. We can start trucking them into middle america towns for the farmers who hire them for cheap labor.
  9. Nobody cares about the elderly........ or maybe nobody knows who clint eastwood is anymore. Just did a quick search and in the last 20 years he has mostly produced and the movies he acted in, well I never heard of besides gran torino.
  10. Homemade pasta carbonara with guanciale and chicken parmigiana.
  11. Soppresatta. Seeded bastone. Kalamata olives.
  12. Powder Dreams and antipasto
  13. Central Waters Duncan Tastes exactly like a dunkaroo!!!
  14. Maybe you are right in some instances. Grouse said that he saw the same product marked up $12 from one store to the other. I’m sure both stores are buying from the same wholesaler. So that’s where my comment about price gouging came from. As far as why cant these stores make more of a profit? yeah that’s all on them. I just choose not to go back to any store that will double and triple their prices to the community. It’s their right to as business owners, but Im not supporting a local business that would do that. I guess if people see this as ok then thats your choice. If a community is keeping these places in business for years and then they want to double and triple their prices when the time comes. Well thats on them. I just dont like that. I dont think my sentiment is overly harsh. I love supporting local businesses and as I’ve gotten older I have come to realize the importance of them. Id rather spend a couple dollars more at the local gun shop, restaurant, deli, etc than get a better price at a box store. with that being said I draw the line at doubling your prices for a short term gain.
  15. Walmart is a mess. Everywhere is at this point. If you are a huge chain like walmart, dicks, etc have at it. But as far as I know, and what I remember from the last time the ammo craze happened, they didn't even raise their prices on a level like what you described. The small mom and pop shop that the surrounding community supports I have an issue with. They obviously were doing just fine selling ammo for $6. Probably haven't seem this much revenue ever. While the rest of the community might be hurting with job loss and lack of work with Covid, they are doing better than ever. There isn't even one gun store that can keep up with the demand. Maybe charge a dollar or two more and people would be just fine paying that. Me personally, I draw the line at trying to buttf*ck the very people who have given you your source of livelihood. The same people you probably grew up with and live next to.
  16. I was in Florida a month ago. Stopped by a pawn shop that said they had ammo. 7.62x39 Milsurp fmj was something like $35 for a 20 count. I laughed to myself and walked out.
  17. Was the small gun shop owner price gouging or was there some crazy new upcharge in his price? By the sounds of your own findings he was gouging American Patriots. If he was price gouging then let his azz lose your business for good. It bothers me that a mom and pop store would do that to people in their own community who support them. I stopped going to some shops because they were gouging last time this ammo shortage happened. It's interesting how we all criticize the left for creating this buzz, but some of "our own" have no issues taking advantage of people when they can.
  18. What the hell happened???
  19. How was the wicked hazy? I liked the sam new england but im not seeing that anymore. Maybe they replaced it with the wicked hazy? I thought it was decent for something I could grab at the supermarket.
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