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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. I was unaware of the vaccination rollout until I heard Deblasio and Molinaro start chirping at cuomo a couple weeks back. Each county has their distribution plan or whatever the correct term is for scenarios like this. They cited it similar to how we administer flu vaccines. Then right after they called out cuomo, he decided to defer to the localities. His ego seems to get in his way sometimes. If we are solely discussing the distribution rollout, it seems like Cuomo is lacking in that department. And having health officials resign over this really cements that.
  2. Yeah, so we agree that the whole parade he has been on is silly. We agree on almost everything you just wrote. Back to my original point. Do you disagree with my original statement? NY was the first state to get blasted with covid and other states had the opportunity to see what worked and didn't work before it spread to them. I'll use Florida and nursing homes for an example. They saw the disaster that unfolded here with nursing homes and they were able to not make the same mistake. I try not to get too caught up in the politics of it all. Its nonsense that people can trash the president for doing/ not doing certain things, but this was a brand new virus that nobody had a real clue about. The same is to be said about cuomo. I haven't voted for cuomo, but to say he knew all the right answers when this was here isn't fair either. If the virus wen to florida first who knows what it potentially could have looked like, while NY got to sit back and make decisions based off their failures. And the experts statement was about the vaccination distribution rollout. Not about how our health experts handled the virus since march. yes or no? I wrote a lot . sorry lol
  3. From what I’ve read, there has been resignations over the vaccine rollout. I could be wrong. The health officials resigned over the nursing home situations while they were happening? We are on the same page as cuomos faults Its silly how he gets to be paraded around Do you disagree with my original point tho? That ny was the first hit and made all there mistakes. And when other states got hit with their covid wave they were able to do things differently
  4. 100%. I would love to see everyone at the capitol building and the summer riots have charges pressed against them to the fullest.
  5. The cuomo victory lap is a joke. But to be fair..... NY was the test dummy. Other states saw what worked and didn't work here and then were able to do it differently. With that being said Cuomo shouldn't be totally vilified. He was taking the advice of professionals and making decisions based off that. Protocols changed as time went on. I dont think he should be totally crucified but I sure as heck dont think he should be touted as the guy who did it right either.
  6. Like grouse said. This kid is trouble. She deserved it all. They should have tased her to really send the message home.
  7. True patriots are not threatened by soy boys, antifa, snowflakes, beta cucks, or handcuffed girls......
  8. A trained adult in this situation is someone who has met all the standards to be a Rochester police officer. If you feel they had no other option but to pepper spray the girl while she was handcuffed in the back of the car then thats your position. Maybe you think that a handcuffed 9 year old is a serious threat.
  9. Based off the video do you think that could have handled it differently? Like maybe pulling her into the car a little more and closing the doors? Im just having a hard time understanding how trained adults can't get a little girl, who is already handcuffed, who was already in the back of the car, a little further into the car and then shut the door. Me and you could do this without any training and no pepper spray .
  10. So then what are you saying? Either you think it was justified or you dont? The cops felt it was justified, so that's why they did it. They upheld the law in their eyes. They just wanted to make it home to their families. I happen to feel that pepper spraying a handcuffed 9 year old girl is not warranted with 3 adults present. We are on a thread discussing if it was warranted or not.
  11. So your not in favor. Then we are on the same page. We agree to agree!
  12. It’s just comical. What a mental midget you have to be to take it to that level with a child.
  13. Not 100% sure their reaction. You are in favor of pepper spraying handcuffed little girls. Im not. We already agreed to disagree.
  14. Absolutely. If this was my kid, after I was done dealing with my child I would deal with the adult that pepper sprayed them. End of story.
  15. Adults do not stoop to the level of children. What kind of snowflake peppers sprays a kid who doesn't listen to them? Its absurd.
  16. Thats where I will disagree with you. I don’t think it was a no win situation. I’d like to believe that our LEO have some better tactics in between asking her to get her legs in the car and pepper spraying her. We can agree to disagree on that.
  17. Why would they have to manhandle a 9 year old handcuffed girl? That shouldn’t be the other option. We arent taking about a grown man. Like i said earlier. A 9 year old might not listen to you. But if 3 adult police officers can’t make a handcuffed little girl sit in the back of their car, then we have bigger problems. Id place every penny I have that me and you could put a handcuffed 9 year old girl in the back of a car with little to no resistance. “I dont wanna go. I want to... (SLAMMED DOOR)”.
  18. If a group of adults, let alone trained officers, can’t restrain a 9 year old physically they need to find a new line of work. I work with 9 year olds. They might not listen to all instructions but to think 3-4 adults couldn’t physically (legally) make them do what we wanted them to do while handcuffed is a joke.
  19. Grouse. I just want to thank you for saying the things that need to be said. So many of us feel silenced. Thank you for what you do. Don't let the naysayers and pc police stop you with their snowflake feelings and agenda. All I can say is , when will real patriots step out from behind their keyboard and really make a difference. It almost fees like you are the voice of HNY. Thank you again.
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