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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by nyantler

  1. I should be able to walk into camp soon, but driving materials in for some of the work that needs to be done will be a while yet.
  2. The truth is that there has always been an obsession with big bucks for most hunters... I don't know a single hunter that wouldn't love to kill a big buck... the fact that some of us have chosen to just hunt bigger bucks seems to be threatening to some hunters.. I started hunting big bucks nearly 20 years ago because the little guys just weren't challenge for me any more... It's not a trophy thing for me.. it's about keeping my hunting exciting and challenging... I have gone some years without a buck because of my pickyness, but that doesn't bother me... some of my most exciting hunts were ones where I never got a shot at the buck.. in fact my favorite hunting year ever was one where I was on a big buck nearly every day that I hunted... I passed on numerous small bucks saw many big bucks without getting an opportunity for a clear shot...I filled 2 does tags during late muzzleoader instead..but every time out was more exciting than the last.. thats what it's about for me.
  3. I don't care about a profitable program... I only care about whats best for both the deer and hunting... and that plan would be for hunters to educate themselves on whitetails and whitetail habitat and do the right thing in there area to ensure that the herd is healthy and the hunting is good... I don't need the DEC to tell me that... and I certainly don't need feeders to help me find bigger bucks.
  4. You really don't get me at all Rocket ..you need to read my posts better. You just don't like my opinions I guess... but not everyone is going to... I never make excuses for the way I hunt, and frankly I really don't care how anyone else hunts. I never complain or bitch about my hunting.. I never complain about seeing deer.. I never complain about seeing bucks.. I don't complain about the weather.. I don't complain about other hunters and it doesn't bother me to go without a buck... its not a contest for me... I just hunt.. thats what I do and thats what i enjoy... I just choose to hunt mature bucks... pretty simple... If that makes me a trophy hunter and an egotist then I guess I'm a trophy hunter with an ego... but still having a ball doing it. And I'm not sure what reputation you're talking about.. I haven't killed all that many bucks to make a reputation with...
  5. I am guilty of not carrying a med kit either... honestly I never think of it, but it really isn't a bad idea.
  6. Also, trail cam videos might even be a good idea as well if the video is good enough.. a short explaination of what is in the trail cam video would help viewers understand better what they are watching...thanks
  7. Hey guys.. I'm thinking of featuring a different NY hunting video on my sites home page on a regular basis.. I'm looking for videos.. I would prefer deer, turkey, coyote, and even bear... but any interesting hunt from NY might work as well. If you are interested in sending me a video for consideration you can email mail them to me. My email address is in my profile. youtube or mpeg video is preferred but I can accept .avi as well. Thanks in advance fellas
  8. Sam .. how many has the dog chalked up so far?
  9. Rocket.. you're like a broken record... OOPs you might be too young to know what a record is.
  10. No matter what you think.. passing on small bucks is better for the age structure of whitetail bucks.. whether hunters choose to do so is their choice... I'm ok with that... but when asked my opinion I would say that I would prefer that hunters pass on yearling bucks... but either way doesn't make any difference in my personal hunting experience and I certainly do not lose any sleep over it.
  11. not at all.. I still don't buy that people need to hunt to feed their family... and meat hunting has nothing to do with passing on small bucks.. other than an excuse that guys use to do so...If I gave you all my deer that I kill for your family I'm sure you would still shoot a small buck... so the truth is that you just want to be able to kill small bucks... thats honest and I respect that... but to say you don't pass on small bucks because you meat hunt is BS and not really the true reason guys don't pass on them.
  12. do they look like this?
  13. I am sure you are for them....if they would help you take a deer. I would hunt with a hammer if they'd let me
  14. Would you? Absolutely!! I'm not missing 2 weeks of deer hunting
  15. So if the majority wanted baiting legalized...you OK with that? How about poison pods? Or jacklighting? That's hardly a fair comparison... apples and oranges... crossbow is a legitimate means of fair chase the others are not.
  16. welcome aboard... all I can say is PASTA! or an Italian Grandmother... both help put on weight
  17. and even with all that said.. it's inclusion still would not hinder any other hunters bowhunting experience... uness like I said before.. you are losing sleep because of your so called "principle reasoning". I personally think that inline muzzleloading rifles are not in the same catagory as a primitive muzzleloader, but the fact that they are allowed during the special muzzleloader season has no impact on my hunting experience what so ever.. I will just choose not to use one.. without denying others their choice to use them. And I certainly won't waste my time losing sleep over it's inclusion.
  18. Catskill are those Turnips or beets
  19. So getting back to the crossbow issue... how many would use a crossbow if it was included in bowseason and how many would use one if it had it's own season... and how many will use it during the regular season?... I myself would probably only buy one if it had it's own season.
  20. I never said I thought it wasn't true.. just seems like if you are having the same trouble in 2 separate places.. your home and your camp..miles apart from one another... I might be able to offer one common denominator in the equation Yea...its her fault people trespass. Good call, Joe. : Wasn't even talking about the trespassing part.. mind you own business trouble maker
  21. I never said I thought it wasn't true.. just seems like if you are having the same trouble in 2 separate places.. your home and your camp..miles apart from one another... I might be able to offer one common denominator in the equation
  22. The gander mountain in cicero is the worst... nobody there is very helpful at all.
  23. I have a slightly different take on things.. if as a landowner I decide I want to place an AR on deer taken off my land.. that would be my right... those who hunted there prior to the AR would still be welcome to hunt there under the new rule... if they chooe to quit hunting instead that becomes their problem .. not the land owners.. If the other hunter truly like to hunt and want to hunt then they will learn to abide by the new rule...or YES they will have to find another place to hunt. But they are making that choice.
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