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Everything posted by diplomat019

  1. Do you hunt 4s? I do majority of my hunting in 4s. I am fortunate to have private land access in Leeds. Not far from the Buddhist monastery.
  2. The layout is great. I scouted pre season and the spot sits on top of a bluff that gives 180 view. Ive taken deer out of this property years ago. Unfortunately due to covid this is the first time I’ve hunted it this year. Next time I’m there I got to take a pic of these rocks i saw. It was about 6 smaller rocks on top of a boulder. Possibly done by humans but if not it was pretty cool to see.
  3. Some watershed land near farmers mill rd. I passed lockwood on the way back and seen some cars there. He have any luck?
  4. 3N. First time back out since opening weekend. Didn't see anything. Woods were extremely quiet.
  5. I need to get on social media. I keep thinking about that toasted almond stout.
  6. @turkeyfeathers how did you set up your beer trade? Personal acquaintance or do you have a beer group?
  7. this is the exact reason im probably not going to hunt until sunday. im out of breath walking up the stairs sometimes. was thinking of going out today but im not pushing it
  8. I lost my taste yesterday. What a weird sensation. Did you lose taste?
  9. I NEED THIS!!!! How was it?????
  10. Fact: Only liberals care about the emmys and who gets them.
  11. I got the VID too. Me you and biz gtg?????
  12. HAHA. My weekend was as slow as I could remember.
  13. Looking for a 4s. I have a 3g, 3n and 4y to offer.
  14. Hunted 4s this weekend. I saw a small spike and kicked up a couple deer walking in for my afternoon hunt. Out of 5 guys we saw 5 deer all weekend. Slowest weekend I can remember.
  15. If you DO NOT get a vaccine immediately you are against trump. Plain as that. President Trump made this happen as quickly as he could in a safe manner. All patriots need to get vaccinated as soon as it comes out. Otherwise, if you do not want to get vaccinated you should be thanking cuomo for possibly halting it to ny.
  16. Lets say nys is split. Has anyone crunched the numbers. Would rochester, syracuse, buffalo, albany as well as the other counties who went blue be enough to carry the “new nys”. You could end up having two blue states. Can somebody get the numbers on this?
  17. Call dec and leave. If someone is that idiotic to climb in another persons stand who knows what else they will do.
  18. Make sure you are first in line to get the vaccine. Then tell us all how it plays out. I want to hear first hand experience before Me or my kids gets popped.
  19. Love this. Been begging upstate ny to get up and vote!!! Almost had a chance with astorino.
  20. I believe this only pertains to people not living in one household. Families of 10+ are good to go.
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