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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. I do find it funny how Cuomo went on a victory tour while Desantis was labeled a buffoon.
  2. This election wasn't the norm. Trump was so polarizing it made both sides come out even more. I voted for DT. But it’s not hard to see where he went wrong. All he needed to do was tone it down a little and i think he would have won easily. I don't understand how he couldn’t tweak himself to become more palatable to the public while still keeping his policies intact. You can be tough and still be likable
  3. But if he was a little nicer and pc that 75 million could have been 80 million. And he would have had 4 more years.
  4. True. But according to the meme generator it is verified lol
  5. A little off topic, but very relevant. What’s even more important is for patriots to donate their money to stossel tv. Otherwise without your donations who knows how long they can last. Stossel tv said they refuse to take a government loan that would have to be paid back and even grants, instead opting for donations from all patriots. I salute them for their stance. Why should they have to pay back money that they borrowed when hard working American Patriots can fund the cause. Im calling for all HNY Patriots to donate their hard earned dollars asap!! Otherwise like doubledose said, how long until they are removed.
  6. So the last time there was the big scare my friends and I were stocking up as much as we could. So long story short we took a trip out to Pennsylvania and went to Cabela’s. My friend picked up an ammo can of what he thought was 223. It was over $200. Cashier made sure to let us know that all ammo sales were final. He said ok. We walk out to the lot and he looks at it and its 50 cal. Lol. I had a pit in my stomach just thinking about spending that for something i had no use for. Anyways he kept it. And he doesnt have a 50 cal.
  7. Dont sell. Even if you make a few buck it’s probably not enough to make it worth it. Just put those under your bed and forget about them
  8. Interesting. I was on him unless something happened with my scope im not aware of. Ill give it a track in a little. In the meantime hopefully a deer decides to show up.
  9. Took a shot at a coyote. Im using a 30-06. It bolted off. Im assuming i missed but could a coyote take a shot from a 30-06 and run off?
  10. SJ. Ever since you made this comment I can’t help but notice this lol. I guess I never took notice of it because it always looked normal to me. Everywhere I drive locally I am amazed at all the boulders strewn about. Im in the Catskills right now and there isn’t a boulder in sight!!! Maybe it’s just where i hunt in the Catskills, but I cant stop thinking about it hahahah
  11. Lol. Well i had to explain to dog walkers that it’s hunting season and they cant let their dogs run off leash. Its a pain but part of hunting certain public lands. But theres a decent amount of public land available.
  12. Different monastery. 4s is loaded with does (where i hunt) yet dmps are extremely hard to come by.
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